I was actually going to post a thread about this, but now I don't have to.
I am very afraid of driving. All the years I would have been getting used to the idea of driving and then practicing, I was secluded in my room.
My dad bugs me all the time about me not driving. I can do it well, but I don't feel comfortable at all. I can't imagine driving by myself. At least with someone else I can get positive affirmation on the things I am doing, or be told when I did something wrong. My dad taught me, but he makes me very nervous! I've driven on the main roads with lite traffic and did well. I practiced several times in a couple weeks and did well, but then I stopped and now when my dad asks if I will pull the car out of the driveway I won't even do that, because I don't feel prepared.
I sit in the car and it feels so foreign. I can't remember right away which is the gas and which is the brake. I feel like I am going to mess up, even if I never do. I don't feel comfortable, even though I can do it. I could probably go get my license, but I'm so afraid of driving with the instructor, plus I won't feel comfortable drivng alone, so I will never use it.
My dad doesn't understand why this is so hard for me. Although, he doesn't really understand any of my problems. He just harps on me because I don't have a job, and I can't drive. And awhile ago, we stopped insuring my car (that my dad bought me basically as motivation to get a license and job) because we can't afford it. So, now I can't even practice in the car I am most comfortable in, even if I wanted to.
Then, I feel bad about it too, because I want to be a productive adult, and I feel like I can't.
So, all in all, yes, I have a huge fear of driving!
And, I also feel a bit of lack of concentration, because I am so used to being the passenger and staring at the scenery. When I drive, I don't know where to fix my eyes, on the road directly in front of me, or do I look further ahead? Then my dad tells me I need to look around more. And that I should turn around in my seat when I reverse, but when I turn I can only see out of the side of my glasses and then I can't see anything. I am also constantly staring at the speedometer to make sure I am going the right speed. I don't know if I should constantly keep my foot on the gas or get to the speed limit, ease my foot off and put it back on the gas when I slow down. There are just so many things that worry me!