Does anyone here has a dysfunctional family

Well I do. Crazy grandma, an aunt who parties a lot, An uncle and aunt who never has any kids. Oh yeah my aunt got pregnant at age 16. My aunt is also the kind of lady who loves shopping, adores shows like Jersey Shore and the Kardashians
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Well-known member
Haha, sure!
I've got a racist/sexist/blind in both eyes but still drives his truck- grandfather, pill addicted grandmother,flamboyantly gay uncle, aunt who has been married 8 times, hoarder aunt, bullimic sister, hipster aunt who dresses like a 15 year old... the list goes on and on.

I never realized it was what a person would normally call 'dysfunctional' though-- I figured it was normal.
My family is filled with quirky people, people with problems-- but we're all people... more or less.


Well-known member
Yes and sadly I don't cross to their paths that much. I have relatives that might as well not be called my kin and I am ashamed to even be related to them.

I remember when I went to Georgia one summer ( where I am from ). I left my purse for a few minutes in the room I was staying in with my cousin and I come back I had alot of money missing. My own family. Oh they returned my money back to me.

They are hoodlums and act like they live in a 4th world country. I wouldn't mess with them they are jailbirds with no laws. You would not believe what these people do and have done. They are pure evil. This is on my father's father side btw. SO it's not my whole family.


Well-known member
I feel kind of bad posting this.
Simply because it feels like I'm bad mouthing them.

But yes,My answer to the title yes.
My mom is addicted to pain pills.
She nearly killed herself(Not on purpose) with them when I was younger...but she's chilled a little since then.

My dad is an Alcoholic.
I'm guessing it's from the deaths in his family.
His brother died in in war at 18,His sister was murdered,And his father died a few years ago.
I dread what he will be like when his mom dies.

Both of my older brothers are addicted to pills aswell.
The oldest one just really has anger issues besides that.

The younger one(but still older than me)
Is a complete and total drug addict and overall bad person.
He's what you hope you don't run into while walking home at night.
He's done pretty much everything you would imagine that that type of person does.
He's currently in prison.

And there's just never been that great of communication between any of us.
Thy're very loud.Always yelling at each other over stupid crap.
Always have ever since I was little.
My brothers have been in fist fights with my father multiple times.

And somehow.
Ive never touched drugs or alcohol and I avoid confrontation like a plague.
Things that they all seem to live on.
The hell happened? lol

So to sum it up.
Alcoholic father.
Pill head mother.
Pill head brother.
Scum of society brother
And then there's me.....the social retard who can barely even talk to another human being.

What a group of winners.
I feel kind of bad posting this.
Simply because it feels like I'm bad mouthing them.

But yes,My answer to the title yes.
My mom is addicted to pain pills.
She nearly killed herself(Not on purpose) with them when I was younger...but she's chilled a little since then.

My dad is an Alcoholic.
I'm guessing it's from the deaths in his family.
His brother died in in war at 18,His sister was murdered,And his father died a few years ago.
I dread what he will be like when his mom dies.

Both of my older brothers are addicted to pills aswell.
The oldest one just really has anger issues besides that.

The younger one(but still older than me)
Is a complete and total drug addict and overall bad person.
He's what you hope you don't run into while walking home at night.
He's done pretty much everything you would imagine that that type of person does.
He's currently in prison.

And there's just never been that great of communication between any of us.
Thy're very loud.Always yelling at each other over stupid crap.
Always have ever since I was little.
My brothers have been in fist fights with my father multiple times.

And somehow.
Ive never touched drugs or alcohol and I avoid confrontation like a plague.
Things that they all seem to live on.
The hell happened? lol

So to sum it up.
Alcoholic father.
Pill head mother.
Pill head brother.
Scum of society brother
And then there's me.....the social retard who can barely even talk to another human being.

What a group of winners.

My family (mom's side) never done any drugs. My family can get pissed out a lot and I can get angry too. Nobody's perfect but my family is messed up. I'm so sorry about your family :(


Well-known member
most everyone in my family would probably be considered "normal"

we just never functioned together as a family very well


Well-known member
I just have an autistic brother whose a year older than me. So my household wasn't considered normal. I couldn't bring any friends round.
My brother has severe autism. He's not able to speak any words or can acknowledge that I even exist. It's very stressful looking after him because he has lots of tempters and tried to break everything that he could get his hands on and it's impossible to take him out. At one point we all had enough and went' insane


Well-known member
Id say my family for the most part is functional more or less.,...

If my dad had stayed with my mother instead of divorcing her things would be very different now i think. SHe was a raging, bi-polar alchoholic who would never admit she ever had a proble, the world was against her, everything was always everyone elses fault, ect ect ect.

I know shes my mother, and i know i shuold have more respect, but to be blunt, leaving her was probably the best thing my father has ever done for me. That woman is pure poison. Shes also quite racist and isnt shy about it....

I know she hasnt changed because a few yrs ago i tried to re-initiate a relationship with her. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to be fair, hoping maybe she'd changed her heart a little...but alas, this wasnt the case. Its now been almost 8 yrs since we last spoke, i dont intend on seeing her again, and if i have children i want to protect them from her.

Sounds harsh, i know, but its what i feel is right. I wont ever bad talk her to them, but i feel its best.


Well-known member
No matter how strange or weird people are, you will always have more similarities with him/her than differences.


Well-known member
I have a homeless drug addict father

a germaphobe/OCD mother

My sister is trying to be a gangbanger

and of course theres awesome me.. im smart, friendly, and pretty dang cool :)


Well-known member
I feel kind of bad posting this.
Simply because it feels like I'm bad mouthing them.

But yes,My answer to the title yes.
My mom is addicted to pain pills.
She nearly killed herself(Not on purpose) with them when I was younger...but she's chilled a little since then.

My dad is an Alcoholic.
I'm guessing it's from the deaths in his family.
His brother died in in war at 18,His sister was murdered,And his father died a few years ago.
I dread what he will be like when his mom dies.

Both of my older brothers are addicted to pills aswell.
The oldest one just really has anger issues besides that.

The younger one(but still older than me)
Is a complete and total drug addict and overall bad person.
He's what you hope you don't run into while walking home at night.
He's done pretty much everything you would imagine that that type of person does.
He's currently in prison.

And there's just never been that great of communication between any of us.
Thy're very loud.Always yelling at each other over stupid crap.
Always have ever since I was little.
My brothers have been in fist fights with my father multiple times.

And somehow.
Ive never touched drugs or alcohol and I avoid confrontation like a plague.
Things that they all seem to live on.
The hell happened? lol

So to sum it up.
Alcoholic father.
Pill head mother.
Pill head brother.
Scum of society brother
And then there's me.....the social retard who can barely even talk to another human being.

What a group of winners.

your brothers should hang with my sister... i bet they would get along lol :D


Well-known member
Lots of depressing posts here.

I would say my family is mostly functional, but mum has driven a wedge in there. She's agoraphobic and a problem gambler. Both of those issues have gotten better, but growing up they were massive problems. She's quite negative and uses guilt trips all the time. My dad should've divorced her after repeat offences at the pokies but stuck with her. She doesn't talk much to her family so I don't know a lot of my aunts, uncles, or cousins very well.

My father and brother are relatively normal.

The real odd one out in this family is me. ::(:


Well-known member
My family (mom's side) never done any drugs. My family can get pissed out a lot and I can get angry too. Nobody's perfect but my family is messed up. I'm so sorry about your family :(
Thank you.
Me too.;)

your brothers should hang with my sister... i bet they would get along lol :D
lol ::p:
The 2nd brother that I mentioned is completely into the gangster thing.
He had "thuglife" tattooed really big on his arm for a long time.
My parents made him get it covered up before he went to prison(which is where he got it in the first place) though.heh


Well-known member
Aye... just commented about my family in another thread. I'll forgo the copy-paste.

The gist of it is I was born into a drug-addicted family. The whole lot, father, mother, brother (though for all his faults, he's still a rare goodness in an otherwise ****ed up situation). I was born to be a failure, though I'm doing my damndest to kick destiny's ass. If nothing else, at least I know how to fight.


Well-known member
well my sister is similar to me in quite a few ways, we barely talk now. my dad always lies and brakes promises, and he hasnt spoken to my sister in about 5 years now. my mum goes to work then comes home and spends remainder of her time on the sofa then moaning because i wont be her slave. 2 uncles that are both nearly 50 and still living with there mum, one is an alcoholic and the other dosent do anything to help my nana even tho she is 84 and alone. my cousin got pregnant at 14 and stays with this idiot who beats her and wont let her outside during the evening, my auntie is always violent, partying and doing drugs. and my other grandad is a racist pig who dosent care who he in insults and will do it infront of anyone, oh and he drives like a maniac specially when he sees a speed bump.

overall ild say the most normal one in our family is my dog and she licks her own bum


Well-known member
My parents aren't bad people, but I can barely stand to be around them, especially when it's both of them at the same time! My dad has anger management issues, and was verbally abusive to my mother, especially, growing up. He's tried to improve, but honestly, it's hard to forgive what he's done in the past. My mother is obsessed with being "right" all the time, to the point of where I just don't like talking to her sometimes because I get sick of being corrected about everything! I suppose this pales in comparison to other people's families, but I do sometimes wish I had one of those "fun" families that gets along well and enjoys each other's company!


Well-known member
i think nearly every person has his problems with his family, there are many diferent, problems of being ashamed of your family, problems of not having money, father are alcoholics or drug addicts, treat the children bad, other father and mothers who overprotect their kids. at the end for each kid, it will be THEIR problem and he has to deal with it.
i sometimes think about these situations, and in my mind a person who for example never knew his mother, has it easier than a child with SA and can't find emotional connection with his father.


Well-known member
I thought my family was pretty dysfuncational but now I've seen a lot worse so I don't think it's as bad as I thought. My fam does have some problems though, we're all scared of closeness and emotions so we're scared to hug eachother or see eachother cry or be scared. Also my mother is very self absorbed (i'm not saying it's a bad thing) but her mind is unable to stop thinking about herself in the sense that she will talk about herself outloud all day, and if you say something about yourself, or anything else really, she will only goes as far to start another story about herself, she's very depressed so most of her stories are basically complaints or her problems, so if I start a conversation with her she ends up talking about her problems for 2-3 hours in a kind of tunnel vision where she doesn't really hear anything I say, or for instance if somebody is crying she will make it her problem. I sometimes feel like her counselor or her parent, but heck i've tried and I know it's more part of her mental illness than who she really is, not able to break thorugh. I hold a bit of resentment for that but I hope i can let go of it. My sister has totally cut herself off from my mother for this reason
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