Id say my family for the most part is functional more or less.,...
If my dad had stayed with my mother instead of divorcing her things would be very different now i think. SHe was a raging, bi-polar alchoholic who would never admit she ever had a proble, the world was against her, everything was always everyone elses fault, ect ect ect.
I know shes my mother, and i know i shuold have more respect, but to be blunt, leaving her was probably the best thing my father has ever done for me. That woman is pure poison. Shes also quite racist and isnt shy about it....
I know she hasnt changed because a few yrs ago i tried to re-initiate a relationship with her. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to be fair, hoping maybe she'd changed her heart a little...but alas, this wasnt the case. Its now been almost 8 yrs since we last spoke, i dont intend on seeing her again, and if i have children i want to protect them from her.
Sounds harsh, i know, but its what i feel is right. I wont ever bad talk her to them, but i feel its best.