Do you LIKE being shy?


Well-known member
I hate being shy it is the worst feeling ever I feel like I am one of the only people around who is shy.


Well-known member
I hate being shy...
I hate the fact that i cant walk up to people and ask a question
And the fact that i cant stand to watch myself on TV *for school projects and stuff*
and how unassertive i am, and my talking skills suck... i think back at my conversation and get all worried about how dull and boring they are... and the stupid things i say


Well-known member
I don't like it much; there are times when I'm constantly bitching about it. Then I'll try to change myself.

But then when I try to change myself, I get uncomfortable because I'm so used to being my shy, introverted, avoidant self, and it seems like I avoid more problems by being that way. =/


Well-known member
I did not choose shyness, it has chosen me. I think shy people have a very delicate nervous system, and are extra sensitive to stimuli etc. The only thing you can do is to accept it. Sadly, you will have a mucher lower quality of life compared to most people, but there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Don't believe people who tell you that you will "overcome" it. You will only get hurt when you realize that it's just the way you are.
Ofcourse i hate being shy. It's eating my life... I was shy all my life, so i am starting to think like Argamemnon. Sadly there's a lot of true in your words... Trying to overcome it for about a year, nothing's getting better...


Well-known member
Ofcourse i hate being shy. It's eating my life... I was shy all my life, so i am starting to think like Argamemnon. Sadly there's a lot of true in your words... Trying to overcome it for about a year, nothing's getting better...
It is impossible to overcome for me, but that doesn't mean that it's like that for everyone. I'm an extreme case. Seriously, if you've never had a girlfriend at age 32, and don't even have any friends, then it's very obvious that there is no hope at all.


Well-known member
I hate my lack of self-confidence and the anguish it gives me when I need to stand up to people. I hate that I turn into a mumbling wreck when I'm nervous, and the way that people stare at me when I do that. On the other hand, I really don't want to be a loud, assertive, partying, talkative person. I just want to be myself, but quietly confident.


Well-known member
No I don't like it at all, the only time I am not shy is when I drink and I hate it.

Ugh, I just wish I didn't have to have this constant feeling of blows.
Sunrise on the Sufferbus

I don't like being shy, but I like being weird... I know that sounds strange, probably because it is, but whatever. I'd go out of my way to be different from someone else. Shyness though, hmm I don't know. It kind of isolates me from the world and makes everything seem so secretive and mysterious. Then again, that is exactly what I am. I don't think it's somethimg that can just go away, because I don't know what happens if it doesn't exist. Maybe I just see it differently than most people on here...


Well-known member
Being shy is very frustrating. Sometimes i think of something to say and it will be on the tip of my tongue but i chicken out of saying it incase people think negatively of me.

On the whole though i think that people prefer a shy person to a loud mouthed arrogant person. I always view shy people as modest people and that is good.

The only time shyness is a handicap, is when it stops the person from voicing his/her opinion, and stops the person from being assertive.


Well-known member
I hate being shy and I hate being so incredibly introverted. I hate my social anxiety, and I hate my depression.


Well-known member
I think to some extent that this all is part of my personality and what makes me me. I cling to my individuality. I just would like to feel less stress over things I know should not be causing it and also I wish that the world was less cruel in general.