Do you LIKE being shy?


Well-known member
I like being introverted.

I hate having so much social anxiety.

They are not one and the same.

That's probably a good way of summing up my feelings on this too. I like being quiet and mysterious (although sometimes I'd like to be more mysterious to be honest), but underlying anxiety and a lack of confidence are ruining my life.


Well-known member
I hate being shy. In fact I do envy those who can make friends and ask girls out on dates all the time. I know this one guy, who is as smooth as silk. He could get a date every day if he wanted to, and he kind of treated the girls like dirt. He would ignore them, play childish games with them. Like taking a ice cube out of his drink and dropping it down their shirt or their pants... And yet the girls all wanted him... It's amazing, because I wouldn't like that done to me....


Only a few times has it actually helped me by keeping out of some bad situations, but overall like everyone else here I'd rather get rid of it ::p:


Well-known member
Like taking a ice cube out of his drink and dropping it down their shirt or their pants... And yet the girls all wanted him... It's amazing, because I wouldn't like that done to me....
Well, people like attention. However, are you sure that they wanted him romantically? I have had a similar impression of a male classmate of mine. It turned out though, that the girls never let him get any closer to them, and that all the effort he had put into entertaining the girls had been without avail.


Well-known member
Well, people like attention. However, are you sure that they wanted him romantically? I have had a similar impression of a male classmate of mine. It turned out though, that the girls never let him get any closer to them, and that all the effort he had put into entertaining the girls had been without avail.

You might be correct... When guys start to boast about their conquests the following evening, who knows if he is telling the truth or not... All I know is that he has a different girl in his arms allot. They kiss and do all that touchy feely stuff in public, so I would assume he is telling me the truth. But you know what happens when you assume..... :D


Well-known member
Life would be so much easier if I could just speak to people and have an actual converstation with them. If I could I may actually make something of my life.


Active member
I've heard you only live once, and if that is true: life is so unfair. :(

I don't like my shyness very much, nor have I met anyone that say they like me in particular because of my shyness. (But as a side note I haven't heard anyone say they don't like me because of my shyness; nor any actions that would imply just that. Unless being ignored is one of them).

I have, however, heard of people who like me for being so easy to talk to (note: talk TO not WITH), and hang around with. Like they feel relaxed in a way. But it's all drunk talking, you never know if it's true or not.


Well-known member
What i don't like is my anxiety.I don't mind being a bit shy.I can never imagine myself being the 'life of the party'.Even without SA i would still be quiet but i would take moreopportunities that show up