I think for me I feel like, once people see the real me, with all my issues and weaknesses exposed, they won't like me. I feel like society pressures me to be a certain type of person, to live up to a certain standard, to dress and look and behave a certain way, because those that don't conform get mocked. But when a person finds out how weak I feel inside sometimes. That I'm not the strong confident man I'm supposed to be. When they find out how weird and cowardly I am in social situations, or how my thinking has led me to view the world quite cynically and unromantically. I'm just convinced they'll run a mile. I used to be quite proud of my thoughtfulness and sensitivity. I used to feel they were attractive parts of who I am. But I think as the years roll by and you seem to get more negative feedback than positive it just makes me doubt my worth and attractiveness.