Occasionaly I do.
Sometimes there's a train of thoughts and insecurities and accompanying emotions overwhelming me, many sentiments that have been voiced here befall me ("I failed" "I wasted time" "My future is bleak" "what must others think of me" etc.) Most of these things, however are a FICTION, they are not an absolute truth. There are many versions of the truth, and most of it is a matter of opinion. In short, these things only live in the mind, in thinking, and these thoughts, which repeat endlessly and are entire useless can seriously be detrimental to your life.
In such a moment it's good to step out of thinking a bit. Meditation, just letting things be, and to feel alive and complete. Also letting go of any ambition or wants/needs/should haves. Just to be entirely in the moment. Then there will be some much needed calmth and space to bring about positive action.