Do you ever avoid men or women you like?


Well-known member
I'm pretty hopeless whenever I start liking a guy. I'll just observe him from the shadows but never make a move unless I really want to.

Recently I started crushing on this really attractive guy in my Creative Writing class who sits right in front of me. He's really sweet and he's shy too from what I've observed, and I practically spend the whole period just staring at the back of his head and thinking to myself how soft, smooth, and silky his semi-long black hair looks and how I want to run my fingers through it. I know that sounds very stalkerish considering I know every single detail about his hair but I just can't help myself ::eek::::eek::

Anywhooo, the other day I was performing my everyday ritual of staring at the back of his head and all of a sudden he bends his arms and torso backwards to stretch and our eyes met, which was very awkward because his face was upside down from stretching and all I could do was stare back. I could totally feel my face burning up and I desperately wanted to turn away and focus on my work but it was like his blue eyes were magnets and I couldn't look away!! The worst part was knowing that he could see me blushing...

We stared at each other for a bit until I smiled shyly and he actually smiled back!! It was godly... LOL!! Sorry, I get so flustered just typing this nonsense down xD

Tomorrow we're doing an activity in that class in groups of two and I'm going to try and ask him to be my partner (since we don't know anyone in that class). I hope it goes well D:
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Yes I do, because I’m terrified of being rejected, and then having to wallow in myself pity for days on end, replaying over and over what went wrong.


Well-known member
I feel sorry for you then Kiwong.

I am very kind to him and he is very kind to me. Wether or not he or any of you take a chance with a goos woman is on you..its your life! I will be fine, i have men showing interest in me without ever really trying (got asked out last week actually) so i will go on wether or not he and i ever become more.

He is 40 now so i hope he can someday let someone in.

I don't not need your sympathy,TooShyShy, it is unwelcome.
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Well-known member

Good for you! Always take a chance when an opportunity presents itself.

I hope it all works out...please keep us posted:D


Well-known member

How do you know EVERY girl you meet will reject you? You have to give someone a chance or you will never can they prove you wrong if you don't let them get close to you:)

How do you know EVERY girl you meet will reject you? You have to give someone a chance or you will never can they prove you wrong if you don't let them get close to you:)

Therein lies the problem of conflict. I like to think we all know not everyone will reject. That makes logical sense. It is the battle with the emotional attachment of fear we have with rejection. It is strong. We don't know who will reject. I don't know.

Please excuse the interruption. I do realize you were speaking with lioliber.


Well-known member
Therein lies the problem of conflict. I like to think we all know not everyone will reject. That makes logical sense. It is the battle with the emotional attachment of fear we have with rejection. It is strong. We don't know who will reject. I don't know.

Its kinda like lighting a small cheap firecracker. You know one is going to explode in your hand. Its the fear of the imagined real pain that makes you not want to light it.

Go ahead light it. Can we watch and see if you will get hand blown off?


Well-known member
Therein lies the problem of conflict. I like to think we all know not everyone will reject. That makes logical sense. It is the battle with the emotional attachment of fear we have with rejection. It is strong. We don't know who will reject. I don't know.

Nobody knows until we decide to give it a try. It is very frustrating (for me at least) to want something and not being able to go after it. So I won't try because I am scared to be rejected which would result in a negative thing. But by keeping it to myself it is certain that it won't happen and will definitely result in a negative thing. Conflict.


Well-known member
Therein lies the problem of conflict. I like to think we all know not everyone will reject. That makes logical sense. It is the battle with the emotional attachment of fear we have with rejection. It is strong. We don't know who will reject. I don't know.

Its kinda like lighting a small cheap firecracker. You know one is going to explode in your hand. Its the fear of the imagined real pain that makes you not want to light it.

Go ahead light it. Can we watch and see if you will get hand blown off?

Nobody knows until we decide to give it a try. It is very frustrating (for me at least) to want something and not being able to go after it. So I won't try because I am scared to be rejected which would result in a negative thing. But by keeping it to myself it is certain that it won't happen and will definitely result in a negative thing. Conflict.

yes - we allow ourselves to think too much

we must try, instead, to

still the mind
be in the moment
trust our instincts
act without thinking

if we do nothing, we definitely lose
if we do something - anything - we might win
Its kinda like lighting a small cheap firecracker. You know one is going to explode in your hand. Its the fear of the imagined real pain that makes you not want to light it.

Go ahead light it. Can we watch and see if you will get hand blown off?

Would rather blow my hand off then experience the pain of emotion. Sorry, sounds mean.

Know how strong it is. Know thoughts it injects into the mind. Physical pain, nothing. Emotional pain, I'm sure we've all been I don't need to describe.
yes - we allow ourselves to think too much

we must try, instead, to

still the mind
be in the moment
trust our instincts
act without thinking

if we do nothing, we definitely lose
if we do something - anything - we might win

It is all true. What you say. Think too much, especially.

What I understand you to be saying is to trust the gut feelings. Or emotion. Thinking why on earth would we/I allow that? This far, emotions of have done nothing to further advance social ability.


Well-known member
Would rather blow my hand off then experience the pain of emotion. Sorry, sounds mean.

Know how strong it is. Know thoughts it injects into the mind. Physical pain, nothing. Emotional pain, I'm sure we've all been I don't need to describe.

Yeah. It hurts. Again and again it does. I where my heart on my sleeve way to often and there is plenty of wicked embarrassment behind me. However, for me I cannot stand being alone. That hurts me much more. So the embarrassment is the price to pay. I will go to any lengths not to be alone. Well, not any lengths.

That reminded me of this girl I liked years ago. I kept coming to where she worked spending all my money before I could say anything romantic to her. After a while she got the impression that I was a crazed stalker. I ended up being completely embarrassed in public. Twice by that bitch! It was terribly embarrassed but the effort was a learning experience.

Hmmm... I cant quite think of what the lesson was...
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