Do you ever avoid men or women you like?


Well-known member
The more I'm attracted to someone, the harder it is to be around them. It's hard enough to be around people in general, but when it comes to being around people I'm attracted to, it's a zillion times worse.


Well-known member
So, what is it you experience if you don't mind me asking???

What runs through your mind exactly? What if you knew she liked you..better or worse..more pressure???

Do you become physically ill as well? I know it can be s worse as you get older..late 20's & 30's???


Well-known member
:( i still don't get the avoidence..i get the being nervous part (i do get that way too) but why avoid them if you really like them..i actually want to see the one i want all the time??? I only do that when i am mad and can't take the roller coaster ride anymore..then i ignore them bcuz i'm so hurt..and exhausted by it all!!!!!


Well-known member
What about the girl that's in her late 20's or early 30's thats convinced the guy she likes -who's in his mid to late 30's- is just too scared to let her know how he feels? At what point does it become rediculous for her to continue to believe with all her heart that he's into her after she's given him all the GO signs (such as cards, small gifts, encouraging smiles) but the relationship has stayed the same for many months... just coworkers ?


Well-known member
Wow i've only had somebody interested in me once and it only lasted 1 day. They got over me as soon as they met me! Ha! Well we were very different people...
It's hard enough to find a lesbian, let alone a lesbian my age, let alone a lesbian around my age who's interested in LIFE rather than teenage life, let alone a single lesbian, let alone a single lesbian who is interested in me, and then lastly a single lesbian who is interested in me who is able to MEET me and still like me.

Doesn'tmatter much because I dont' want any of that. But yes, I do get extremely nervous, I think it's natural, I think everybody does, it's part of the 'fun' in relationships... in others' eyes at least


Well-known member
EscapeArtist- sounds like you make up a lot of reasons why you can't meet someone....just sayin... lots of excuses going on w/your post.


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hahah! Glad I could be of some insight! Keep laughing, too! I'm sure that will help your plight.
I only time I have trouble making eye contact or avoiding it, is when I am around a guy I like.
I feel that if he gets a chance to look into my eyes for too long, he will be able to read that I like him!:rolleyes::D


Well-known member what if she/he can tell you them or want to be with her/him?

Your behavior usually gives it away immediately..serously, if you have the same feelings for each other, respect for one another and a mutual physical attraction..what's stopping you???? You have to know that if the love shy person is staring at you all the time and walking by with their head down **sighing** and saying ''hello'' everyday even if they are struggling with it each day it means something..especially if the girl sticks around waiting for something to change.

You obviously care because your struggling to be out of your comfort zone to be around her when you dont need to be..correct?

My question is if the girl is giving that back to you and letting you know she cares (in a card, note or through a friend) why is that not enough for you to TRY with her?
Asking an Avoidance if he avoids? Is that not similar to asking if water is wet?
Yes, avoid. Heart attacks head, nothing will form from that.


Well-known member
Heart attacks head

Where do you think that comes from? Why do you think this happens with a person you are attracted to only? I'd think knowing the person is interested (seeing the signs) would make it that true?
Heart attacks head

Where do you think that comes from? Why do you think this happens with a person you are attracted to only? I'd think knowing the person is interested (seeing the signs) would make it that true?

It comes from being me. It doesn't just happen to attraction, but it is worse. Seeing what signs? Interested, easier? :confused:

All mindful messages are gone. All sense of what is reason makes no sense. That with the constant knocking in the head. Really, not much of a sociable person in that state. Edge of migraine territory.

Never passing introduction, known.


Well-known member
I'll be honest, I avoid ALL people, especially women, whether I am attracted to them or not. I don't trust women with my feelings.

Physical attraction just means I have the hots for them, not that I care about them. If I've never spoken to someone, that doesn't mean I have the same feelings for them or care about them.

Tooshyshy, go on and give this man you have a crush on a card or note, and see what happens. If you think he is worth the risk go on and do it. If you can accept that he may not reciprocate your interest, or may even reject you, but enver explain the reasons why. He could be unkind, he could avoid you, his friends might find out and gossip about you, he might not even respond to your note. That is the risk YOU take.

In my experience women can be very unkind in the way they reject men. And I have never met a woman who is worth taking that kind of a risk for.


Well-known member
I feel sorry for you then Kiwong.

I am very kind to him and he is very kind to me. Wether or not he or any of you take a chance with a goos woman is on you..its your life! I will be fine, i have men showing interest in me without ever really trying (got asked out last week actually) so i will go on wether or not he and i ever become more.

He is 40 now so i hope he can someday let someone in.
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Well-known member
Sial Axetder...

What i mean by signals is does she talk to you, look at you alot..give or make you things? Does she try to include you in anything going on in her life and/or work related things possibly? There are many signs..very simple, basic ones.
Sial Axetder...

What i mean by signals is does she talk to you, look at you alot..give or make you things? Does she try to include you in anything going on in her life and/or work related things possibly? There are many signs..very simple, basic ones.

Misunderstood. Apologies. There is no one. Never pass introduction. I should say, never bother - outcome is known. Don't like knocking in my head so no further forward motion.

Perhaps once past introduction, to which I deem impossible for me, signs are easy.

I avoid, others avoid. I am a tanker in the ocean. Not unseen. Its coarse is straight. Its determination not known. Flows around.

Normally not so personal with internal. Attempting to break internal ice. Going well it is not.