There is no evidence only dogma.
The only evidence is subjective evidence in a case like this. In other words, I agree. I for one have experienced meaningful coincidences as well as an experience where I felt as if I were dying and communicating with another realm from which I experienced great peace, and great terror because of it. That experience is actually what brought me to this site if I'm not mistaken, which I easily could be, but it was about a year ago. Others may have a different idea of what those things mean, even if I explain them in complete detail people will have different interpretations. There was something more to those coincidences than met the eye for me, but I could never put that feeling into words. And others have every right to be skeptical because of that.
Anyways, I've changed my mind several times over since then, and before then, as to whether there is a God or not. I find myself thanking God sometimes before I even realize what I'm doing, but I don't believe there is truly a way to know for sure. Even if there was a God it could just be a being more powerful than us, not an all powerful being. Or perhaps "nothingness" is God if something can truly be created out of nothing. Perhaps "I am God" as some eastern religions teach. Perhaps being fully aware of the moment in peace is being with God. No one can say for sure.
I wish my thoughts on this were more organized because this is really a central question in my life right now. I'm really good at thinking of things as general concepts in my head, but not at getting those concepts out of my head.
One thing is for sure, I believe there is more to life and death than just the physical, even if that just ends up being the subconscious. I also don't believe in any one true religion or any one true interpretation of God from those religions. But any true religion has some element of truth to it.
I believe life should be spent in the moment and fully experienced to the best of one's ability. You can't know more than what you experience. Life can be good and bad and there may or may not be a reason for it, but no matter what you are always growing, so pay attention and try to learn from what comes your way.