Do you believe in God?

I'm surprised at the amount of atheists/agnostics on here. We are a very realistic bunch. Or is it because we are all from different countries? When I try to explain to my mom that there are some countries where atheists outnumber Christians she doesn't believe me. She thinks everywhere is as religious as America.

I'm delighted that atheists/agnostics are coming out of the woodwork and are confident in their beliefs. Awesome.

Oh yeah, America is actually a pretty religious country compared to the rest of the world. According to most stats, Sweden is the most non-religious country in the world. I'd like to visit one day.
It also seems where you grow up plays a big part (sans any upbringing). Those born in the country are more likely to be religious as opposed to those who grow up in a large city. I think it's just a diversity factor. The more you get to know all different kinds of people and lifestyles, the easier it will be to lose your religion. (Possibly)
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I think what also gets me is people who have scientific backgrounds, like medical doctors...with all of their scientific knowledge, common sense, and critical thinking can they still believe? I work with doctors that are overly religious and it blows me away.

Yeah that's a bit baffling to me as well. Not sure about that.
Well, I also grew up in Texas, but in Dallas so I've been surrounded by diversity growing up. My dad however who lives in butt-**** egypt (llano) a small town in the center of texas, grew up being a redneck religious nut. I still love him because he's a good guy, but we're insanely different people.
What part of Texas did you grow up?


Well-known member
Yeah, that makes sense, probably one of the reasons the south is so religious. My mom shoved religion down my throat so hard growing up. (I was born in Texas) But it backfired on her...she's got an atheist daughter and a Buddhist son. I just remember sitting in church thinking, "people believe this crap!?"

I like asking her how she's gonna enjoy heaven when neither of her kids are going to be there and even furthermore according to her religion we will be burning in hell.

I think what also gets me is people who have scientific backgrounds, like medical doctors...with all of their scientific knowledge, common sense, and critical thinking can they still believe? I work with doctors that are overly religious and it blows me away.

Scientists have found critical thinking and intelligence don't correlate necessarily. Newton wss a genius, but he still spent a lot of his time predicting the date the Bible says the world would end. People also place religion in a special hands off category in their minds. So you may be a great critical thinker, but you never turn those skills on your religion.


Well-known member
i actually do believe...for once in my life i've com to realize he's real.
now for THE BIBLE , i dont totally agree with. but to each there own.
this is how i see it, if i walk through this life being sad, and having SAD, and dwelling on SAD. and always thinkning to myself, this life is pointless sense i'm just going to be lying in the dirt when i die.....what's the fun in that? i'd rather believe that there's something much greater than this life ahead of me, why risk maybe not being able to meet God one day? i have a lot of questions for him if i ever do get to meet him.
and if he exsist then the Devil must too right? so it says that if you dont believe then you go to hell right? well if that's true, then just because i dont believe isn't going to save me from going to hell.....why risk it?
so anyways i dont want to preach or nothing, like i said i used to not believe. everyone has thier own ways of thinkning, this is just mine.
i also want to add that my new found belief has greatly improved my SA.i think once i have that mind set of just letting my worry go to God, i get through my days much better now.
now even if he isnt real, still thinkning this way is worth my opinion.


i actually do believe...for once in my life i've com to realize he's real.
now for THE BIBLE , i dont totally agree with. but to each there own.
this is how i see it, if i walk through this life being sad, and having SAD, and dwelling on SAD. and always thinkning to myself, this life is pointless sense i'm just going to be lying in the dirt when i die.....what's the fun in that? i'd rather believe that there's something much greater than this life ahead of me, why risk maybe not being able to meet God one day? i have a lot of questions for him if i ever do get to meet him.
and if he exsist then the Devil must too right? so it says that if you dont believe then you go to hell right? well if that's true, then just because i dont believe isn't going to save me from going to hell.....why risk it?
so anyways i dont want to preach or nothing, like i said i used to not believe. everyone has thier own ways of thinkning, this is just mine.
i also want to add that my new found belief has greatly improved my SA.i think once i have that mind set of just letting my worry go to God, i get through my days much better now.
now even if he isnt real, still thinkning this way is worth my opinion.

a non-believer worrying about hell is a contradiction...

what i mean is that anyone who is worried about it has to believe in it, and anyone who doesn't believe in it wouldn't worry about it at all.

someone confirm that makes sense please? :rolleyes:


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
a non-believer worrying about hell is a contradiction...

what i mean is that anyone who is worried about it has to believe in it, and anyone who doesn't believe in it wouldn't worry about it at all.

someone confirm that makes sense please? :rolleyes:
I will confirm that if believing has improved her quality of life, it seems kind of mean to poke holes in her reasoning.

She is asking questions and seems to be putting forth an argument, but I don't really think she wants a debate.


Well-known member
I don't think little of religious folks. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

While your story is sweet, meeting your husband is not miraculous in any way. If it were, there would be hundreds of miracles everyday since hundreds of people get married everyday.

Miracles would be something that defies physics, like pigs flying or something. Show me that and i will believe in a supernatural being.

AND please don't think that i am being rude to you. I am just stating mu opinion.

I certainly do not think you are being rude! That was very nicely said, thank you. It seems to be such a rare thing that people can disagree about God in a civilized manner. It is so good to be able to discuss the issues without being insulted.

I'll tell you why it's frustrating to talk about miracles. Miracles seem to be a catch-22. People say they want to see miracles, but then they're not open to believing them if they happen. If something happens that doesn't defy physics or the laws of nature, then people say it does not qualify as a miracle. But if something happens that does defy physics and the laws of nature, people don't believe it. You said you would consider pigs flying to be a miracle, but honestly, if I said I had seen pigs fly, would you believe me? Wouldn't you think I was either lying or delusional?

Many miracles have been recorded throughout history, but instead of believing them, people decide they are either outright lies or the product of delusions - even when there is supporting evidence. Scientists have been studying the Shroud of Turin for years and are still baffled by it. They haven't found a satisfactory natural explanation for it. It certainly seems to be supporting evidence for the resurrection of Christ, but those who don't want to believe that, simply say, "Well, there must be an explanation that scientists haven't discovered yet." That's why it's nearly impossible to convince someone of miracles who has already decided that they don't happen. People can always assume that science will find a natural explanation "someday."

Do you at least understand why this is frustrating, from my point of view?


Well-known member
a non-believer worrying about hell is a contradiction...

what i mean is that anyone who is worried about it has to believe in it, and anyone who doesn't believe in it wouldn't worry about it at all.

someone confirm that makes sense please? :rolleyes:

I confirm that this makes sense.


Well-known member
Do you think that God exists? If you do think he exists, do you think he can help you with your SA?

yes I believe that god exists, and yes I believe he can help greatly with all of our battles, including SA. The main way I've found God has helped me is to give perspective. Rather than remove my problems in life I've always felt that God would rather I learn and grow from them and to trust that he has a greater purpose for the pain that I'm experiencing, an ultimately good purpose. Seeing life from Gods perspective helps me to endure a lot more than I think I could if I saw things from a purely selfish perspective.

p.s. as there seem to be a lot of non-believers on this site, [plus the general myth that religious people are all idiots!] I should mention that I'm happy to back up my beliefs in God. My core reasons for believing that God exists are;

1. The Cosmological Argument
2. The Teleological Argument
3. The Moral Argument
4. The Prophetic Evidence
5. My own Experiential Evidence

plus many other reasons [arguments from beauty/desire/conscience, plus other biblical evidences]. If anyone would like to talk more feel free to PM me.
One time a friend of mine said "We're going to the creationist museum to laugh at all the fundies! You should come!" And I turned him down saying "I really don't care what other people believe as long as they're happy and they don't try to push it on me."

When it comes to the existence of a God, I'm what you'd call an "Apatheist". I take the Don't know, don't care position.


Well-known member
yes I believe that god exists, and yes I believe he can help greatly with all of our battles, including SA. The main way I've found God has helped me is to give perspective. Rather than remove my problems in life I've always felt that God would rather I learn and grow from them and to trust that he has a greater purpose for the pain that I'm experiencing, an ultimately good purpose. Seeing life from Gods perspective helps me to endure a lot more than I think I could if I saw things from a purely selfish perspective.

p.s. as there seem to be a lot of non-believers on this site, [plus the general myth that religious people are all idiots!] I should mention that I'm happy to back up my beliefs in God. My core reasons for believing that God exists are;

1. The Cosmological Argument
2. The Teleological Argument
3. The Moral Argument
4. The Prophetic Evidence
5. My own Experiential Evidence

plus many other reasons [arguments from beauty/desire/conscience, plus other biblical evidences]. If anyone would like to talk more feel free to PM me.

Would you like to expand on those reasons?
I wont debate you,I just would like to know more and how does God links with those arguments,like how do we know that God did it.


Well-known member
Isn't the point with God the fact that you shouldn't be looking for a proof?

I'm atheist but... just saying

Well he did say:

I should mention that I'm happy to back up my beliefs in God. My core reasons for believing that God exists are;
So I want to know if there is any way we can know or any reasoning that tells that God did those things or its just another you have to have faith or we cant explain therefore he did it.


not actually Fiona Apple
a non-believer worrying about hell is a contradiction...

what i mean is that anyone who is worried about it has to believe in it, and anyone who doesn't believe in it wouldn't worry about it at all.

someone confirm that makes sense please? :rolleyes:

Well, what she was talking about is called Pascals Wager . Basically it's that there are two possibilities, that God exists or that God doesn't exist (simple enough). Now if you live your live your life believing in God and acting accordingly to get into heaven, great, Win for you. If there is a God and you don't, you go to hell, which sucks (or so I've heard).
Now if there is no God, and you live your life as if there was one, no harm done. You still turn to dust or stop existing. So no harm can come from believing in God, but some can come from not believing, so according to Pascal it would be smart to believe God exists, even in the off chance he doesn't.

Personally, as far as logic, reasoning, and arguments go I think this is the most compelling to believe either way. But I also sort of feel this is believing for all the wrong reasons. And not including Pascal's Wager I think the arguments for theism (worrywort outlines most of them) and for atheism are pretty evenly matched. Punch for punch, one doesn't provide a stronger argument than the other. I think they can sway people one way or another, but neither proves anything. If I was going purely on a rational, logical level I would be a full blown agnostic.

But I don't. I don't think this is something you can think out and come to a conclusion based on facts or ideas. Personally I go almost completely off of intuition. Like I feel like I just sort of "know" things, without any reasoning behind it. And I don't think I need reasoning.
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Well-known member
The atheists' argument seems to be there is no evidence for God, as that famous journalist\whatever who has cancer said not so long ago. That is not actually true, but still.

Even from that perspective, if you went to a fish right at the bottom of the deepest ocean, and told it about things like air, land, animals, the sun, wind, tides etc., it could with equal justification say that it had no evidence for them. That something is outside your perceived experience does not demonstrate they are impossible.
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the problem with pascal's wager is that only takes into account 1 religion, when in reality there are many many religions with different beliefs who believe in different gods and if any heaven exists you would have to choose the religion who's heaven actually exists, so what if i choose one religion but it turns out a different religion is right, wouldn't their god who is the only real one then get pissed off that i decided to believe in a different one? what if their god didn't actually care if i didn't believe in religion but did get angry for me believing in the wrong one? then believing in nothing would have been the safe bet and believing in the wrong religion would have damned me.

basically what i'm saying is that i dismiss pascal's wager as flawed. ::p:


Well-known member
A bigger problem is that by invoking the wager, the possibility of genuine faith is already compromised. An omniscient being isn't going to be impressed by belief driven by such an idea. "I'm not sure which to choose, but if I choose this, it seems that I will come out better, so this will be my choice" wouldn't quite fill the requirement of true faith. It is possible that this 'true faith' may arise after accepting Pascal's Wager, but then the matter isn't about the wager anymore, is it?