Do people know how you feel?


Well-known member
Have you shared your feelings with other people? Do you tell your friends and family about the extent of your problems?
I don't. I minimize things and gloss over issues. Currently, my boyfriend knows I am stressed about school, but doesn't know that I am also anxious about my scheduling conflicts with my two jobs.
One reason I hide these things is because most people can't help me, other than assuring me things will be okay. No sense in stressing them out also.


Well-known member
No, not as much as I'd like. This forum is the only real place where I express the full extent of my anxieties and weaknesses. I have an online friend that I'm pretty open with and know they understand, but I don't like to drag her down with me too much, so I don't get too deep into it. My family kind of know, but only superficially. I kinda joke about being a hermit, and no more questions are asked really. I think I feel like it's too complicated a subject to bring up with people. It's too weighty. It's kinda like bringing this big elephant into the room, after you've told people all your social problems, it's like you can't carry on as normal anymore, cause there's this big elephant right there. Plus I think people will treat me like an invalid if I admit my weaknesses. Luckily I also have my art and music. I channel an awful lot of my fears into that too.


Well-known member
Some of my friends know but they can't do anything about it. My family doesn't really know the seriousness of it, and with good reason. The only reason my friends know is because they kept asking why I was acting so weird at times. I mean to be honest I have been like this for years but the act that I put up that everything is fine isn't always Oscar worthy :). So that is why I had to tell them just so they could stop asking so many questions. I just smile and pretend as if everything is fine while I die on the inside. That's just my day to day.


Pirate from the North Pole
I guess not, because I've been described many times as impossible to read (which is odd to me, because I feel like an open book).

In fact, my boss told me the other day, quote: "You should play poker, because what you think and how you feel is impossible to tell, in any situation".

I'm a bit like you, I don't see the point of telling people when I'm worried or suffering if I know there's nothing they can do for me, especially in situations where I know the other person has to focus on other important things.


Well-known member
Yes, and some still refuse to believe that I have anxiety. Some are helpful. I am trying to reach out to my family more, they've been supportive lately.


Well-known member
Not many people know. Just a few family members and one friend. I'm good at hiding it to a certain extent. I don't want people to know my weaknesses.


New member
I've only told one person about it. I haven't told my family although it is already apparent to them that I have issues.


Well-known member
A few people that are really close to me like family, a few friends and my gf, but that's about it. I refuse to tell anyone that could potentially spread it too much or may just laugh it off. And the only reason I've told them is because I don't want them to mistake my behavior with something else and get fed up with me.


Well-known member
I don't think people know how I feel. I've opened up to a few people and I told them a lot but not even they know or understand how I really feel. Personally it's all I want is someone in my life who can understand how bad I feel inside. Like on the outside I'm a cheerful, funny, caring guy, but inside there is a war going on. Like I need to take pills in order to function properly now. People tell me you don't need pills to function. I usually tell them that they don't know how bad it is in my head.

It's just hard to explain to people. Like I don't think anyone will ever completely understand or know how I feel. I guess I don't want them in either because my mind scares even me.


Well-known member
No, I don't. I don't mention my problems unless I absolutely have to (other than therapy it's only happened a few times). Whenever anyone asks me how I'm doing I lie. I just don't see the point in telling the truth. I don't even bother talking about that kind of thing online anymore.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Only a select few know.

I've found that those that dont need to know will only judge, ridicule, backstab or use it against you at some stage.

Usually behind your back.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
not really no. i'm quite guarded usually, for good reason too, people usually use it against me.

The fact how ah feel got used against me when I opened up to ma family is the very reason I'm guarded about ma feelings a lotta the time. Though, ma family huv never really taken the time to understand how ah feel.

So, no, nobody knows how ah feel or the extent of ma problems.


Well-known member
The fact how ah feel got used against me when I opened up to ma family is the very reason I'm guarded about ma feelings a lotta the time. Though, ma family huv never really taken the time to understand how ah feel.

So, no, nobody knows how ah feel or the extent of ma problems.

yep, I get it from my family too. also from strangers as well.


Well-known member
Only a select few know.

I've found that those that dont need to know will only judge, ridicule, backstab or use it against you at some stage.

Usually behind your back.

That is unfortunately true, that backstabbing part. I've reached out to family, they've known me longest, my sister has been supportive.