Dancing...at Weddings

I went to a very significant (in the course of my life) wedding this past week...long story short, I absolutely could not make myself dance - because I was supposed to. I was one of VERY few people not joining in, but I just couldn't get into it. Other times it's not a problem for me and I can have a lot of fun, but for some reason when the pressure is on, I'm incapable. I had plenty to drink but it didn't work, I just couldn't relax enough to dance. Normally if i have a few drinks I can stop caring, but not this time. Anyone else experience this kind of sudden dance-a-phobia?


"dance-a-phobia" i will need to remember that one :) lol
in the past, i used to just sit and watch other people making an arse of themselves. it can be really entertaining :D


Super Moderator
I'd rather get shot in the head than having to dance. It's not only embarrassing to the extreme, but it doesn't suit me... I don't know, I'm just not the kind of person who would like those things.


Well-known member
i have a wedding coming up soon so i'll need to prepare some moves and shapes by then, but i haven't even attempted to dance in public for ages and its always a nerve wracking situation unless you naturally lean towards dancing. i mean most people who arn't self conscious will get up and dance because its normal for them.

next time if the situation occurs again all you need is a plan of action and that could be a simple dance move that works for you that you practice in the mirror.

but yeh i've rejected getting up to dance many times because it didnt feel right, it has to feel right and if i'm not into the music its hard for me to get up and fake it. in fact you could probably get away with not dancing if you had some counter argument that makes not dancing to certain music look cool or something along those lines!
if you can be convincing enough. just prepare something for that situation in the future. because unprepared you'll just feel awkward in the situation every single time it happens.

often i get dance-a-phobia even if i am relaxed because i just dont feel comfortable, i probably wouldnt feel comfortable unless it was my own personal mixtape which is never going to happen unless i'm the DJ and i dont like faking it so its sort of quite the predicament.
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Well-known member
Dancing is not made for introverts......I just feel so damn awkward, i feel everyone is watching and judging me, i feel too stiff and i'm conscious that my face looks too serious.

Does anyone else feel they are conscious about their facial expression for the situation?
Although I have social phobia, I have no problem dancing, unless there's hardly anyone on the dance floor! then Im afraid I'll stand out. I can blend in if a lot of other people are dancing.
But otherwise I lovvvee dancing!


Well-known member
I don't dance in front of people because I think I am really bad at it and worry what people think :( I will slow dance with my hubby, but that's about it.


Well-known member
" Dancing is not made for introverts......I just feel so damn awkward, i feel everyone is watching and judging me, i feel too stiff and i'm conscious that my face looks too serious.

Does anyone else feel they are conscious about their facial expression for the situation? "

This completely sums up why I feel awkard when I do feel awkard dancing. I just feel like my face might give me away and show that I'm not having fun etc. However, if I'm doing a formal style dance then I know what the hell I'm doing and can actually enjoy myself. Disco dancing is NOT something I like, but funnily enough if I had some moves together(and ideally others also had the moves) like in the film Boogie Nights then it could be friggin brill.


Well-known member
I have only danced with my sister at her wedding and at my cousin's wedding. I really didn't want to, but I just positioned myself so I couldn't see anyone else except my sis. They were just slow dances anyways, so not a big deal. Otherwise I hate dancing, I like to watch it though. There is some entertainment value in watching some of the drunk people who think that they can dance is a real hoot!


Well-known member
When my cousin got married several years ago I didn't do any dancing. Of course I was dealing with some "stuff" and they had an outdoor reception in August. I mean, who the hell has an outdoor reception at the hottest time of the year?

But at my sister's wedding last November I danced quite a bit. Surprisingly no alcohol was involved, although a compound lack of sleep for several nights ahead of time may have affected my better judgement. At one point I was the only one dancing. And that's quite an accomplishment for a social phobic who's never been fond of dancing.