Could you date a non virgin???


Well-known member
ill get back on topic, i recommend no one think about their partner having sex with another person, thats just somewhere your imagination doesnt need to go!!!::p:

true that! haha..

the only time i've ever dated a non virgin was when i was 15 and a virgin, too.. and we lost it to each other... so i don't have any problem dating a non virgin, but if you're insecure, it can definitely be a little tough to deal with your partner's past. thing is, we all have one, that's just the way it is.... my last ex had had a one night stand with this girl that was my childhood best friend.. that was hard for me to deal with! i hated to know that she and i had been with the same person.. i put myself on a level that i didn't want her to be on! or better said, she was on a level that I didn't want to be on! haha


Well-known member
why would I care

she's loved before me, she'll love after me, but she loves me now

that's all that matters

but if you're talking about non-virgin sluts that cycle one night stands then **** no I won't go anywhere near them


Active member
AS it would be their first time Id feel under pressure to make it good for them as they will always remember their first time. So it would probably freak me out that way.
I'm a virgin and to be honest I would prefer the man to be a virgin but I highly doubt that would be the case unless I fell in love with someone younger and that wont happen. If I love him and he loves me then it shouldnt really matter. I guess...

That isn't always the case, I am 24 and a virgin, male too.


Well-known member
Well, the first guy I went on a "date" with (I'm not even 100% sure if I would even count this one) is definitely not a virgin.

As for the 3 after that, I'm going to assume that 2 out of those 3 are not virgins.

So in short, yes, I could date a non-virgin, but only if they weren't dating me for the sole reason of stealing my virginity.


Well-known member
Thinking about it better I wouldnt mind,it is also easier to know what kind of person she is,if she is trustable,is able to carry a real relationship,what is the kind of guys she likes,is willing to cheat and etc,with the virgin I could not look or know how she is,it would be a gamble,she could turn out to be everything I hate about in a girl.
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Well-known member
Yes I could, unless he had several partners. I can't rule out the person I like just because he isn't a virgin, if you really love this person, you'll oversee that. At least give them a chance, people have reasons for breaking up.


I could but because I'm not super experienced, only slept with 2 guys, I prefer if they were virgins or haven't been with more than 3 people. Any more than that and I'd feel like I wouldn't be able to keep up since sex isn't something I experimented with alot. Mainly because its difficult for me to even get a boyfriend! :mad: lol.


Well-known member
Slight change of heart. I'll only date virgins from now on.

And after I rescue them from an evil knight, a dragon, or some other mortal peril, they'll undoubtedly be completely smitten by me.


laundry list

New member
i'd prefer the girl a virgin because i'm still one, but really come on now, that's just not gonna happen. i never run into virgins. i'm a musician, i'm a recovering drug addict, everyone i know has done ten thousand things they regret. the only thing i really regret is not going after this girl, or that girl, or maybe that one....
I guess I could, but it would make me reeeeaaaalllly nervous as that person would have a head start on things. xO

I think it would be helpfully to remind yourself that it is a relationship, and not a competition. :3


Well-known member
I could but because I'm not super experienced, only slept with 2 guys, I prefer if they were virgins or haven't been with more than 3 people. Any more than that and I'd feel like I wouldn't be able to keep up since sex isn't something I experimented with alot. Mainly because its difficult for me to even get a boyfriend! :mad: lol.

I thought experience is to be got in A relationship....the longer you are in it and the closer you are, the more variety and spice, no? Multiple partners = quantity and not necessarily quality, which is presumably what you want from experience? Correct me if i'm wrong.
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Staff member
(except if you're a virgin and the other expect of you to ''perform'' well in bed).

My second long term GF was experienced and in her 30's, she had four BFs before me, for all that experience she 'performed' very poorly, she lacked passion and that is something experience will not teach you.