I think there is, it is hard to find but.... I know there is light in the tunnel.
I've seen light in the presence, I'm making progress, I've maintainéd friendships, I'm working to get back in college, tho i was hiding myself for 3 years.... Being afraid of going outside.. even outside the door.
Now I go, to busy places, crowds, and in the past I could not even enter.
I would not even dare to step inside a situation of too many ppl.
Now I DON'T WANNA MISS IT. It's a hell if you cannot get yourself out there and feel helpless of thinking you cannot do it, because you feel so afraid.
The truth is, if you face your fear. You can cope with it. The hardest task... Is facing it. Because it is the exact scenario you'd rather not experience.
But at the same time, people are fighting for experiences.
So if you see all the other people having fun, and making friends and having a career or a relationship, you feel lonely and bored.
I felt this way, for years. Now it's time for a change, and still I'm doomed to be so anxious and fearful, but I build the strenght to face it whatever teh crap i feel, still i run away from situations, but I just want to be there for just a moment. To ''experience'' it. To see that it's not killing me.
My body-mind always is ready for danger, flight mode, afraid of situations.
But I'm tired of living this way, so I'll be kicking myself into a cage of lions and go to school again (one of my biggest fears, being around so many people, having lunch in the cantene,talking to people,presentations... Yup. I will scare myself like crazy and p*ss my pants, but I don't wanna miss so many stuff.
We just need to climb that tunnel ourselfes, the light won't find you, you have to find it.