How about that product description?
Also by inserting a bone on both sides and side meat I just KEEP ♪ further enjoy the fit.
If you get home and want to rip off your bra the minute you get in the door, then you probably aren't wearing the right size or style. Most women don't. There's nothing sexy about an ill-fitting bra. **coughcoughvictoriassecretmodelscough**
This thread reminds me of a lingerie store I pass from time to time that advertises having "every size of bra, from 32A to 56K!" That kind of blew my mind the first time I saw it. But hey, at least they have my size..
too small that i dont need one and too embarrased by that that i always wear a padded one i got asked if i had cushions under before i felt like crying
Yeah, seriously, boobs are not the be-all-and-end-all of what men are looking for. Besides, if a man doesn't like you because you have small boobs, then he's probably not the kind of guy you want, anyway!Aww, don't feel bad. Not all guys are into big boobs (Victoria's Secret won't tell you that). Some guys don't even care for them.
If I remember correctly, I think it's in Brazil where guys like small boobs and big butts.
Guys like different things, and I've heard all sorts of things..... O_O
What's even more mind-blowing is that doesn't even cover the whole range. You can get bras in sizes like 28H.
Actually, that reminds of one thing I forgot to mention in my first post. Depending on the brand and country of origin, there's no labeling standard once you pass a D-cup. I believe the UK system is D, DD, E, F, FF, G, GG,... I think the rest of Europe typically uses D, E, F, G, H, J, K,... Sometimes I've seen D, DD, F, G, H,... North American brands tend to go D, DD, DDD, and often stop there. Don't quote me on any of this because it can vary a lot. They seem to randomly decide which letters to double or skip altogether. I've heard of I-cups but I don't think they're always used. I don't think EE exists anywhere. The further you get from a D-cup, the more discrepancy there is. A G-cup in one brand might be equivalent to a J-cup in another. The store I shop at has their own system for their tags. They know what system each brand uses and they just use a number for the equivalent number of Ds. So a 32DD is labelled as a 2-32. A 3-36 might be a 36E in one brand and a 36F in another, but it's the equivalent of a 36DDD. It's so annoying that there can't just be a standard.