While I'm not disputing this, men can be just as judgmental of people. I think the door swings both ways.
A male will base his opinion on his experiences as a male.
A female will base her opinion on her experiences as a female.
Neither can say their heavily biased opinion is the correct one.
Both will probably always "assume" that the opposite sex has it "easier" and the grass is greener on the other side.
Neither can convince the other their opinion is true because both sexes have had different experiences. So their opinion will always be different, because they are coming from different sides of the equation!
No man knows what it is like to experience things mentioned in this thread, as a woman.
No woman knows what is like to experience things mentioned in this thread, as a man.
It is sad to read both genders state something about the other sex (in relation to this thread) as a fact.
It's like a person born into poverty (and only lived as a poor person) stating a belief they have about the life of a rich person, as a fact.
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