Being around children


Well-known member
Do you ever feel like when you're around kids you kind of get nervous talking to them or they get on your nerves. Like when I'm around kids I just don't know what to say around them. Sometimes they can be very rude to me when I'm nice to them. Does anyone have this problem?


Well-known member
Do you ever feel like when you're around kids you kind of get nervous talking to them or they get on your nerves. Like when I'm around kids I just don't know what to say around them. Sometimes they can be very rude to me when I'm nice to them. Does anyone have this problem?

Children kinda bother me, becuase it reminds me of when I was a child, which I really miss very much.


Well-known member
I feel very awkward around children. I think I get nervous because I'm afraid they will be overly honest (kids can unintentionally be cruel) or that something bad could happen to them while I'm around and I'll be responsible. I always thought I'd be more comfortable around kids when I had my own, and now that I have my son, I'm less uncomfortable, but still have issues. I don't feel like it is my right to discipline (or scold, or pretty much talk to) children who don't belong to me. Even if a kid could be in danger, I'd feel weird telling them to stop what they are doing, which makes me feel guilty also.


Well-known member
I am least anxious around kids. A lot of things that make me anxious around people, or maybe I should say more anxious, usually aren't present when being around kids. One thing that that makes me more nervous around people is having to talk about things I don't know anything about, like common things I should know a lot about, and usually around kids you end up talking about sillier or less complex things--things I know a lot about. So like, there's less complex, serious/intelligent things being discussed, etc, and more playful, silly fun things being discussed/done.

Of course it can depend on the kid.

Basically, the younger the kid the less anxious I am around them.


Well-known member
Children make me nervous-- more for the fact that I don't have energy or worry they're going to hurt themselves than anything else.

They're like little sponges, though; very susceptible to outside influences-- if it's a commercial on TV or a TV show or a videogame or a family member who fights or is rude, etc.

Whenever I see a child behaving badly, I always wonder why they are like that and it makes me sad...
Are their parents paying attention to them and taking care of them properly?
Are they being bullied at school?
Are they developing some kind of mental disorder early on?

I think generally... if you're a patient, easy going person- you can learn to get along with children and the more time spent around them; the more exposure you have, the less anxious you will be.
Of course... some people will probably always be nervous around children and it makes sense... they are tiny little clones of people. Kinda creepy if you ask me~ :rolleyes:


i dont not like kids,i just dont know what to do with them..i dont like talking anyways and talking to kids is hard..and babys,i dont like to hold them in case i make them uncomfortable or drop them or they start crying..and kids usually make people hate me because everyone thinks i hate them and then they're like "you hate kids!? whats wrong with you,kid hater!?" *proceeds to shove kid/baby in my face* "why dont you love them! LOVE THEM!!" it just never ends well...


Active member
yes, i am at my most anxious when around children

They have so much energy and are very noisy and are very unpredictable which makes me very nervous!!

I know i was a kid once but i just can't relate to them.

I will never have kids myself cos i just couldn't handle it.


Well-known member
im really nervous around most kids as ive never got on with them that well but recently i went to see an old family friend and her kids and i got on with them really well, specially her son who is only 12 but we had quite alot in common and her daughter was so sweet
prob helped that i gave them about 1000 pokemon cards to share and went and watched them do there ju jit su training...they was begging me not to go when i had to leave and then ordered me to come back the next day :)


Well-known member
Yeah I feel awkward around children. I don't know how to treat them and I feel pressured that because I'm a young adult I should treat them like any other grown up would - tell them off if they're doing something wrong or be interested in them and be all friendly. I have no idea how to be around children >< I fear that I will make the world's worst Mother because of this awkwardness.


Well-known member
My 7 year old nephew mentioned how sad I looked one particular day. Pathetic. I know that's what he was thinking.


The crying ones.

Sure it's a tight link to SA for the parents and onlookers, who I'm sure share the same feelings for positivity all round.

I'm fresh to it, as I'm not a parent. Neighbours, public streets & supermarket
Well, I am amazed at the volume of tears, screwed-up faces and noise. A sub-entertainment to me. Funny that all ambulance sirens must have been concocted as a simple sine or cosine wave to mimic small children's wails. It brings a good wail when they hear it

No cynicism from me. I wonder if I was a howler. Maybe quiet. Thoughful. I reckon nobody can remember, and the parents never tell you.

Good parent to 1. put up with it or 2. shush 'em?
Do you ever feel like when you're around kids you kind of get nervous talking to them or they get on your nerves. Like when I'm around kids I just don't know what to say around them. Sometimes they can be very rude to me when I'm nice to them. Does anyone have this problem?

I often don't know what to say to my own children. I'd rather be around small children than adults, they don't judge and they keep life simple. Until they get towards teenage years.


Well-known member
I'm leaving in a few hours to pick up my grandson. I haven't seen him in three years. I have expectations of myself. He is a great kid, but I have no idea what he'll be like after 3 years! He is 11-1/2, and I feel like I have to pull myself all together.

I have been a good influence in his life, but so much has happened to me I don't know how to get it together anymore. I feel like I wish I was dead. How do I suddenly improve to give him the best of myself? Will he accept me, as sick as I am?

I feel good watching movies with children in the story. I remember being free as a kid, and daily things were easy. There was no worry. Now I am such a cynical bitch.

The Lost

Well-known member
Talking to children is awkward. Knowing what to say isn't the only problem. When I do bring myself to chat with a kid (neighbour's for example) I'm too serious and have been told to stop talking as if they're going to understand the same stuff I do, so I talk to the child on their level, but end up treating them like total idiots. Some people just have a knack for this sort of thing.


Well-known member
i used to like kids very much. toddlers were so much fun to watch infact kids used to like me to because i was very gentle and all smiles for them. but not anymore my life has changed, im not even myself anymore. I feel so stupid around kids, as you say, I absolutely have nothing to say to them. I actually wonder what should i say and i say something, not knowing what to say and i end up feeling awful.

since the intrusion of intrusive thoughts, everythings ruined. I am scared to be around children. when i was a kid, I was pathetic I clung to my mom always. I would not let others even touch me. I was over sensitive & quite. people used to say oh look at him so well behaved and quiet. but i wasnt feeling all that okey in reatlity.
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Well-known member
Uhg I suck with kids. I feel like a kid still when it comes to social situations. Like as an adult I should be like all alpha and all grown up feeling and be like all yoda and wise with them but nope I am just gonna be that awkward manchild that scares kids away because he wears a hat to go outside in public and looks like a molester.

Thats life. I guess.