Being a virgin


Well-known member
hold on to your viginity you can only lose it once so make sure its with someone you love, i lost mine 3 years ago at a party when i was drunk, i didnt know i lost it till 3 days later, when someone had video'd it and showed me saying well done...i regret it but nothing i can do now.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I had sex for the first time with a guy I did not love. I have never regretted it. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin and waiting for marriage if that is what you want to do, but there is also nothing wrong with having sex for the sake of the experience itself.


Well-known member
I had sex for the first time with a guy I did not love. I have never regretted it. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin and waiting for marriage if that is what you want to do, but there is also nothing wrong with having sex for the sake of the experience itself.
Yeah, I think this'll be me, too. I won't regret it. She might, though. ::p:


Well-known member
I had sex for the first time with a guy I did not love. I have never regretted it. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin and waiting for marriage if that is what you want to do, but there is also nothing wrong with having sex for the sake of the experience itself.

Exactly. Sex is part of human nature. There is nothing wrong with doing it with someone you don't love if you want.

I lost my virginity to someone I didn't love earlier this year. I'm so glad I got it done with. Being a fairly old (25) male virgin was something that was causing more and more anxiety as I got older. It was a huge relief to get it over with.

Don't let anyone make you feel bad if you want to have sex just for the experience or pleasure.


Well-known member
Shagginjg is supposed to be done with someone you love, becuase it's on a very emotional level. I wouldn't shag someone I didn't love.

If I cared about shagging so much, I probably would have shagged a drunk girl, which I'm sure that isn't hard to do. That's sad to think about.

I think about shagging a lot, even though I don't want to, but I still save it for someone special. So far, I have nothing.


Well-known member
Shagginjg is supposed to be done with someone you love, becuase it's on a very emotional level. I wouldn't shag someone I didn't love.

No it's not. There's no rule in nature that says "only have sex with someone you love".

It's fine if you believe that, but don't try to force your beliefs on other people.


Well-known member
Shagginjg is supposed to be done with someone you love, becuase it's on a very emotional level. I wouldn't shag someone I didn't love.
Odds are that you'll have sex with someone you'll eventually start hating. ;)
Western world is all about experience. As soon as they find out a lack of it, game over.
If they're real they'll help and stay. Think godly thoughts of you for being so well without.

Unfortunately that's not the case for the majority. They don't have time for it. Men who are lacking experience in older ages are tossed aside by older women who want younger men with a hyped up adrenaline rush to ... pound without quit. Younger women want older men who know how to ... give it.

You either do as much as possible when teenage as men or usually not at all.


Well-known member
re: sex is a natural thing and whatnot, do it with whoever if you want;

That last phrase is the kicker. So long as it's consensual and everybody's being responsible, go right ahead. But people don't always know what they want. I've heard and read a lot of stories about people regretting their first time for plenty of reasons, and there seems to be a lot of pressure to lose one's virginity just to get it lost. I suppose the moral of the story is just to be sure on the matter - you can only do it once. Like most stuff ,that's harder than it sounds.

My personal opinion is that I don't give a damn that I'm a virgin, nor do I give a damn what anybody else makes of it. Part of it may be my own hangups, being cripplingly risk averse and non-physical in general, but I take sex as serious business. Any potential partner can take it or leave it - and if she wants to leave it over that, well, we probably weren't compatible anyway.

I'm much more concerned with love and companionship, and to me sex is just a further expression of that.


Well-known member
But there are also just as many stories out there about people regretting not having sex earlier in their life.

So essentially if you think you want to wait for someone special then wait. If you don't want to wait then don't.

Neither road is "wrong". And don't let anyone make you feel bad for feeling either way about the subject.


Well-known member
We pretty much agree! My assertion is that knowing what you want can be difficult (which cuts both ways, I imagine), and that one should consider the matter from all sides and not feel pressured by any stigma associated with one's virginity or lack thereof.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
But there are also just as many stories out there about people regretting not having sex earlier in their life.

There are also plenty of people who regret sleeping with so many people earlier in their life. That's why you should do what feels right for you, and not what others are telling you they think you should be doing.


Well-known member
Some people tried to make fun of me for being a virgin at 21.

And not a single **** was given that day


Well-known member
Seems most of the people agree that one should wait for the right partner to do it.But what if you will never find that perfect partner?What if your virginity will prevent you from finding that perfect partner?Let's wake up to reality people there is no such think as perfect relationship,those things are only in movies and stories.
And about regretting for doing it to early in live I think it's a big pile of bs,everyone does mistakes early in live but at least those who lost their virginity early can look up for a brighter future,but what future do I have?Hmmm?A future spent alone waiting for that "perfect" partner?
So screw with all that I'm going to do it at the first opportunity even if that girl will become my arch-enemy,I don't care.I want to be able to stay around when people talk about sex instead of hiding,I want to be able to say an honest NO when somebody ask me if I'm a virgin instead of lying,I want my confidence back in other words.


Well-known member
it's possible to avoid most of your life by seeking perfection

would you rather have just one "perfect" moment

or a lifetime full of imperfect moments?