ask the next person?


Well-known member
i don't like coffee, but I do like a french vanilla cappuccino from BP once in a blue moon.

would you rather live in a cave on a mountain or a sea cave?


Well-known member
A mountain cave, as I don't have gills XD

how many roads must a man walk down, before you can call him a man?


Well-known member
Tomorrow I have to go to therapy, but apart from that just working and hopefully a lot of relaxing!

Would you listen to a song with gratuitous swearing?


Well-known member
pumpkin. raw pumpkin tastes like almonds, which i like. raw pumpkin seeds also taste like almonds, but it takes time to get to the edible part. i love pumpkin pie :p

see spot run or monkey see monkey do?
Monkey see monkey do.

Why do people like cute versions of things?
...cute little animals, cute little clothes for babies, cute little vegetables, cute little foods etc


Well-known member
because they are freaking cute! look the the little kitty on ur mug! xD

what is the point of having hair apart from looking nice?


Well-known member
keeps you warm, keeps bugs n junk off of you, keeps the sun from directly hitting as much of your skin-some is good, like in making vitamin D, but too much-->skin cancer.

would you rather go on a train or a plane?
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Well-known member
plane always,, people are afraid of planes,, cars makes as much noises as a plane does lol and the movement on a plane is often less than a car.

Why do people feel ticklish?


Well-known member
i don't remember, but i know you can't tickle yourself b/c you'll know where and when you're tickling. it has to do with nerve stuff. i'm rEEally ticklish :p i have accidently tickled myself though, which is odd.

pickle or watermelon?