ask the next person?


Well-known member
I never had to spend a night in a hospital.

I guess the worst thing I had was a very bad cough earlier this year. One of those, where you can barely talk, and where you can't sleep either, because you cough yourself awake.
Breaking my shoulder was unfunny too. But apart from that... Well, my thyroid gland ain't working right, which ain't funny either, but it's not too serious. And some doc told me, that I might have MS, but it turns out that I didn't.

what is your favorite weather?


Well-known member
I'm a curious cat, so I would throw the time stopper into black hole, to see if objects can go in it with out the black hole sucking everything or it might suck in the whole entire universe.

Ice skating elegantly to opera or disco rollerskating?


Well-known member
I thought you would say evergreen as there aren't any beautiful deciduous forests in Queensland

I would say 50/50

America or Canada to live ?
Long hair.

I am getting so tired I can't think of any more things to ask!:giggle:
.....Do you prefer to sleep on a soft pillow or a hard pillow?


Well-known member
Firm pillow

I agree it does get difficult to keep thinking of questions, oh well here is another one
Sydney or Melbourne ?
hmmm, I've never been to either. I'd say Sydney though.

Do you enjoy the butterflies in your tummy feeling when you go on a dangerous ride at an amusement park or do you hate it?


Well-known member
I guess I enjoy it, but it has been many many years since I went on a ride at an amusement park.

Brisbane or Toowoomba ?