ask the next person?


Well-known member
for potty time, toilet paper. on a girl scouts camping trip, i held my pee for a whole day cuz we were out in the woods. i'm not down with letting go unless it's into a toilet. i don't see how people could go in the shower o_0

tony the tiger, lucky the leprechaun, sam the tucan, trix rabbit, cocoa puffs bird


Well-known member
no trix in brazil? o_0 did yall ever have it or did you only have it in when you came up here? i miss the fun shapes that trix used to have

i have times for sweet candy and times for sour candy, but mostly sweet b/c of chocolatey things ^_^

rollerblades or skates


Well-known member
plastic cup b/c i don't want the chance for breaking it, but i lOve bottled cokes, though i don't drink them much. bottled drinks are just funner.

ear muffs or hat


Well-known member
psh, ear muffs are the stUff! keep me warmer and they're cute too :3

milk chocolate, but hershey's special dark chocolate is sooooo gooooood :p

surfing or wake boarding


Well-known member
i figured there is.. but just after i 1st tried in the state.. and ppl dont like it that much here,, they find the taste a bit weird lol
both are cute on their own ways hard to choose grr

gummy bears or gummy worms?


Well-known member


Well-known member
wow that is huge! I want one :D
that is a tricky question because i can't never tell the difference in taste as both makes great lemonades :D I will go for lime (not sure why though ;)

spoon or fork


Well-known member
it used to be beach, but it's mountain now because i'm still like when i was little at the beach, playing in the water and sand and finding seashells and wanting to make sandcastles. but no one else seems to want to do that. :( and i don't wanna see people wearing just about nothing. clothes are good.

fried chicken or baked chicken