Holy sh......
I don't believe you ::
You should, I do like zippo's afterall. I was going to do a quick sketch but I really liked how this turned out.
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Holy sh......
I don't believe you ::
*jealous of your talent*
Patience and focus are the key and it seems you have both
dottie is it me this time? i did draw the fan which was the closest thing to me when it hit me that i should draw it i kinda wanted to express also the feeling cause it's always on my mind these days cause it's so hot....
this thread kinda stalled
should we decide the theme for the new challenge?
i have an idea, but i think then it won't be a challenge for me since i though of it :9
was thinking to suggest making an fictional cd cover to express how we currently feel... or something like that ::
yes, with an "album" title of course
this is nice people are joining :>
and where are all the guys who signed up at the beginning then disappeared?
i think i'll make mine in two/three days.
p.s which font did you use? (asking for the sake of industrial espionage or whatever it's called only )
I'm not satisfied with this - but I'm a neurotic perfectionist I have to force myself to stop.
Stock photo stolen from Google (because I have no pretty girls to photograph : and resketched in pencil & marker. Shading, filters, and effects done in photoshop.