Are you Thankful for what you have ?


Well-known member
Wise words coyote.

All anyone has to do is watch the Nightly World News and see the extreme turmoil and poverty that exists around the world to see how important it is to be thankful. No matter how bad we may think things are at times there is no comparison to the horror of mass starvation, major disasters or living in a war zone.

The simple fact is that our time is short on this earth. Being thankful is a way of putting things into persepective. I also dont think you need to be deeply religious to be thankful and thanks can be expressed in many ways. The best way is by giving back and helping others. Great thread! :)

No, not really. I think it's hard for me to feel thankful for what I have because I'm just so unhappy with the way my life is currently. I don't know if having more things, or things being different would change that, but I'd certainly hope so. I can't be thankful right now, my life feels far too empty to be thankful right now.


Well-known member
I try to be thankful for what I have. Everytime I think or hear about people living in poverty and suffering in other parts of the world, I feel sort of guilty for complaining or whining about my problems. I feel like a failure compared to other people who work harder than me. I also feel bad for wasting time in school being very indecisive about my career. I am thankful for my parents and for all the support I have in this life. I am thankful that I am able to get to this stage to get more involved in spirituality.


Well-known member
Re: No

No, not really. I think it's hard for me to feel thankful for what I have because I'm just so unhappy with the way my life is currently. I don't know if having more things, or things being different would change that, but I'd certainly hope so. I can't be thankful right now, my life feels far too empty to be thankful right now.
You need a change, from the sounds of it. A big change.


Well-known member
Where did you get the idea that other people are rich, social and happy? You seriously think that others don't struggle at all? Come on.

My mistake. I know they are not very rich and social, but enough to surpass me. Especially the "social" part. I know they struggle, so i have to struggle harder than them in order to catch up with them. If i satisfied with what i have, maybe i won't be able to move on. But i still thankful for having a house to live, food to eat, my parents's carings....
There is a genuine happiness in the humility of having nothing and trying to forge a way in the world. I'm thankful for potential.


not actually Fiona Apple
I'm not, and I think it's one of my biggest problems at the moment. I have everything in life that I need to be happy I think, I just seem to focus on the things I don't have, the things I "should" have and the things that other people have. I know that I should be so grateful for everything I have, and would be devastated if I lost any of it. Why can't I see things that way?


Well-known member
^like the picture above. That's how I feel.

I'm not, and I think it's one of my biggest problems at the moment. I have everything in life that I need to be happy I think, I just seem to focus on the things I don't have, the things I "should" have and the things that other people have. I know that I should be so grateful for everything I have, and would be devastated if I lost any of it. Why can't I see things that way?

Same here. I wonder "why is it that other people are better off than me? Why do they have it so easy in life?" The more I think about it, the more I realize how unfair and unequal many things are in life. I know I should be grateful but at the same time, not living is also an easy way out. If I'm not living, I won't have to find a job, deal with mean people or coworkers, pay student loans, etc.