Are you Thankful for what you have ?


Well-known member
I'm very thankful to have the luxuries I have now. I have everything you'd expect of a lower middle-class. I also have a dog, and thankfully both of my parents.


Well-known member
For e there's a fine line between mediocrity and being ungrateful, I guess the point is be grateful for what you have, but also be aware of what can be improved, and work towards it instead of only whine about it.
This is a very good point.

I am thankful to be living in Australia: a wealthy, industrious country with low unemployment, high wages, a good health system, and good people. No, we're not perfect, but damn, it could be worse. I don't think enough people in my country realise how good we have it! :)


Well-known member
I am grateful for what I do have, thank goodness for small mercies, but I would like more from life.


great post! I think gratitude is so important in life. Perhaps even the most important attitude to have.


Well-known member
I am thankful that I live in a country were no one has to go hungry and don't have to be afraid to not have a roof over ones head. I'm thankful for my friends, who have stuck with for all these years me despite my problems. I am thankful that I get to live a life of freedom not ruled by any other.


Well-known member
I am grateful, but it doesn't justify other people trying to ruin my life. The trap of gratitude is when you become complacent enough that you tolerate anything that comes at you, including malicious people. That happened to me, I had suicidal feelings every now and then.


Well-known member
Sure! Absolutely!

Wish that was the cure for this horrible mindtrap of a disease ...should be but nope.

I too also see others and WISH I had enough money to drive a car that isn't 15 years old and falling apart. Go with a group of friends off to vacations to Mexico, Jamaica, Belize etc... Wish I could pay for my kids college, wish I could ... wish I could...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ye cannae (can't) take for granted what ye don't have!

^ Ma physical disability (cerebral palsy) taught me that life lesson early!

Of course am thankful. Thankful am alive, despite no weightin' more than a bag o' sugar when ah was born. Nae joke, there. Seriously, that is a fact!

Thankful n' grateful for ma mum because her off-the-cuff, surreal nonsensical one-liners huv me roarin' n' greetin' wi' laughter. And withoot her, ah probably wouldnae huv ma love of guitar-driven, loud music or ma dark, twisted, deadpan Scottish sense o' humour or a love of comedy which border on obessive.

To quote ma mother: "See if it was'nae fur laughter, you'd just be sittin' aboot grettin' (cryin') aw the time!" Ain't that the truth?

Though, expose yer son tae swearin' in the Scottish accent - even when done for comedic effect - when he's just 7 years auld, hmmm... = Great parenting?! :thinking: Angrily callin' a secondary school teacher an "...effin' c*nt!" 10 years later = :eek: :no:

^ Sorry if aw that above is sentimental, clichéd BS, by-the-way! Ah dinnae (don't) half ramble on in ma posts!
Entertainment value = F____K ALL! :ironicsmile:


Well-known member
Ye cannae (can't) take for granted what ye don't have!

Thankful n' grateful for ma mum because her off-the-cuff, surreal nonsensical one-liners huv me roarin' n' greetin' wi' laughter. And withoot her, ah probably wouldnae huv ma love of guitar-driven, loud music or ma dark, twisted, deadpan Scottish sense o' humour or a love of comedy which border on obessive.

To quote ma mother: "See if it was'nae fur laughter, you'd just be sittin' aboot grettin' (cryin') aw the time!" Ain't that the truth?

You two sound like a couple of fun characters. :bigsmile:


Super Moderator
I can be thankful but i'm not satisfied with what i have. Especially when people around me are all better than me. I want to be rich and social like them, that's why i keep trying

Where did you get the idea that other people are rich, social and happy? You seriously think that others don't struggle at all? Come on.


Well-known member
There are so many things I am grateful for. But at the same time, I'm choosing to recognize things I'm not so happy about, and am striving to try to change them. Despite how uncomfortable it might make me.


Well-known member
This question gives me flashbacks back to elementary and middle school and not knowing how to answer. I don't think I can give a true to heart answer but I will go ahead and give it a whirl. I am thankful for my parents and my cat.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
You two sound like a couple of fun characters. :bigsmile:

Sure! When we're no being dour, depressingly cynical pessimists.

And, if ye called listenin' tae a screwy, somewhat mentally unhinged Scottish woman makin' up nonsensical broadway musicial numbers off-the-cuff like somethin' from The Sound of Music. And talkin' in accent other than her ain (own) - Russian, German, Polish... F**k! Even she cannae tell the difference, then neither can ah!

^ The hilarious thing is am no even jokin' - that description is terrifyingly accurate! :bigsmile:
Ah tried tae huv ma mum sectioned under the mental health act but.... she put the straitjacket on backwards! :sarcastic: :ironicsmile: Only jokin'...


Super Moderator
I sometimes embrace my mental issues and tell myself "I'm thankful I've only got this instead of... -insert anything worse-"
I don't live life in comparison to others. It is what it is, and I make peace with it no matter what state it is in. Adept and survive, you know.

I'm doing quite well now.


Well-known member
I don't live life in comparison to others. It is what it is, and I make peace with it no matter what state it is in. Adept and survive, you know.

i think this is important

if we define things in terms of "should" and "supposed to" or whatever we think that other people possess, we're bound to find some reason to be dissatisfied

what makes us unhappy is not what we have or what we don't have - it's how we choose to measure it