Are you a child or grandchild of an alcoholic?


Well-known member
Are you a child or grandchild of an alcoholic? How many of those are there here? I'm curious!

By the way (off topic), I want to encourage you all by saying that I have seen a TON of healing over this past year, and I want you all to know that there is a way out of social anxiety. I have a few friends in Australia and even here in the States who have fully recovered back to their true selves.

Love you guys-- Michael
Yes, my mother is an alcoholic. She didn't start drinking until I was 11 or so, and has been addicted now about 10 years.


Well-known member
Do you think there is some connection to this and anxiety?

YES! Absolutely! It's very common for grandchildren/children of alcoholics to develop anxiety later on in life. I highly recommend you read a book by Ann W. Smith called Grandchildren of Alcoholics: Another Generation of Co-Dependency. You can find it on Amazon here.

I've read many books related to my social anxiety over this past year, and this one simply nails every last issue I've experienced on the head! It's almost as if she was reading the blueprints to the present state of my soul. But the book is mainly for educational purposes; it lists several suggestions in detail towards the end on how to recover, and gives a detailed story of what a typical recovery looks like. It has proven a TRULY powerful experience for me.

Thanks so much for the replies, everyone. Four yes responses in a very short time is a good indication.
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Well-known member
My mother is an alcoholic. She chooses alcohol and her boyfriend (who tried to make a pass at me) over me all the time. It's sad.
Yes, my dad was. I suspect that at least part of the reason is that he used alcohol to self-medicate his anxiety


Yes, only my father (anyway that´s already pretty enough). My mother doesn´t drink, nor did my grandparents.


Well-known member
No, but that didn't stop me. It didn't even slow me down. I don't know where I got the genes, but they sure do fit. I can get hooked on anything: solid, smoke, or sauce. I imagine it most likely came from my mother's side. That's the line down which most of the f***eduppededness seems to descend, but how far back it goes I couldn't say.


Active member
Both my parents are though my father has recovered and I didn't really know him through that stage of his life. My step-father was and was more often drunk and violent than not. Thinking about it, I'm not sure I ever saw him sober. Heck, he got kicked out of a courtroom during a trial for showing up drunk.

I guess thats why I will never touch the stuff myself


Well-known member
My dad is an alcoholic, along with most of his family on that side. My dad and his mother are also bipolar.
My dad always did a bit of drinking, but it didn't turn into a huge issue until his PTSD started. He couldn't be parted with alcohol after that. There's a charming little story about my grandparents who almost burnt their house down on Thanksgiving because they were so inebriated. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Yes. My dad is/was an alcoholic when I was younger. Not sure if he still is as I've not seen or heard from him for over 20 years.