anyone rich and still lonley?


Well-known member
From my perspective, the thought of being rich and unhappy is far more frightening than the realization of being poor and unhappy.
Though, seeing as most of us have computers and internet in our homes, doesn't that mean that we technically live rich life's? If money was the path to happiness, most of us would have been.

More money would help, though. When I say ''more'' I don't mean a million dollar/euro/yen/*your currency* paycheck, but enough for food and rent each month and perhaps something fun once in a while. :3


Well-known member
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."

-Charles Kingsley

Leading me to an excerpt from the book "Frank and Maisie: A Memoir with parents", by William Sheed. He describes a moment shortly before his mother's death.

"One afternoon she raised her head sharply and said, “I still have enthusiasm.” Her eyes glittered with challenge for a moment. Then the head plopped back. “But what use is enthusiasm without energy?”"

I suppose the question is whether or not material wealth can bring energy and enthusiasm. From my perspective, it would only lessen both unless I had both to begin with.
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if you're rich :p people will come flocking lol people almost always want something from you, it not genuine friendship :p something else it's equal exchange of goods


New member
I am not rich, but I earn good money and do not have to stress about paying bills etc. When I had no money I honestly thought that being well off would make me happy. It hasn't.
I went through a stage where I bought a few things that I had wanted for a long time but now I am as lonely as ever. I would 100% honestly live in a tent and ride a pushbike in exchange for true happiness.

just wanna b normal

Well-known member
money would solve more problems than you think. think about if you were homeless person, come on now people! i mean youll have alot more advantage at finding someone than if you were broke!


Well-known member
I'm considered well off. I pocket maybe $1,200 a month and I save most of it (I end up spending it on frivolous car/videogame stuff at some point). I'm always lonely though, but it's my choice. I could go out and make friends, I have it in me, I think, but I just don't.


Well-known member
I was well off, didn't want for anything, except happiness. The money made my life a lot easier but it didn't make me happy, I still had all the same old problems. After separating from my wife I lost most of what I had and I got rid of all my possessions, I felt a lot better not having so much crap, only what I needed.
But in saying that, money is a necessary evil that makes life so much easier and I’ve already started putting the wheels in motion to amass my fortune once again.


New member
I thought rich and lonely was a stereotype by now. "Money can't buy happiness" they say - and I think that's why - because you can't buy friends and loved ones.

Money just gives you more power to easily do the things you want to. If those things don't include going out and meeting people, then no, money will not stave off loneliness at all - it will just let you buy a few toys to distract yourself with while being lonely.

On the upside, while some people are too snooty to associate with poorer folks, anyone in theory could go out and smile and talk with people - that's still free. I know it's not easy for many here, but I believe for things like putting yourself in uncomfortable social situations, it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done.


Well-known member
From my perspective, the thought of being rich and unhappy is far more frightening than the realization of being poor and unhappy.

I will take thos question lil humoristic:

If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars.

If you lend someone $20, and never see that person again; it was probably worth it.

I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok.

Whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.

yes money cant heal mental disorders,or deathly sickness, but loneliness maybe yes because u can pay for bills for people what u meet on the way and they will like u atleast for some reason MONEY,u can by some frends also with money,u can buy a lot of stuff(but must be very sad feeling if u find out people do like u for money this i will definetly be unhappy anyway). I think money can make u happier as if u are poor and unhappy for some time for sure but not forever. Money dont solve a lot of problems but some do. Definetly they are importand and your nervess dont run worried about who will pay bills. Health u cant buy and this is the most importand to me. I agree better is be rich and unhappy as poor and unhappy. I will be poor whole live but if someone will give me choise be rich and unhappy and poor and happy i choise second variant : POOR AND HAPPY!!!


Well-known member
Im pretty well off due to my job, and yeah still lonely :(
It does help being able to by myself stuf to keep me occupied all the time, but objects arent the same as human interaction.

*edit* the buying myself stuff constantly to keep myself occupied isnt a good thing tho :p


Well-known member
i guess it depends how you got the money - if you slaved your arse off to earn it then you would feel like it owes you a good life - and it would hurt if your money couldnt make you happy

but if you got it for free like winning the lotto or something then it wouldnt matter too much since you didn't really expend much effort to earn it in the first place.


I can confirm money does not buy happiness. I live reasonably well. I have plenty of spare cash, but all that means is I can buy expensive things to keep me busy. Still very lonely.


Active member
It's a cliché but its true, money can't buy you true happiness.
I know a few people who can buy whatever they want, still they are lonely and just want to be loved. ( but don't we all? :) )


Well-known member
The more money I have, the easier yet more complex life becomes. The less money I have the harder, more simple my life becomes.

I would take simple and hard any day over complex and easy. My happier days are always when I have less.


Well-known member
If I had alot of money I'd probably pay people to pretend to be my friends::p:
Still don't think I'd be much happier though.


not actually Fiona Apple


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Well-known member
I think it varies on the person. Money can buy you happiness if you have enough of it. For instance, you literally buy friends with money, there are superstar athletes that have tons of friends and it's not just because they are nice guys, wink wink. Plus, if you love sex you could buy hookers all the time. And for someone in our situation with SAD, money could buy you the best psychiatrist and counseling money could buy. And of course, money could buy you a spouse. Both males and females will be fond of a member of the opposite sex with money. Of course there is the whole are they doing this just for my money problem with all these things, which could be the case but not always.

As for me, money would make me happier than I am now because I could afford to move out of my parents house, get a better car that is more dependable, I could drink and gamble more, I could get a better tv, computer, better furniture, get a podiatrist or different muscle doctor's opinion on my leg and possibly surgery if needed, and i could get a treadmill. Yeah, money sure would help me out and i wouldn't be as depressed. It probably wouldn't be a full cure to my SAD, though.


New member
many people think when you have money your life goes to the hell, thing that is too far to be true. You have more accesses, more friends, more pleasure, then, more happiness.
If all your goal is to get money, of course when having it you will find life disgusting to be lived. However, if you go for something more after you get the amount of money you wanted more joy you will find. Happiness is not definitive but directive that means you need to always go after something new.