Anyone else learn certain things at a very late age?


Well-known member
For example, I learned how to tie my shoes in the 5th grade, learned how to ride a bike in the 6th, mastered my signature just a month or two ago (It's still sloppy!), still don't know how to drive, and I struggle tying my hair back (I have really long hair for a guy). I also lack any sort of fashion sense, which most people my age know by now. I'm 19 by the way.

How do you think these shortcomings play into social phobia?


Well-known member
For example, I learned how to tie my shoes in the 5th grade, learned how to ride a bike in the 6th, mastered my signature just a month or two ago (It's still sloppy!), still don't know how to drive, and I struggle tying my hair back (I have really long hair for a guy). I also lack any sort of fashion sense, which most people my age know by now. I'm 19 by the way.

How do you think these shortcomings play into social phobia?

I'm not sure if this is SA related but I've also yet to perfect my signature. My text is decent, girl handwriting but my cursive is just awful. I'm ashamed of it. Looks like a little kid starting out.


Well-known member
lmao yea I still can't tie my shoes with that one loop rabbit tree hole whatever it is.. I just make two loops and tie them together.. and clocks? FORGET IT! I can't tell time on clocks unless they are digital. The other ones with the hands and bars and numbers confuse me so bad.. and you know those ones with like JUST lines and no numbers at all? I mean seriously? Who the hell is supposed to figure that out?!?! I mean come on... I was a child of Velcro and digital-ness. Also, like you, I can't drive. And I didn't learn to blow bubbles with chewing gum til I was 16. But when I was 5 I was making my own sodium acetate and extracting DNA from onions... using only woolite and hot water xD so yea.. I am a mad scientist ^^


Well-known member
I definitely did. I didn't learn how to tie my shoes until my mid-teens & I couldn't brush my hair until I was twelve. My mom got blamed a lot, but it wasn't her fault. People thought she was a bad parent for it. I also played with barbies until my early-mid teens & legos until my late teens. I'm sure I would still be doing those things if I hadn't forced myself to stop lol. That's just some of it lol, I could list more. I don't think my social anxiety had anything to do with it, though, I think that the fact that I am most likely on the autism spectrum is the reason.


Super Moderator
Yeah, but SA has nothing to do with it. My "family" just failed at teaching me certain basic things, they didn't even bother to. I had to learn myself.


Well-known member
I was lucky and learned to do things at a young age like read, spell, tie my shoes, all that crap. However, I still can't do simple elementary math. I can't have sex because I'm absolutely terrified of it. I didn't get my first kiss until I was 18 years old. I'm socially awkward and handicapped. I can't answer phones without getting incredibly anxious and scared. Same goes with answering the door or leaving the house. I don't know how to cook. Where was I going with this?


Well-known member
That's just awesome in epic proportions :eek:

My mom started in college when I was 4. I used to go to ALL of her classes with her. I guess that's back when there were less strict rules or something about bringing kids, but I clearly remember sitting in on classes at a young age. She was taking chemistry all that year and used to take me into the lab. The stuff I was doing like sodium acetate... that's just vinegar and baking soda.. nothing that would hurt a 5 year old. By the time I was 9 I was just hanging in the chemistry lab for fun after school. The Dean of the department knew me well and used to give me little experiments to do and problems to solve. Harmless stuff of course. I didn't get into the organic chem and more dangerous stuff until I was like 14. But I probably spent 90% of my free time there as a child. Mom bought me chemistry sets every year for Christmas. This is how you breed a mad scientist.. These days I don't have a proper lab but even today I was doing experiments with sulfuric acid. is my God. I don't know what I would do without them xD

As far as the Onion goes, I had help of course but only because it involved using a stove and you know, I was in kindergarten at the time. But I clearly remember the project. It was cool stuff ^^ But It also made me some what of a freak and probably contributed to my SA somewhat. I was essentially raised by science nerds... >:

Edit: Not implying that science nerds have SA or anything... just saying I was never like going out to movies or hanging with friends. I would rather be in a lab far far away from society. That is my comfort zone ^^
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Well-known member
Well, we all have them, you'll find that a lot with people. Some people may have their doctorates at some prestigious university, but they don’t know how to work a dvd player or something that's suppose to be user friendly.
Sometimes, our weaknesses can strengthen our strengths, like for some people, if they lose their eyesight their hearing may become better.

Due to bullying, I wagged school when I could, so I am having to learn a lot of things at a later date, but sp definitely will amplify those insecurities.
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Well-known member
when I was 20 I learned that to my father and brothers I was just a stupid good for nothing woman...

when I was 21 I learned to fry bacon...I was scared of the frying pan :eek:


Well-known member
yeh i mean one thing i'm embarrassed by is that i still have no idea what the stock market is about, like the all ordinaries and the US. dollar being ???? whatever the us dollar is at the moment and how it ties into anything....even though i pay attention to the news and politics alot of it is in one ear and out the other conceptually speaking...i still need to learn how to back a trailer in and out of a driveway and i wouldnt have a clue how to fix a car apart from changing a tyre....and then at parties when people talk about politics or history, i know the basics but people go into great depth about these topics and i wouldn't have a clue how to respond to alot of it apart from nodding...


Well-known member
For example, I learned how to tie my shoes in the 5th grade, learned how to ride a bike in the 6th, mastered my signature just a month or two ago (It's still sloppy!), still don't know how to drive, and I struggle tying my hair back (I have really long hair for a guy). I also lack any sort of fashion sense, which most people my age know by now. I'm 19 by the way.

How do you think these shortcomings play into social phobia?

Dude, who told you these things are abnormal, Did any one tell you?!! If not stop bringing up such silly doubts, only teenagers could be so insecure about all this!! Your absolutely right on time in everything, most people your age havent even tried mastering their signature yet!!


Well-known member
I'm not very good with maths; I can't do a lot of the basic times tables, can't always tell the time on an analogue clock or do anything beyond very basic mental arithmetic. I don't think that this has anything to do with SA though, as I do well in other things, just clearly don't have a mathematical brain or something...


Well-known member
lmao yea I still can't tie my shoes with that one loop rabbit tree hole whatever it is.. I just make two loops and tie them together.. and clocks? FORGET IT! I can't tell time on clocks unless they are digital. The other ones with the hands and bars and numbers confuse me so bad.. and you know those ones with like JUST lines and no numbers at all? I mean seriously? Who the hell is supposed to figure that out?!?! I mean come on... I was a child of Velcro and digital-ness. Also, like you, I can't drive. And I didn't learn to blow bubbles with chewing gum til I was 16. But when I was 5 I was making my own sodium acetate and extracting DNA from onions... using only woolite and hot water xD so yea.. I am a mad scientist ^^

Is it terrible that I still tie my shoes like that! I was alone a lot as kid so reading was all I did, by 5th grade I read at a college level but I still tie my shoes with two bunny ears because the other way is too hard for me ::p:


Well-known member
Is it terrible that I still tie my shoes like that! I was alone a lot as kid so reading was all I did, by 5th grade I read at a college level but I still tie my shoes with two bunny ears because the other way is too hard for me ::p:

hahaha exactly. I still tie my shoes that way too. I can compound chemicals with my eyes closed, and solve the most complicated equations... But tying my shoes and telling time? Forget it.


Well-known member
For example, I learned how to tie my shoes in the 5th grade, learned how to ride a bike in the 6th, mastered my signature just a month or two ago (It's still sloppy!), still don't know how to drive, and I struggle tying my hair back (I have really long hair for a guy). I also lack any sort of fashion sense, which most people my age know by now. I'm 19 by the way.

How do you think these shortcomings play into social phobia?

yes because when you have SP you can't totally concentrate and learn in the presence of others. You are also constantly facing depression and bordom and you loose interest in "material things"
That's why you need more time , and I guess many SP people need to repeat, repeat, and repeat again until they learn. As for me, I usually need to be alone in order to memorise/learn something.: for ex: it's hard to concentrate in the classroom, I don't catch anything, and have to read the lesson many times at home ...
But don't worry that's not a lack of intelligence, because I have achived an amazing academic track record despite my SP. Your learning difficulties are due to lack of concentration and sadness


Well-known member
I'm not very good with maths; I can't do a lot of the basic times tables, can't always tell the time on an analogue clock or do anything beyond very basic mental arithmetic. I don't think that this has anything to do with SA though, as I do well in other things, just clearly don't have a mathematical brain or something...

exactly the same for me, however, i am very successful at memorizing and analysis; and have a really good academic profile;
that's definetely not because of low intelligence, and mathematical brain is not a condition for intelligence..


Well-known member
yes because when you have SP you can't totally concentrate and learn in the presence of others. You are also constantly facing depression and bordom and you loose interest in "material things"
That's why you need more time , and I guess many SP people need to repeat, repeat, and repeat again until they learn. As for me, I usually need to be alone in order to memorise/learn something.: for ex: it's hard to concentrate in the classroom, I don't catch anything, and have to read the lesson many times at home ...
But don't worry that's not a lack of intelligence, because I have achived an amazing academic track record despite my SP. Your learning difficulties are due to lack of concentration and sadness

But I do feel very stupid! My grades started getting terrible Sophomore year in high school. I realize that I'm not an idiot, but I sure feel like one all the time...::(: