Anybody else get insulted by strangers on a daily basis? Or have weight loss tips?

A lot of fat? That sounds scary!! 6ecided im gonna lower my fat and carb intake and use self hypnosis to eliminate chocolate completely! I dont believe in diets cause it means forbidding yoursrlf from certain foods. If your forbidden from someting youre going to want it more- and even if you last a while on it you'll only binge afterwards. Ive already joined the gym (joined it just before those idiots insulted me) so i get a free trial tomorrow morning. Sometimes i wonder do these people really insult


Well-known member
I never give up the foods I like completely. Usually when I'm trying to lose weight I will eat healthy except for 1 day a week, on which I'll eat whatever and however much I want. It helps with cravings knowing that I can eat whatever on Saturday (my free day)


Well-known member
I can relate to your story. When i was in school i was bullied alot i always told i walked and ran weird so many times that i began to believe it and i hated when i had to do sport because i was being laughed at and i was always paranoid about it just destroyed what little confidence i had.


Well-known member
A lot of fat? That sounds scary!! 6ecided im gonna lower my fat and carb intake and use self hypnosis to eliminate chocolate completely! I dont believe in diets cause it means forbidding yoursrlf from certain foods. If your forbidden from someting youre going to want it more- and even if you last a while on it you'll only binge afterwards. Ive already joined the gym (joined it just before those idiots insulted me) so i get a free trial tomorrow morning. Sometimes i wonder do these people really insult

A lot of fat is no more likely to make you fat than any other form of energy... but it does have other risks and grossnesses. Most of the benefits from the diet I mentioned are psychological, but it's 200% understandable if it seems unappealing... it really is (unappealing)

The idea of depriving yourself of things on a diet only increasing the desire to eat it is a very good point. To attempt living without foods that you love is going to be very difficult if not impossible. As many people have said, you can choose a single day in the week in which you may eat these "cheat foods" and stay clean the rest of the week. Another option is moderation, moderate your intake each day, allowing only a small amount of the cheat foods to enter your body... however, it's very very rare that people are able to stop at "just a little" without saying "well, what defines 'little'... a little more couldn't hurt..and I'm still doing better than before, aren't I?"

For this reason, I feel that an actual change of self image is necessary. If you can teach yourself to ACTUALLY like steamed broccoli and rice, then you have essentially eliminated the problem altogether. If every meal that you eat is tasty enough to be a "cheat meal" but is healthy as well, then you're home free. While I recognize that this is impossible for some foods (I'll always loovee cheesecake and pumpkin pie more than anything!) I think that it can be enough to make healthy eating a part of you, part of your identity as a person.

One of the most important parts of the temporary low carbohydrate diet is to wean you off sugars. In doing so, you learn to taste the rich, sweetness in other foods: carrots, milk, crackers, almonds, cashews.. these all taste sweet, like candy! Awesome possum!

If a person can redefine themselves from a "person who needs and loves cookies" to "person who loves yogurt, omelettes, legumes, rice, vegetables, fresh produce and also likes cookies" then they have a whole lot more to focus on and a whole lot greater likelihood of having a healthy diet from day to day. They cannot be the same person as before and hope to change their behavior in the long term, they have to change.. they have to be that person

Learning to cook and love cooking will help with this. Not only will the meals be less likely to have been processed from the get go, but you will take pleasure in the experience of making healthy food, contributing to an actual love of the food itself (home made cookies are always the best! Well, the same goes for eggplant curry ;D). You can take foods that you don't ordinarily like and make them into gustatory delights! Broccoli sucks plain, but when spiced and combined with vegetables, rice and pork in a stirfry, it's totally kick ass!
...Of course, there are always times when cooking isn't an option, and that's fine. When you do have time and you've learned to cook well, it will be more of a fun activity than a tiresome toil.

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Well-known member
This is stupid... Society is getting stupid.. It was never this huge before... People start worrying about how they look or act so that others dont poke fun of them..
And people insult and rape the living crap out of other people to set an example and earn respect or fear of others...
Its like a gangsta world nowadays... If you dont whoop ass everyone just jumps on you... People start worrying about how they interact with other humans just like people worry about finding food or shelter in other places...
This is silly, and as a matter of fact its about leverage not physical appearance, ive seen fat people verbally insult and rape the living **** out of people poking fun of them... Its about the person who is the loudest and most abusive as if, the big gangsta that is... There are alot of people with brain and logic and wouldnt waste their time with this bull**** but alot of silly people are out there and you might not want to give them much attention or go down to their level.. See once they see that you're weak or naive they will start and wont stop.. Keep ignoring them as much as you can.. Just fashionable nowadays to offend and insult others and make offending jokes that anyone no matter what will get offended from.

Couldn't agree more.
Every time I read a story like this, I'm not surprised, but it does sadden me all over again.
After looking at your pictures, I don't understand what would prompt anyone to verbally attack you (not that people who look a certain way deserve it). If I saw you walking down the street, I'd think the opposite of what all those people say. With weight loss, it's cliche, but only do it for yourself.

I don't believe that SA is just based on irrational fears. That's not fair.

I got a lot of this all throughout childhood and in school; a reason as to why I dropped out.
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Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
im so sorry that happened! There are tons of *******s in the world. 99% of the time, you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
my mother is a dietitian and at one point did weight loss counseling for people with psychological problems. you absolutely have to be accepting of the way your body is right now, without weightloss. that's extremely important. this means looking in the mirror and not feeling any kind of negative emotions about the way your weight is distributed on your frame. The idea is, its possible you are encouraging yourself to have a negative body image inorder to gain motivation to lose weight. the pitchfork approach you know? A lot of people do that, but its an extremely cruel thing to do to yourself.
Thinking about the veins and organs and the complexity of your body will help get rid of a negative body image too.
Missing meals slows down your metabolism and will make it difficult so try hard not to miss any meals. Eating at regular intervals will make your appetite very accurate at indicating how much food you need to eat.
Dont be afraid of eating fats, because fats act as an appetite suppressant whereas carbohydrates do nothing to suppress your appetite, but still they are essential too!
thats the most important stuff i know.
hippiechild had great advice! you can do the no/low carb thing for a few weeks to jumpstart, but dont make it a habit, because you need those too!
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Nature has a way of compelling us to move forward.

I get insulted all the time, however it's not such a big deal.

The important thing to remember, repeat this in your head "It's not me, it's them".

Don't think you're fat. Don't know you're fat.

Visualize the body image you would prefer. Know that it is coming to you and you to it. Now focus on the real steps of consistent action to take, intelligent, patient action. There's no quick-fix for life's problems. Our images take work. But you've got your whole life to work on it right?

Create a positive vibe within yourself. People can sense if you are afraid or trying to go unnoticed.


Well-known member
In what VILLAGE do you live? :S I am asking this because it seems like there are too many ignorrant people in your area. It is not about you, it is about them. You shouldnt get angry or sad but should feel sorry for those idiots. Normal people would never act or talk like pigs. They obviously have problems.

But if you want to lose weight I can tell you some tips... I use 1500 kcal per day regime + sports. Sports not every day, at least 4 times a week for 40 min. or if I am feeling lazy I switch to 20 minutes per day 6 times a week. Still works for me.


Well-known member
Social anxiety's all irrational phobia's right? WRONG!!!
My fears are perfectly rational - the only reason I fear what people think of me is because EVERY time i go into town, somebody insults me. Usually a group of guys. I hate it so much. Yeah i know I'm unattractive and have a weird manly walk - no need to bloody point it out to me and ruin my confidence even more! I don't think I'm a fat ugly monster... I know I am! :(
I'm so sick of people who dont even know me making me feel like ****. Its amazing how strangers have the power to shatter every bit of confidence you have and nearly end your life (yep, it happened to be on a bridge today and I wont even explain how much I just wanted to jump off).

Today was horrible. I was walking into town -hungover, scraggy hair, no makeup, red face- minding my own business and there were these two guys walking towards me. I noticed one of 'em walking funny and noticed he was mocking the way I walk. I tried to pretend I didnt notice and changed my walk straight away. Then they walked past me and (please don't laugh)both made farting noises amd started laughing. I remember a guy telling me before that it was a sleazy compliment. This wasn't though. They were clearly doing it to offend me! If I had a rock I would've thrown it and made sure i knocked at least one of em out cold.

I'm sick of this crap - I try to hide my anxiety but because I'm fat and wearing a hoodie I get abused! Its so stupid.. I'm really losing my will to live. P.S. This isn't a suicide threat - I'm 100% anti-suicide. Why am I here like? All my life consists of is these idiots insulting me! I'll never be able to leave the house and get one positive comment about my appearance. All I'm seen as is that fat butch nervous wreck. I'm so fed up! I dress casual and I get abused - I dress up like I'm going to go out and I get nothing! Maybe a "oh your boobs falling out" by some old man.

I'm sick of having to hide, avoid eye contact, take alternate routes, and pretend to be on my phone (and have a panic attack when I cant find my phone) just to avoid these people (ie. nearly every guy who walks past me) and their insults.

I'm starting Paul McKenna's weightloss programme and joining the gym on tuesday. I did Paul McKenna's thing for two weeks before and lost 4lbs in 2 weeks. I'm hoping to lose more this time though. I need to lose 4 or 5 stone like!!
If anyone has any good weight loss tips they'd be much appreciated. These people and their insults are destroying me!

This just completely pisses me off! People disgust me with their attitudes. Everyone is so self centered and shallow, the fact that you have to go through something like this on a daily basis is just bullsh*t. How terrible is it that people have to endure this or go through an awful experience just to gain sympathy towards other people because they can't just learn it on they're own. I know exactly how you feel. I have friends that do this to me everyday, insult me. It makes all the fears you have about yourself amplified because you feel like everything you see bad about yourself everyone else obviously sees too so there's no hiding from it. But they're wrong and they only do that because they're sick. They could only feel good about themselves by putting others down. Just because society has evolved that way doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, it's just everything wrong with them. I support anything you do to help yourself but make sure you're doing it for yourself and not for someone else. No one deserves the true magnitude of the beautiful person you are if they can't earn it.


The only things I know about loosing weight would be,drink lots of water,eat fruits and vegitables,and exercise. You can ask your Dr,about haveing your thyroid checked.My Aunt has a problem with hers and getting medication for it has helped her loose some.Shes 350lbs. But wont do anything about it except say she hates being fat.Ive offered to execise with her,and even change my diet,less junk!More fruit etc. along with her so she wont feel alone while doing it! And I dont need to loose any.Try not to let other people bother you,dont take it to heart.They dont know YOU,they are rude,inconsiderate,and not worth your time.


Well-known member
They have no reason to insult you, but for their own entertainment because they are scum. Please, please don't believe them because it's so far from the truth. I have been insulted a few times about my appearance, but I beat on myself about it far more. Other people's ignorance may seem to rationalize your fears, but at the very core it's irrational. For someone to insult you on your appearance is a ridiculous notion. It's just that there are some people like that. Not all people are that way by any means.

As for losing weight, I'd like to recommend a site to you. I find it to have a good program and tonnes of great information, work out videos and tools - or

I commend you for joining the gym, I really do. I wish you the best of luck!


New member
It was like that for me..I was overweight, and you do get people who insult you. I remember sitting on a bus when i used to go to school. And there were no seats left except one sitting next to this other guy. So i sat down and straight away he got up, went to the other side of the bus, insulted me with vile names and started to kick me on the shoulder (end up going home with big bruises). I just moved to where the window was and ignored the abuse the entire journey. Inside i just wanted to get off this bus and hide - i felt ashamed, i felt weak, lost all my confidence.

That was end of the year, so during the summer i was fed up of being overweight..So i changed my eating patterns..Changed my sleeping patterns..And within 4 months i ended up losing almost 40kgs - started lifting weights and just basically became a fitter, stronger and more confident person - on the outside that was. Inside i was still suffering from SA.

Anyways after losing the weight, i noticed girls would come and talk to me as more of my personality would start to come through..It wasnt too long untill i got a girlfriend..After school my then girlfriend and i went on the bus, and i saw that same guy who abused me (he would always sit at the back)..I couldnt resist - so i just shouted *Oiiii* at him..he looked up, and i said *Do you remember me* he screwed his face at me and shook his head and said *no*..So i told him, *last year you abused me mentally aswell as physically - just for being fat!! Look who is next to me holding my hand, and look whos holding yours (no one was sitting next to him)..I looked at him from head to toe, then let out a little pffft laugh (biggest insult you can do to someone IMO)..and the entire trip he was quite, and he must of felt exactly how i felt back then. I wasnt particulary proud that i did this as im not a revengful person..but the way he treated people, especially hitting someone on a bus - he was definitely an as$hole.

Majority of people in this world are nice - You do get scum who ruin it for others - Usually by people in groups as they're too scared to say things to someone by themselves. Confidence is the key, shoulders back, head up - and always remember you have the same right as any human being in the world to go and do whatever you want.


Well-known member
I'm Italian-America its impossible not to eat carbs for me, lol.

However, I lost quite a bit of weight by replacing 2 of my meals and just eating a normal dinner. I use spiru-tein. It doesn't have sugar (unlike slimfast) and has loads of protein/vitamins. I have PCOS and insulin resistance so I don't process fats/sugars well and they store in my liver and the rest of my body so I'm not supposed to consume sugar at all really, except those that occur in fruits.

I think limiting sugar/carbs is a good rule of thumb for anyone as well as red meats and fatty meats (try to trim the fat.)

Cardio is also your friend. If you can get Wii even and dance around your house, just get your heart beating for 30 min to an hour a day I think it might help.

Welp I'm not an expert but I did lose weight this way.

I am not very attractive a bit overtall and overweight. Typical huge Italian nose. But I've never been made fun of on the street. I don't know if it is because of where I live or what but I wish you didn't have to go thru that, its inexcusable to treat a fellow human being that way.


Well-known member
I don't think that anyone has actually made fun of me in public, but I get the sense that people in their minds comment about me quite easily. "oh, look at this mutant" "I didn't know people could look that ugly". That's what I usually think gets said in their head. This is one of the reasons I just avoid being seen by others.::(:

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
this is appropriate for this thread. in highschool a guy that i didnt even know walked up beside me without me noticing and screamed as loud as possible in my ear. i jumped a mile, it scared me so bad. him and his friends got a good laugh and i became his favorite victim. i know he was awful to alot of people though, so that helped me not take it as bad. still though i did my best to get graduated out of highschool early and he was part of the reason.
its like, you know in the wild, predators go after the weakest and the most vulnerable of the herd, and you dont want to be the lucky winner of that contest. it really is an awful thing.