Anybody else get insulted by strangers on a daily basis? Or have weight loss tips?


Well-known member
I don't think that anyone has actually made fun of me in public, but I get the sense that people in their minds comment about me quite easily. "oh, look at this mutant" "I didn't know people could look that ugly". That's what I usually think gets said in their head. This is one of the reasons I just avoid being seen by others.::(:

I do the exact same. I feel like in their head they're saying all these horrible things about me but I think that's just my own thoughts projected on other people. Because I feel that way about myself, I figure that's how everyone else sees me too.


Try growing up in the southern US and looking like a jew (big nose,etc,etc). It's great to not only be ugly, even better to look like a stereotypical characture for one of the most hated races in the world.
Not a day goes by someone doesn't laugh at me indirectly. It's hard to have any dignity when you know, in any social situation (work, informal get-together) that you will be come the subject of topic. And not in a good way. It's great getting those types of indirect smirks and gawks while being at the movies with your 10 year old. He is so affected he thinks he is the reason.

I'm fairly muscular and tall so very seldom will someone "pick" on me directly. No one makes eye contact when I'm talking to them. My life has been one of avoidance. I am older now (47), and have 4 kids. As I mentioned earlier, one of my kids resembles me a good bit and he has the paranoia that I carry with me. It is utterly heartbreaking. But that is life, and it is the only trip we get (at least that's what I believe). So I try to celebrate the good things and devalue the bad things. It is tough, my quality of life is low in some regards. But we must press on, life is finite, death is forever.
If your for real being insulted by someone, insult them back or light em up with the 'ol 1-2 and watch em crumble, its the only way I've found that I can walk away without beating myself up mentally, I agree with anyone who says fighting is wrong, but its part of life and it keeps people off your case, and when toy let your true emotions flow, however ugly they may be, it always makes you feel better about yourself, and it could be the start of you showing your true emotions all the time.
For the weight loss, I always am having to gain and lose weight, and it all depends on your diet (low carb high protein, lots of fruit and veggies) and intense cardiovascular workout with a light strength training regimen, it has to work if u stick to it, it all depends on how hard ypur willing to work, and your health should be the main concern, not the looks, the looks come with the health.


Well-known member
People call me ugly on the streets. Once I was walking with my identical twin and some random boy came over and tapped me on the shoulder and said ''You're ugly'' like he felt it was something I needed to know and he was doing me a favour.
People tell me all the time that my twin is prettier than me. ''She's the prettier/slimmer/funnier/smarter/outgoing one''. They say my skin is worse, my teeth are crooked, my hair is worse. I hate it.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
People call me ugly on the streets. Once I was walking with my identical twin and some random boy came over and tapped me on the shoulder and said ''You're ugly'' like he felt it was something I needed to know and he was doing me a favour.
People tell me all the time that my twin is prettier than me. ''She's the prettier/slimmer/funnier/smarter/outgoing one''. They say my skin is worse, my teeth are crooked, my hair is worse. I hate it.

It's interesting that you and your twin should apparently be so dissimilar. It doesn't sound like your sister suffers from SA at all. There's a lot of debate as to whether mental conditions such as SA are genetic, or the result of environment, and I've always been of the opinion that they are strongly rooted in genetics, but your situation would seem to indicate that this isn't always the case.

It's even more interesting given that, as twins, you would have been raised in the same environment. Do you have any thoughts on why your sister seems to be so different to you?


Well-known member
People call me ugly on the streets. Once I was walking with my identical twin and some random boy came over and tapped me on the shoulder and said ''You're ugly'' like he felt it was something I needed to know and he was doing me a favour.
People tell me all the time that my twin is prettier than me. ''She's the prettier/slimmer/funnier/smarter/outgoing one''. They say my skin is worse, my teeth are crooked, my hair is worse. I hate it.

What kind of person does that?:confused:


'Strangers' is the worst word in the world.

What's the point of speaking to a stranger? I don't get many insults, but I am scared stiff of these people. Walking towards people in the street, when we're going in the opposite direction is my worst fear. Either completely unknown, or those I see often, but don't make friends with. Why does this happen?

Look at people the furthest away, then again at half the distance? As you get right close, who's looking at who? I can only this situation as 'why bother?' but if I don't, what might happen?

The worst scenario is with people I've known years ago, eg. the sexiest lady, who I fanced for a long time... we used to talk about trivial rubbish in the street. Now, even she ignores me.

My main question: why is this such an issue for me? Does it mean anything? Just ingore it? It wraps up the whole expression for agoraphobia for me


Well-known member
its so sad reading these stories :( ppl can be soo cruel.

however, if you weigh up the number of the mean things strangers have said, compared with strangers who have not said anything mean, you'll see that its quite rare that you encounter a rude pig.


Well-known member
"I don't think I'm a fat ugly monster... I know I am! :( "

That says it think you're a fat and ugly monster. I've seen many overweight people who seem way happier than me. And yes, they may be fat, but that doesn't make them any worse or better than me.


Well-known member
its a long battle we'll deal with for our lives, some of us will get over it, some of us wont.. some will fix it by losing weight.. some even get plastic surgery, some will be able to change the things that make them look insult-worthy, some wont..

for me, im doing all thats in my power to look normal. dont be insecure to do whatever it takes, to be able to live a normal life and to just be happy. life is short and we get older every day.


New member
I've had random people look and laugh at me at the store etc, it sucks coz ya feel like s*** afterwards :( one time this guy was laughing at me for whatever reason and I went up to him and got in his face and said 'you getting f***** smart?' He looked liked he was gonna cry lol, felt good doing that though.
I get so shocked with some posts on this site. Either America is the land of the arsehole, or you're very sensitive people, because it seems on a daily basis I read of outright rudeness, not even subtle stuff that could have been misconstrued, just plain insults. I guess because I'm English, I hate to generalize, but generally we're more passive aggressive, but like I say, that's just a generalisation
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Well-known member
Either America is the lad of the arsehole
^ I'm gonna go with this one. ;)

But really, rude people are everywhere, not just America. And sometimes you can't avoid them. I've gotten insulted plenty of times, strangers, friends, and family alike (And I think the latter two are far worse). Try not to let it get to you though (I know that so much easier said than done).

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
^ I'm gonna go with this one. ;)

But really, rude people are everywhere, not just America.

That's true of course, but I have to agree with Pebbles that this whole thing of strangers just insulting or laughing at you out of the blue is something I've never heard of over here. People here tend to ignore you unless they know you, or there's some reason for them to interact with you.


I feel for you guys. I'm going through daily insults by strangers and being ostracized too. It's because I mumble to myself. There's this group of people who make it their life's work to go around and spread the word that I'm "nuts". They try to bump into me hard and other things that push my buttons. I mostly stay home with the excuse that I don't really have a reason to leave the house. I took up martial arts too as a way to steer my mind towards something else.


Active member
That's true of course, but I have to agree with Pebbles that this whole thing of strangers just insulting or laughing at you out of the blue is something I've never heard of over here. People here tend to ignore you unless they know you, or there's some reason for them to interact with you.

North America does not have the classiest people living on its soil. Being loud and obnoxious seems to be the norm here.


Hiya Evil Feline Space Cadet (using your username)

First of all, I am sorry to hear about the trouble that you are facing. Yet let me tell you now, you are by no means at all ugly or fat. I took the liberty to look at your profile pictures to see what the fuss was about and couldn't find anything wrong. In fact I am going to say that looking at your photos, I find you rather attractive looking. I mean that seriously, no jokes or nasty remarks or anything. How these punks could say something like that about you I don't know.
Where I used to live, I used to have punks taking the mick out of me because I speak with a deep voice. They would often shout remarks at me from across the street and going after them, they would quickly leg it away before I could catch them.
In the end, I called the police and speaking with them, got the problem sorted. If you know where any of these punks live, tell the police as this is harassment.



By way Charlene, don't mean sound like a stalker, tried message you another message by facebook if ok but realise need sign you up as a friend first which I have done.


Active member
I've had it before. Random people calling me ugly, or boys coming up to me in fits of laughter asking if "their mate could have my number." It was worst at school but I have had randomers on the street just come up to me. It is horrible, I used to go and sit in my room crying for hours. To be honest those experiences made me lose a lot of faith in society and people. But it will get better, try to remember that these people are complete cowards and you are 10x the person they ever will be. :)