Anxiety from noise anyone?

Sorry if this is the wrong place, but do any of you get anxiety from certain noises?

here are the symptoms i get from noises i can't deal with:

I get really sweaty
my heart races and i start to get heart palpitations
I tense up to where I literally can't move. (or i feel like i'll go crazy if i do move)
and i start to twitch

I notice that when ever I go to the movie theater I get really anxious and I never knew why. I jump in my seat even if its not a scary movie!

I also can't go to concerts. They drive me crazy!

But the one noise I can't stand is a baby crying. I have a niece who screams at the top of her lungs and I just want to choke her so she would stop. I don't know why hearing a baby's cry gets me so angry.


Well-known member
I kinda get anxiety from the sound of a chainsaw, actually. And also when I hear someone coming down the stairs, although that's a little different lol, since I'm just anxious about someone coming into my room.


my mum just came back from my sisters house in england, and she said that she was was so glad to be home again. not because she didnt want to be there, but my nephews kept jumping on her, and wakening her up


Super Moderator
I hate it when people chew gum or any other crap and make disgusting chewing noise. I don't get anxious, just annoyed to the extreme.


Maybe your hypersensitive to sound? Try having your hearing checked by an audiologist. You can't really change the stimuli(the noises) but you can change the way you react to them. This can be achieved through systematic desensitization therapy.


Well-known member
I'm the same way, with both big & small noises. When I ear noises outside, like neighbors talking, or people shutting doors, or lawn mowers, motorcycles, trains, foghorns from the boats, sirens, cars going down the street, etc. When I'm on the bus & people start talking to loud or start laughing or getting excited in any way, I get scared. When I was watching "2012" at the movie theater, some of the noises terrified me.

Part of the reason I'm so agoraphobic is the noises I hear outside. They're even worse when I'm outside, among them.
Maybe your hypersensitive to sound? Try having your hearing checked by an audiologist. You can't really change the stimuli(the noises) but you can change the way you react to them. This can be achieved through systematic desensitization therapy.

How do I go about that? Do i ask my doctor?

I also notice my ears twitching more...


Well-known member
This can probably be one of my biggest anxieties. Sight and sound anxieties, really. It somewhat paralyzes me with anxiety/kick in stomach feeling to watch/hear some people eat. I also can't sleep, read, or do school work if certain people are talking even a littleeeee bit where I can hear it. If my mom sneezes consecutively it drives me near insanity. I have sight ones too where I get the same feelings if my mom takes a drink twice in a row. My most recent irrational anxiety is with my mom walking behind me. I can't have her walk across behind me. My poor mother, lol.


hmmmm does anyone MAKE noises when anxious??

I hum if Im anxious....a lot.....especially if Im a lil anxious and Im eating.....for some reason as I chew I hum quite a bit!!!

I feel weird doing it but I think its a subconscious mechanism to help my breathing or something.


Well-known member
Today was actually the first day (that I know of or can remember, at least) that a noise has ever truly bothered me to the point of feeling anxious. I was riding in the car with my boyfriend and his mom, we were going to the store and I was riding in the backseat. None of us had our seat belts on, so the car kept making that extremely annoying "DING DING DING!" noise, over and over. It didn't seem to affect either of them, but for some reason, it just started bugging the crap out of me. It wasn't just irritating me, it started making me anxious. It'd ding, then stop for a couple minutes, then do it again. Over and over. Luckily, it was a short drive. But it still made me kinda freak out. I have no idea why. I felt like I was going insane. It's never done this to me before...


Well-known member
How do I go about that? Do i ask my doctor?

I also notice my ears twitching more...
Noise really bothers me too. I find it really distracting and irritating. But on the flip side, I also find music soothes the wild beast!
I believe it's occupational therapists that deal with hypersensitivities


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Certain adverts on the tv make me anxious for some reason because of the sound effects or the way the people speak the words. There were quite a few ads recently with people going da da, I had to turn it over quickly.


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I don't know what it is but lately i've been really jumpy with noises. I'll be watching tv with my parents and a loud noise will come on and i feel embarassed! The worst is in cinema's when even a non scary film makes me feel anxious and i get paranoid that people see my reactions. I also have a hard time in places where they have loud music like clubs, concerts etc so i avoid them. The irony is that i enjoy rock music but for some reason i get self conscious about getting anxious from noises whenever other people are around.


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I am embarassed to say this but I get paranoid sometimes when I hear the sound of a large plane, it makes me somewhat nervous. I stop what I'm doing and wait until it passes by.

Oh yeah and those annoying alarm clocks stress me out. Beep Beep Beep. ****


Well-known member
I get slightly anxious from the noise that the little message thingy makes on this site when people IM me. That's no joke either. It makes me jump every single time... But other than that noises don't really bother me.


Well-known member
Snoring, Construction work.. things like that. Anything that's a repeated noise where I feel like I'm waiting for the next noise between stops. Those give me heart palpitations.


I cant stand when people think its okay to shout and roar while out in public. You can only be excused for doing this if you're drunk, lol. But it literally irritates me to the core, and usually its the odd group of teenagers that come into the shop i work in and run around screaming. Like wtf, how old are you, 5??


Well-known member
Snoring, Construction work.. things like that. Anything that's a repeated noise where I feel like I'm waiting for the next noise between stops. Those give me heart palpitations.

Exactly! If I'm anticipating the noise - that's what reaaaaally makes me anxious


Well-known member
I kinda get anxiety from the sound of a chainsaw, actually. And also when I hear someone coming down the stairs, although that's a little different lol, since I'm just anxious about someone coming into my room.

I find the anxiety gets even worse when the chainsaw is wielded by a guy wearing an apron and a leather mask, chasing after me::p: