Alcohol makes things worst


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i love me a nice cold bud light after an honest work day. Haven't had an honest work day in a while so a nice cold bud light doesn't have the same effect of "ahhhh" as it could have if I was a productive member in society.
Yeah, I can't do weed anymore. When I was younger it was fun to get high and trip out, laugh at dumb stuff and all that. But now if I smoke, I just get extremely paranoid and a couple of times I've blacked out. Not for me anymore.


Well-known member
^ that's why I only smoke at night now, when I'm alone in my room with you guys on SPW and the TV...

I don't go out in public high. I did it a few days ago actually, very nerve-racking...I only did it because this girl texted me at midnight asking me to come out and I had just smoked right before she texted me...and I blew her off the night before by saying I was too tired to come out, so I felt like I owed her. It was so weird for about an hour...


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my ex boyfriend smokes weed like no one i've ever known.. he smokes at least every hour or so, sometimes more. he doesn't get tested or anything for his job, so it doesn't really matter, usually he won't smoke at work, he'll just get super lit before going in.. but even then, sometimes he'll take a break from work and go ride around in his car and smoke. i don't see any difference in him when he's high from when he's normal, it's weird, lol... i mean, his eyes are a little more red but that's about it... he could pay my bills with the money he spends on green, it's nuts! i guess some people get that 'pro status' when they've been smoking for 10+ years


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I'm Irish, so if there is anything I know about it's the lovely libations... Alcohol is a way of life here, if you don't drink, you are the odd one...
From my perspective, the beers give me a life, when I've had a few all my tensions and worries seem to disappear and I become, dare I say, relatively normal. But thats just me...

There are the side effects though... as an SA I guess I have a bit of pent-up frustration in me that once in a blue moon can get released and I can be a nasty **** (not physically though)
And of course Alcohol is a drug and as with any drug there is the come down the next day, if you are depressed already the detox from a bender with make the depression a hell of a lot worse.

All the same, I will always love a few beers, for the chance at feeling a little normal once in while, if nothing else...


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i don't see any difference in him when he's high from when he's normal

That could be because the damage is already done, people who smoke weed heavily for a long time can do a lot of damage to their brain, so they end up having that tuned out appearance permanently so that u can't tell anymore whether they are actually high or not... I know a few guys like that..


Well-known member
That could be because the damage is already done, people who smoke weed heavily for a long time can do a lot of damage to their brain, so they end up having that tuned out appearance permanently so that u can't tell anymore whether they are actually high or not... I know a few guys like that..

i agree.. he's a very smart guy, can build anything and has many hobbies, he's just generally mellow and chilled out, lol


All the same, I will always love a few beers, for the chance at feeling a little normal once in while, if nothing else...

Oh tell me about it!! Aah just having a few drinks is such an amazing feeling! Wow, I'd like to also point out that I am under NO circumstances in need of attending any "meetings" anytime soon. Honest :D The anxiety just definitely goes away once I've had a few and I feel incredibly relaxed.


Well-known member
I am in college, so alcohol is ALL around me, Wednesday through Sunday, EVERY WEEK. It is SUCH a burden, and i hate it. Unlike most people(or anyone i have ever encountered), alcohol relaxes me less than 10% of the times i drink. It is just a total toss up with me and alcohol. I rarely drink when i'm feeling down, because i know that in social situations, it just amplifies my anxiety by 10000X, especially if im already feeling a little anxious to begin with. This makes me think that my SA is like the worst on the planet because of this. :(

Its weird, i only drink a lot if i'm feeling good while drinking. It takes me a lot too get drunk, so i have control over this.

I hate how everyone i know at school and all around me seems to pick alcohol as their social pass time on the weekends. I'm so jealous how everyone seems to have such a good, relaxing time EVERY time they drink. It is so unfair how people know that drinking alcohol will make a situation that they are dreading easier and more comfortable. For me, not only does it usually cause anxiety, but my moods can slip into depression even quicker than when i'm sober. So, if i am feeling good while drinking, the anxious thoughts just BURST through my happy, fun thoughts, and totally ruin my drunkenness, and i creep out the back door of a friends, and walk back to my house. This happens probably 9 out of 10 nights i drink. Again, the only time i do get absolutely drunk is when i am enjoying myself, then it is SOOO fun to get sloppy with my friends, but thats SOOO rare that i don't have high hopes for it happening...ever!

I would love to hear anyone else with this type of experience explain a little more about their experiences with alcohol. Because i am very bad at explaining myself with these things, IDK why, i just am bad at saying how i feel. I almost feel guilty and weak for having these symptoms, and its hard to dissect them, ever.


Well-known member
^^ unoccupied, i'm the only one out of my friends who doesn't drink.. i hang out with them all through the week and they are always drinking or playing drinking games, and i just chill with them without drinking, they don't care at all, they know i'm katie, the one who doesn't drink.... i'll drink occasionally with them, but i'll only drink i tiny bit, and i'll never let myself get buzzed because i'm just too anxious... i'm scared i'll get drunk and something bad will happen.. i always have to have an exit strategy when i do anything so that it'll ease my mind, but if i were drunk, i'd have no way to get out, haha... idk, i just don't worry about drinking, i never feel pressured to..


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Alcohol does make me less inhibited... the words definitely flow more easily. But you have to watch your intake because while your words flow better, their quality tends to degrade at a certain point.


Well-known member
^^ unoccupied, i'm the only one out of my friends who doesn't drink.. i hang out with them all through the week and they are always drinking or playing drinking games, and i just chill with them without drinking, they don't care at all, they know i'm katie, the one who doesn't drink.... i'll drink occasionally with them, but i'll only drink i tiny bit, and i'll never let myself get buzzed because i'm just too anxious... i'm scared i'll get drunk and something bad will happen.. i always have to have an exit strategy when i do anything so that it'll ease my mind, but if i were drunk, i'd have no way to get out, haha... idk, i just don't worry about drinking, i never feel pressured to..

Hey Katie, two things:
1. I like yhour strategy, but have you ever drank before? And, do you know anyone like me, whos anxious thoughts shine when i drink?

and, 2. Is that you in your profile picture? If so, you are very pretty, haha i know, i'm creepy. But, if not, i am sure you are a very pretty person, BOTH out AND inside.


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Alcohol helps me loosen up when around people. I don't really like doing it because I hate dealing with a hangover.


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Even if I just have one drink, I get horribly depressed for weeks afterwords... It does relax me a bit though, but what little self esteem I do have takes a nose dive and I feel like I am inferior to everyone on this blue planet... That's usually when I start wishing for death and wanting to die. I guess that's every day, but it does get exponentially worse with alcohol.


Well-known member
Hey Katie, two things:
1. I like yhour strategy, but have you ever drank before? And, do you know anyone like me, whos anxious thoughts shine when i drink?

and, 2. Is that you in your profile picture? If so, you are very pretty, haha i know, i'm creepy. But, if not, i am sure you are a very pretty person, BOTH out AND inside.

1. i do drink sometimes, i've just never been drunk... most alcohol tastes like ass to me, i'll drink wine or random mix drinks that i know i like.. i feel like if i were to get drunk, i'd be like you, my anxious thoughts would be nuts, that's why i don't get drunk :)

and 2. yes, that's me, you're sweet thank you ::eek::


Well-known member
Katie, how do you know what ass tastes like? And ******* casserole in the other thread. You're a weird one lol.

And maybe mosquitos don't bite you because you rarely drink. Hmmm...don't mosuitos get drunk after they suck blood? Idk.


Well-known member
damn, adam! you're hating on me tonight!! ::p: lol

i suppose i do not know what ass or sh!t tastes like... but if i had to guess, it'd taste like beer or tequila! lmao

and you have a point with the mosquito thing, i'm about to google that sh!t.....
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I ain't no hater. Do I drink hater-ade? No, it says Aquafina fool. Grrr.

Mosquitos are like insect-vampires. Leeches too I guess. What else lives by sucking blood lol.


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"They are extremely sensitive to the carbon dioxide in exhaled breath, as well as to substances found in sweat and various body odours such as 1-octen-3-ol. They are believed to be able to track potential prey for tens of meters. Some people attract more mosquitoes than others, apparently based on how they "smell" to a mosquito. Mosquitoes can also detect heat, so they can find warm-blooded mammals and birds very easily once they get close enough."

okay, so i don't sweat enough and i'm cold blooded!! :D