Alcohol makes things worst


Well-known member
haha I still think it has to do with alcohol. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Or something like that lol.


Well-known member
At least the lady mosquitoes love me. :rolleyes:

Any time I drink something alcoholic, I notice an increased propensity to hum or sing the music that's always playing in my head. As no one around me really cares as much as I do for either power metal or Paganini, I tend not to drink.


Quiet Angel

Well-known member
I'm an alcoholic, so I don't drink at all. That's why I try to find an alternative way
to help myself feel comfortable; preferrably in the healthiest approach.


New member
yes Alcohol is stimulant , which slows your body down..A (Downer drug) for my experiences alcohol calmed me down and I felt better ,but I don't want to be a dependent on anything if possible..for some people alcohol is the only relief they have from panic attacks or anxiety in general, but you tend to rely on it and it becomes controling...


Well-known member
Am I the only one who prefers smoking over alcohol? I don't get fat when I smoke. I don't get too lifted and end up puking everywhere. I don't blackout from smoking too much.

Most of all, I don't get fat from smoking. I just get calm and it makes me think more. Alcohol makes you act stupid.


Well-known member
I have only recently started drinking again, i didn't drink for a whole year when i was at my lowest point of agoraphobia. But now i've got better i have been out twice and drunk way too much last night.

I do find that it calms my nerves a lot but if im standing still while im out and not doing anything i do find a get a lil panicky, but most of the time i do forget about my nerves. I am a bit worried that people say when you sober up your anxiety is a whole lot worse but i'm not going to go overboard going out just yet.