Alcohol makes things worst


Well-known member
I`m not a huge drinker or anything but at a reception I attended I drank a bit of alcohol not too much (not drunk) and it actually made me more paranoid compared to what I felt before drinking. I guess it isn`t for me.

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
Everyone has a different reaction to alcohol. It's best to find a natural way to
feel comfortable with other people--easier said than done, I know.


Well-known member
The times I have gotten myself drunk I've had less anxiety, I guess it effects people differently


Well-known member
most definitely....

If we are talking about drinking "lightly", then it does allow me to talk more with people, but the stuff that comes out is bs and I feel embarrassed the day after. Even drinking a little effects my sleeping habits making the days following difficult.


Well-known member
Hhmm, it's good that you know to avoid it now. I'm allergic to most alcohol, but when I do drink (almost never) it does relax me a hell of a lot, but also makes me depressed, but I only realize it when alone. I've never heard of becoming paranoid from drinking before though...


Well-known member
It's interesting to see people's different reactions to alcohol. I've never drunk booze as I simply don't like the taste of it. However I'm thinking of drinking some next week before this party which I'm going to and not looking forward to at all. I need something to relax me. However I realise this could backfire so I'm gonna do a "practice run" this weekend on my day off. If I can't even down half a can and throw up then I know not to do it on the day. If I can keep it down and get more relaxed then there's my coping strategy.

Just out of interest - how many cans of drink would it take before you'd feel any effects? Not drunk, just like more relaxed? I know everyone's different, but just say on average?


Well-known member
alcohol if used in moderatation can help with anxiety , but get dependant on it as a crutch for social situations , long term it will work the other way around , you said it didnt work for you , were all diff , as with anything you use to say numb the brain to make you less anxious sometimes works the other way around , not all the time depends on the meds the person ect .....


I am a light social drinker, but I can truly say, that without alcohol, my sex life would be close to nonexistant. Alcohol helps to close the deal by transforming both timid afraid-to-talk-up a girl guys, and calculating I'll play hard to get girls.
Maybe try drinking more next time - perhaps you didn't drink enough to feel the effects?

I'm not saying that you should "pick up" alcohol of course ;P Just saying that maybe you didn't drink enough. I remember the first time I had it (which wasn't that long ago) I felt pretty paranoid too for the first few ounces...


Alcohol is the "social lubricant", but there isn't any guarantee it will always work. Sometimes if I'm already uncomfortable, the drinking can amplify my worries.

My problem is if I'm not careful, I will drink just to look like I'm doing something besides standing there feeling awkward (since I'm not good at mingling). And before I know it (or don't know it) I'm wasted. Now I just try to nurse one drink as long as I can. Happy if I get a little buzz, hold a few coherent conversations and don't embarrass myself.


Well-known member
Depends on what poison you choose. I find that alcohol has little affect curbing any anxiety and can make it worse in some cases, but when I drink champagne, it often helps a little.


Well-known member
Great thread, really caught my interest.

I am in college, so alcohol is ALL around me, Wednesday through Sunday, EVERY WEEK. It is SUCH a burden, and i hate it. Unlike most people(or anyone i have ever encountered), alcohol relaxes me less than 10% of the times i drink. It is just a total toss up with me and alcohol. I rarely drink when i'm feeling down, because i know that in social situations, it just amplifies my anxiety by 10000X, especially if im already feeling a little anxious to begin with. This makes me think that my SA is like the worst on the planet because of this. :(

Its weird, i only drink a lot if i'm feeling good while drinking. It takes me a lot too get drunk, so i have control over this.

I hate how everyone i know at school and all around me seems to pick alcohol as their social pass time on the weekends. I'm so jealous how everyone seems to have such a good, relaxing time EVERY time they drink. It is so unfair how people know that drinking alcohol will make a situation that they are dreading easier and more comfortable. For me, not only does it usually cause anxiety, but my moods can slip into depression even quicker than when i'm sober. So, if i am feeling good while drinking, the anxious thoughts just BURST through my happy, fun thoughts, and totally ruin my drunkenness, and i creep out the back door of a friends, and walk back to my house. This happens probably 9 out of 10 nights i drink. Again, the only time i do get absolutely drunk is when i am enjoying myself, then it is SOOO fun to get sloppy with my friends, but thats SOOO rare that i don't have high hopes for it happening...ever!

I would love to hear anyone else with this type of experience explain a little more about their experiences with alcohol. Because i am very bad at explaining myself with these things, IDK why, i just am bad at saying how i feel. I almost feel guilty and weak for having these symptoms, and its hard to dissect them, ever.


Well-known member
Just keep drinking until Eventually you won't know who you are.

Do this.

You haven't drank enough.

You'll end up losing you inhibitions. You can't be paranoid if you don't give a ****.

I don't really recommend it but if you're going to drink at least drink enough where you're able to enjoy yourself.


Well-known member
I've never touched alcohol... Well, I had a smirnoff ice one time at a bowling alley, but that's all I have ever drank.

I've seen from my family what alcohol does to people.. So I will never touch it.


Well-known member
Do this.

You haven't drank enough.

You'll end up losing you inhibitions. You can't be paranoid if you don't give a ****.

I don't really recommend it but if you're going to drink at least drink enough where you're able to enjoy yourself.

Does no one understand that EVERYONE is different? I have been throwing up over a railing many times, but still felt anxious about everything. Yes, maybe i said some stuff i regretted, and walked around with beer muscles, but that still doesn't mean i would feel comfortable going up to someone and talking to someone, even with the 15 beers in my stomach(or on the ground). I don't mean to jump on this, but i just get upset that people don't realize that alcohol doesn't have the same effect on everyone.
Alcohol is my drug of choice. If I have it, I'm gonna drink it.
It eases the pain and makes me happy. I can think more clearly.
I'm sure I act like an arrogant ass hole because my subconscious jealousy and hatred come out, but what do I care I'm drunk.
I love my beers. And you can never take them away from me! NEVER!


Well-known member
i've never been drunk.. most alcoholic drinks taste like assh0le casserole to me anyway. i drink occasionally, but only like half a drink or a glass of wine or something.... i don't know, i'm scared i'll start feeling sick or something, i have no idea! lol.. i'm too paranoid to 'try anything new', the most i've done is taken a xanax 'recreationally' and it didn't do sh!t because i effing need it, HA! nah.. i've never smoked reefer or anything like that either... people say i should, it'll chill me out, but i know that if i did, i'd be anxious that i'd feel weird or have a drug induced panic attack and just being anxious about it would make it happen..... so i just stick to the no drugs because they are illegal policy.. you feel me? hahaha