A Place to Introduce Yourself


I didn't pick the fight but fine, we'll all agree that guys get judged so much worse than women do (a load of bullcrap). Yay.

I wasn't picking a fight. Now me myself wouldn't say guys have it harder..

Women get called names for sleeping with guys, I won't say the names.

Guys don't.

But we get judged on how we look, How much money we make, Stuff that shouldn't matter but shallowness engulfs us all at times. It's the human way of wanting what " We " want.. >.>

And I have to agree with Latte, Women can look beautiful with make up and nice dresses. But that same woman can be even more beautiful when she's got her head down and not trying to impress.

Sorry for the debate I started though. =p


Pirate from the North Pole
BTW, you DO have to wear high heels on job interviews if you're female and that is definitely not the same for guys. I think it's also possible that I get judged for wearing pantsuits instead of skirts, but can't prove it.

no worries :)
and i didn't know that :eek: my country seems to be less demanding.

Lol me neither, I never ever wore high heels on a job interview, and skirt, maybe once or twice but generally pants...
Wait, is it why I can't get a job? :confused:
Hmm no I think it's more about general awkwardness :rolleyes:::p:


Active member
Welcome jelli.

And I'm sure it depends on what job you're going for... in my case (idiot that I am), that would be "lawyer," and for some reason, women who wear high heels to a law office interview are somehow more impressive than those who don't. I've seen plenty of guys who could look a lot better but don't have to. That's why I can't believe guys are judged MORE.


Well-known member

(beginning with "hi" seems to be compulsory on this thread)

I joined in March, 2009, but only became active in December, 2009. I was not aware of the introductions thing at that time. Today I am an "Elite" user, so you may think this a belated and unusual introduction. Many posters on this thread posted their introduction and nothing else, and others are in single digits. Another was returning after four years. That also seems unusual. If they can do it, so can I.

I come from Australia. Lots of people want to come here, so there must worse places, although there are problems, of course. One problem is blood rushing to the head because we are walking upside down (hence the name "Down Under").

I was born and lived originally in the shadow of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. One of my ancestors worked on it during its construction. He drove either or both of the cranes which still sit on the top. If you look at a picture of the Bridge closely you can see them.

"hoddesdon" comes from the name of the town in England my ancestor on my father's side came from. When I went to England I did not know that. I found it out there, but could not find any information prior to around 1745. I discovered in the last couple of weeks that they came from somewhere else at that time.

The first of my ancestors to arrive in Australia came from Germany in 1850. That is on my mother's side. He had a surname which is rare in northern Germany and southern Denmark. To this day everyone in Australia who was born with that surname is related to me.
(a fascinating but entirely useless piece of information)

I have worked in many jobs, including selling suits in a department store - I sold more than any of the other ten or so salesman. By far the longest period was spent in the Australian civil service (called the "public service"). That is why I now live in Canberra, the capital.

I can touch-type. I can type (correctly) without looking at the keyboard, but if you ask me where a particular letter is found, I can not tell you. Well, I think that's a bit odd myself.

I have managed to irritate Remus three times. The first two times it came as a surprise to me. So to any of you have wanted to irritate him, I am carrying your weight.

I am an inveterate thread-reviver. You have probably read one of my revivals. They are the ones which are insightful, informative and generally helpful, but which often get scant attention the first time around. Often they get equally little attention the second time around too.

I try to have a sense of humour here, but it does not always seem to work. Recently it did work though. I revived a thread from 2007 by someone advertising for a girlfriend. I found the responses hilarious.

Trying not to start this paragraph with the word "I", the spiritual realm does exist. It is not a case of believing it, it is a fact.

* manages not to use the word "I" in that paragraph *

So there you have it.


Well-known member
Hey everybody. : ] I'm SO happy i found this place, yesterday by coincidence when i googled 'fear of people'

My name is Dimitri Grigorev, and I'm a 17 year old boy from Amsterdam, Netherlands.
My roots are in Eastern Europe.

Basically there has happened a lot in my life, and i could write multiple pages about it, but i would feel to self centered to talk so much about myself.
I can really recognize myself in a lot of you so I'll just write down some of the problems i have:
-Inferiority complex (i don't like telling people my last name)
- unconscious fear of people (sortof automatically feel the need to look away from people and evading them whenever possible)
- weird mood swings and the weird effects music has on them
- the VERY annoying amount trouble i have explaining myself to people
- loneliness (pressing that F5 button all the time .. )
- only talk when people ask me things/ feeling selfish to talk about myself
- feeling worthless sometimes
- crappy english (not my native language see..)
- sucky memory , i have (what feels like) a mountain of problems and i can't really describe/remember all of them but i want to say :

don't worry you're not alone. (sound cheesy i know)


Hi, I'm a 36yr old woman who was brought up as a Jehovah's Witness. I used to go door-knocking 20 hours a week and worked two casual jobs to pay the rent. I left it when I was 32 because I didn't believe in it and since then I've started studying at university, got a fulltime job and done some dating. It's been major culture shock. I'm very happy with my decision though and I'm enjoying my life more and more as I learn how to do the things I want to do. My current goals are to make more friends, finish my uni course, change my job and become a book illustrator. I'm a bit over dating at the moment.

Which brings me to another subject: do other people get single dating sites advertised all over this site? I find it very offputting because I come to this site to discuss my social phobia, and so ads for dating sites seem to be in poor taste. When I'm thinking about my social issues, I don't want to be reminded that I'm single. Is there some way to remove these ads?

Glad I found this site... I'm 19 and I've had social phobia for as long as I can remember. It only seems to worsen. I feel so relieved that there are others who can understand what I'm going through.


Well-known member
Greetings. I've been afflicted with Social Phobia ever since I could remember, but I suspect it intensified greatly around the onset of puberty. I spent the 4 years of highschool in my room virtually every day: School--home--(sometimes isolated machinist job)--room--get food--back to room--repeat for 4 years. I'm now 24 and feel as though I've been through the proverbial ringer. I've grown to hate sunrises, they are imbued for me with a terrible aura of tension-- sort of like the way a person tenses up before they know they are going to be hit. I can't eat in the morning before I know I"m going to have to go out and face the world and all the people in it-- the unrelenting knots in my stomach forbid intake of sustenance. When I was younger I was cowed in the face of the world, and had to meticulously plan everything I did so as to avoid finding myself in situations I couldn't handle (innocuous situations like having to walk by the rode and be observed by people as they drive by) . My defeat was visible in every aspect of my being I believe, from the words I chose, to my weary posture, down to my doleful physiognomy. I would sometimes get so fedup and disgusted with the nature of my life that I would dive off the deep end and do things I perceived as crazy: i'd make liaisons with people in foreign countries and go there alone, for instance. I guess I came to the conclusion that death via social firing squad was better than maintaining the pathetic status quo that had hitherto been my vacuous, crap existence. In engaging in these impusive escapes, however, I had a lot of interesting, great experiences, but sometimes I think I did irreparable damage to my delicate psyche. Now these episodes play in my memory like a bad movie that you can't turn off. LIke I"m tied to a chair and my eye lids held open, and I have to repeat the same pathetic series of events over and over and over ad nauseum. My anxiety is slowly mutating I believe. I still experience it as strong as ever, but my reaction to isn't so much as it was before (to just want to fall through the world, galaxy, universe and into some void or nothingness), now when I am put in an embarrassing situation-- especially if it isn't my doing because I still meticulously plan everything-- I don't cow, but feel anger rise up in my breast and I find that this anger gives me strength to dispense with whatever ridiculous, absurd situation arises. On the down side though, I suffer for my bit of aggressive courage later... but, all in all... I am making progress I think. shrugs... Anyway, Hello :)
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Well-known member
Hey Dilip, i talked to you a couple days ago and i saw ur pic thread as well, you are very handsome, yet i still dont understand why u dont particularly enjoy your name like i said before uniqueness allows for individual "standoutness(yeah prob not a real word"....glad to see ur sticking around =)


Well-known member
Wow. First of all, let me start by saying that I can't believe I haven't known about this forum until now. I love forums, and I am on quite a few - but somehow I've never even thought of finding a social phobia forum. At least I'm here now, and hopefully I won't end up forgetting about this place in a few days, like I manage to do with some other forums. I see it, get all excited, register, then forget all about it.

Anyways, enough ranting. My name is Camilla, I'm 19 years old, from Norway. I haven't been to the doctor and gotten an official diagnosis or anything, but I am 100 % certain I suffer from social phobia as well as general anxiety. I've been very shy and a generally nervous and anxious person my entire life, but when I started to get 16-17 years old it worsened quite a bit, and here I am today.

I am very relieved to finally have a place I can talk about these things, and hopefully have other people understand what I'm going through. Get ready for lots of long posts, such as this one. I might not be that talkative in real life, but online I rant like there's no tomorrow. :)


New member
Hi, I'm a 18 year old girl form Bristol in the UK, I've always been really shy and painfully quite and i've always hated having any attention on me as i hate the feeling of people judging me (even though i know that they probably aren't) I also never like meeting new people as i can never think of anything to say. I never knew this was how any other people felt and always just thought that it was just me.