A Place to Introduce Yourself


Active member
Hi everyone, I'm Cam from Australia. I've had Social Anxiety ever since high school although I didn't realise what it was until just a couple of years ago (I'm now 28).

It's something that's held me back in life, as you know it can stop you from doing things you want/need to do. In my case that's a whole lot of things from moving out of home, finding a job I like and having close/intimate relationships. Along with SA I've have depression which has become more prevalent in the last couple of years. I'm currently on Effexor (venlafaxine) which is starting make things more stable. Everyday I'm working on getting past these problems and trying to live my life how I want it. It's a long, hard road, especially when you can't see much in front of you but I feel it's worth it! :)


Hay everyone

I am Ben I am currently 21 years old, I live in Australia. Some might point out that I am some what nerdy or geeky.

So What brings be to this forum I have been looking for a forum for quite sometime now and this one seemed to be a nice place to to be...

Well I am sure you will get to know me in this next few weeks.


Hi everyone. I've sort of introduced myself to a few people here, but I suppose this would be a good place to introduce myself in full for all.

I'm 20 years old, turning 21 in a few months from now. I'm originally from the east coast, but I'm landed for the moment in the Bay Area of the West Coast. I'm currently going for 5 AA degrees in Anthropology, Sociology, History (twice), and Pyschology although Anthropology is by far my favorite. I attend full time at two colleges and am planning to graduate next spring. I do alt modeling for the time being. I love to read political philosophy and historical books. I love water. I tend to be more introverted, but I'd hardly consider it a psychologic problem unless it relates to the working economical systems. Anywho, pleasure to meet you all.


Well-known member
Hi everyone. I've sort of introduced myself to a few people here, but I suppose this would be a good place to introduce myself in full for all.

I'm 20 years old, turning 21 in a few months from now. I'm originally from the east coast, but I'm landed for the moment in the Bay Area of the West Coast. I'm currently going for 5 AA degrees in Anthropology, Sociology, History (twice), and Pyschology although Anthropology is by far my favorite. I attend full time at two colleges and am planning to graduate next spring. I do alt modeling for the time being. I love to read political philosophy and historical books. I love water. I tend to be more introverted, but I'd hardly consider it a psychologic problem unless it relates to the working economical systems. Anywho, pleasure to meet you all.

Hi and welcome to spw :D


I'm 28 and still live in the house in Los Angeles I grew up in.
My current hobbies are playing my Wii, watching the Lakers, and going to the gym. I'm going to school with hopes of getting a job as a programmer in the next year.


Well-known member
hi im gazza im new here , im 45 hava sa im annoying , a moron , fat bald drink to much , also evreyone hates me , i hate me , my dog hates me, my parents hated me , and i hate evrey one else so there , dont judge me its not my fault im an attention seeker im ill :mad: naaaa only messing :D iv been here for ages , and im going to be web master soon watch this space :eek: ::p:


New member
Hi - I'm a single female in my 30's and like many people here, I suffer from shyness/social anxiety. I thought I'd join this forum to see if I could maybe meet some new friends :)
Anyone else from the UK? Feel free to say hello :)


Active member
Hello there. I'm 21 years old, about to finish college, and suffer from social phobia and avoidant personality disorder. It's relieving to finally be in the presence of people who understand. I'm an anti-consumerist and progressive neo-masculinist who enjoys running, photography, nature, and writing. I'm also a dedicated boxing fan and health freak.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch some Arrested Development.


Active member
Hello everyone :)

I'm rose, I'm from Halifax in the UK, no, I don't live in the bank ;) I've had SA since I can remember, always been a very shy child and a loner, I'm 13 and not been in high school long and am struggling compared to when I attended juniors.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Hi everyone. I've sort of introduced myself to a few people here, but I suppose this would be a good place to introduce myself in full for all.
Callisto hung around in the chatroom for a while. She seems like a groovy chica. :D
HI'm an anti-consumerist and progressive neo-masculinist
What exactly is a progressive neo-masculinist? Anywho, lots of people from MD here. Must be something in the water. Welcome!
Hello everyone :)
Hi! And wow, you're young! Doesn't mean you can't have the same problems of course; just means you can't be diagnosed. Welcome!


Active member
I meant, in general, that we shouldn't adhere to rigid conceptions of gender. It's not so much a question of 'male' or 'female,' but the individual. For instance, a person shouldn't be stigmatized for cross-dressing - we should accept that it's a part of their personality.


Well-known member
Hi to all on forum.

I am excited about joining and relating to people who endure similar pains and feelings. There is nothing like belonging and I think I found my niche here. Since age 7 or so I have had severe shyness/avoidance/anxieties. Only recently I have finally faced them. Denial is a bitch and catches up quickly. Feelings buried alive never die. Thanks for reading and thanks for this forum.



Well-known member
Welcome. May I be the first to ask the question that's on everybody's lips:

Why does your sister suck? :)


Well-known member
Well...Imagine the most shallow, spoiled, "look at me I'm pretty!", mean girl you could possibly think. That's her. And somehow I always felt like the younger sister, even though she is 5 yrs. younger.