A Place to Introduce Yourself

Hey Rayray :) Your English is fine. On the internet, you can find native speakers who can hardly type a sentence that makes any sort of sense at all!

I'm similar to you in terms of not going out...it's especially painful when my parents are obviously concerned and keep bugging me about my lack of a social life. Argh!

Well, I better get o introducing myself too then. I've been shy all of my life too (I'm 18 now). As far back as I can remember. My mum even tells me that I was an unusually quiet baby. I can remember dreading any sort of social situations when I was young. Heh, not much has changed now. I don't have many friends. I find it hard to talk to new people and make new friends and I don't have much to talk about anyway :confused: I've more or less isolated myself at home. The only times I venture outside is when I take solitary walks (complete with black parka in case I need to hide from people who may recognise me lol) or when one of my two friends wants to meet up. If it weren't for them, I'd become very weird.

I think I'd make a good eccentric recluse...

Social things exhaust me. Sometimes, I want to be alone, but then that leads to more depression and loneliness. I just can't win.

Just like Rayray, I haven't been in a relationship. I haven't kissed anyone or anything. There was an incident a couple of months ago when a friend of one of my friends asked me if I'd had a boyfriend and I totally squirmed. She made a joke asking me if I'm lesbian (harhar, little does anyone know that my personal preference is people the end.)


New member
Hi guys. I'm 18, living in Australia at the moment. I used to be really, really shy. Even by asking me to introduce myself in front of people is like asking me to jump from a 10 floor building, but I've grown a lot during my early teenage years. I'm here because I'm able to relate to some of you here because of my past experiences. I stumbled upon his forum when googling for the reason why Guys are Love-Shy. Some posts made me think and ponder on.

Anyways, enough of babbling. Nice to meet you all. :)
Well, I'm 18 years old as well. I was a pretty shy child. I had friends, but I never really played/hung out with them. I had a bad childhood; I was the weird ADHD kid whom many people teased and picked on. They would do it just to see me become short tempered and yell/scream. I was rejected by kids whom I had actually mustered up the courage to talk to (they thought I was weird).

Whoa! You can tell I'm ADHD by how I got totally carried away with that story! Um, yeah, I'm just plain 'ol shy around people, especially boys and children, but over the past months my shyness has reached a very high level and I become extremely anxious around anyone, more than ever! I'm too terrified to go jogging in the morning (something I have never done but REALLY want to do), get help/tutoring from my teacher/the student success center, or even answer the door for trick-or-treaters on Halloween:eek:!


Active member
Hi everyone,

I guess this is the place to do it, so I'm introducing myself. Just found this site today and I'm feeling pretty good about it so far. Everyone seems very open and genuine. I like that. Anyways, I'm 20, live in San Diego, and I've always been a bit of a loner for as long as I can remember. I guess why I was seeking out a site like this is because I realized that I tend to unconsciously isolate myself from other people.I don’t know why, but I'd like to change that. I really, really would. :)



Im new

Im 24,live in michigan-and been suffering from such a strong form of anxiety/panic attacks/agoraphobia on and off for 12yrs--..I just wanted to join this forum for support-Its been hell for me the past couple days- I've been reading a lot of post through out the afternoon and its pretty amazing how many people here I can relate too--sooo i JUST wanted to Ride out this strange wild adventure with some others .

God bless.
Hi everyone, im a 21 year old guy whose going through some depressing times in my life. In researching depression and social anxiety i happened to come across this site and found everyone's experience's and stories both interesting and relating.
Well i guess this started around the 11th grade of high school. I know this is different from many of your experiences with started ever since they could remember. Going back to the onset of my problems really opens up some large wounds because before that I was the happiest dude you could find. I use to play sports, excelled academically, had a close group of friends, was inspired and motivated to do big things, was comfortable around girls and relationships were not a problem.
Then life happened. All these qualities which I use to take for granted and now cherish started to become replaced with self-conscious thoughs, feelings of great insecurity, blushing and sweating in social situations become more prevalent, started to get scared of going into social situations like parties to the point where i got worried about going into a department store to buy clothes. I still retain some of the good qualiities to a much lesser degree but its become obvious that they are diminishing the more i dwell on the issue. I've started to become more sad on a daily basis, depression symptoms are definitly becoming more prevalent, and I have even experienced suicidial thoughts.
I really hope i can overcome this along with everyone else on here.
Take care!


Well-known member
Hello i'm aimee, im 17 and from middlesex, England. I've had quite an abusive past which i believe explains my depression and social anxiety, but i'm not going to let the past break me. I love music, especially rock, acoustic, indie and 70/80's music. Despite having social anxiety i love making new friends, weird huh! :p i'm a friendly person so feel free too say hello! :)


New member
hi, i'm 31, not sure how long i've been like this, i just notice that more and more each day i find that i am scared of dealing with anyone. i have anxiety attacks every time i even think about talking to someone, and it is very strange to feel like this when i am scared to be alone. glad to know there are others who have problems like this, it's always hard to discuss with your family when they are oldschool down home southerners who believe there isn't anything wrong with you.
Okay I'm not gonna lie! I copy+pasted most of this this from a post i started in a different forum... Couldnt be arsed typing out a whole new introduction!
So now that ye know...

Hey I'm Charlene. 21 years old and Living in Ireland, amazing place when it wants to be!
I always thought i was a bit weird but my friend recently pointed out I've social phobia/anxiety.
Amazed (and relieved) to see there are actually other people like me out there! Was half thinkin' of signing myself in.

Although I love people and dread being alone I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of what people think of me (though i like to pretend i'm not). Had bad luck with friends, health, guys and jobs because of it! Refuse to eat in front of people unless I'm 100% comfortble around them. Which leads to me binging and putting up a few hundred stone... lovely!

People say it starts in your teens but to be honest i can remember having it in Primary school. And y'know what i think caused it? My senior infants teacher!! Always made me feel crap about myself so the other kids used to think i was a joke. Became really shy and its remained with me throughout my whole life. Thanks to struggling I've been able to start great friendships (Most of which fail- i dont understand why cos i'm lovely!) and force myself to talk to people (though they think theres something wrong cos i go red while talking and look at the sky and floor instead of into their eyes! Terrified of being laughed at too so avoid ever trying to talk to guys i like.

Well there's my sob story... Go on, judge me! xP

Feel free ta talk to me tho!


Active member
Hi everyone

It's very reassuring to read about people going through the same things that I am. It's been so hard to explain to friends and family just what exactly I'm going through. I've always had a fear of traveling specifically public transportation, and just about 4 months ago I've been having having panic attacks daily while taking the bus, a cab, even thinking about getting in a vehicle. I never made a big deal about it until it started to affect seeing friends, going to work and school. I'm very thankful I stumbled upon this site and reading some of your stories has helped a lot.
Well hello, Im 32 and haved suffered horribly anxiety with hyperhidrosis and blushing since my teens. I think i finally decided that the booze only momenterirly dulls the pain but is there waiting for me with the hangover. I just love this idea of atleast networking online. I have really been intriqued to learn im not alone even though we all seem to be so distant from eachother. Im beginning the process of different medications in the hopes of relief. Its gonna be a process but the best part i suppose is coming on this site and being able to say that im a flawed human being and maybe a bit crazy too. Yall be strong out there. Greetings from Fort Worth Texas!


Well-known member
Um, hi. This is my first post!
well, I'm 20 years old. I've had social phobia and anxiety problems since I was about 12 or 13.

I see now that introductions are painful and awkward even over the internet so I really don't know what else to say. >_<


Hello, this is only my second post. I found this site while searching online for somewhere to get help with SA. I am 25 years old and a student in college. I recently finished an internship and got a bad review for not being outgoing and talkative. Honestly, I am just tired of people labeling me as quiet and shy. While it is unfortunate that other people deal with the same things I do, I am glad to have found this community and know that I'm not alone.


New member
Hello. I'm 29 and from Shropshire in the UK.

I've probably had SA my whole adult life but didn't even know there was a name or diagnosis for it until a couple of years ago. Definitely didn't have any of the symptoms when I was growing up, which is doubly frustrating as I know what it's like to not be self-conscious and shy all the time and just be able to do what you feel like doing. I joined up out of curiosity and to hopefully get some advice or information on how to get my life started again.

Also post sometimes on SAUK. I'd go to the trouble of stating my name is Ian but that might be a little bit too obvious.


Hey all, 23 year old introverted internet addict from Glasgow here.

Can't say that I have many friends or go out much anymore. But I'm hoping to do something about it and make something of myself. I don't wanna be this awkward guy to be around, it ain't fair! So I'm hoping to meet some cool folks here who know what it's like to kill a conversation ;)

I joined the SAUK website tonight as well, so maybe I'll catch some of you on there too.


Hi so found this site the other night when i was feeling kinda bad. I have social phobia, self hatred problems and possible ocd :/ A year ago I thought I could fix it on my own, but now I'm willing to look anywhere for help. So I figured this would be a good place to start. Anyways I'm from Humboldt County in Calfornia, I'm a 20 year old dude, and currently trying to make it though college without dieing from panic attacks while working a crap job. And very tired of the depression and crappy feelings that all come my social ineptness. So whats up all


Well-known member
I'm 23 years old. I was diagnosed with severe depression last year. I also have social anxiety, and most of my life I have been very shy. I struggle with communication and feel very nervous around other people.

Well, even writing this post is quite difficult, because I know that people are going to read it. But i'll post it anyway. :)

Good on you for going ahead and posting it.


Well-known member
Hi everyone,
I'm so glad to have found this web site. I've suffered with social anxiety for as long as I can remember. High school was a nightmare for me and now the SA is really negatively impacting my career as well :(

I've suffered with depression and anxiety for years. I've tried medication (unhelpful) and talk therapy (not so much better). The social workers, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists I saw ranged from grossly incompetent to deranged (one was arrested for plotting to kill his patients!!!! That pretty much turned me off of therapy).

I'm 30 years old now and just started over with a new career. I try to keep a positive outlook on life (I've been doing a cognitive behavioral therapy plan for my anxiety these past few years, which has helped immensely) and keep myself physically and mentally active (I'm training for a marathon and I'm a voracious reader).

Despite all that I do feel sad about having no friends, and about never being able to move past the "hello, how are you" stage with people. I feel so abnormal, especially since I overheard my supervisor at work talking to her boss about me (about how I'm disconnected and unfriendly). That was devastating to me and a huge blow to my self-esteem, which is already low.

I stumbled across this site last week and started crying while reading. I recognize myself in so many of these posts and my heart aches for everyone. I'm glad that we've found a place to be together.

Depending on where you live, it may be discrimination (i.e. illegal) for your supervisor to gossip about you like that. The reason is damage to your career because of a disability. However, you must inform your supervisor as a first step. In Australia the relevant legislation is the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. In the USA there is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.


New member
Hi everyone, I am 24 year old male from West Midlands, UK. I have had social phobia since i started school and am now in the "real world" after completing my degree in psychology. I managed to get a job October of last year which i dread every waking hour for reasons all too familiar to the majority of you good people on here.

I have been married nearly 18months but it's the only part of my life i am content with. Having had a nasty experience with my boss this week and nearing my first session with a therapist on Thursday (after 8 month wait) this seemed like the perfect time to sign up, introduce myself and make some friends.

So Hi everyone :)