Hiya to everyone.
So this is going to be my first post,i've been exploring this site for a week or two already,but registered just only yesterday because i couldnt really find the courage to register and even start posting something,so i thought i'll give it a try.
My name is Raymond (Raimonds) in my country,i'm 18 and english is not my native language,so sry for those mistakes i'm probably going to make.

Getting to the point,I have been quiet and shy for all my life i guess,maybe i was a little more outgoing when i was younger,but growing up i realised it's something more than just a shyness.I never really liked to be around people because i feel so uncomfortable when i'm around them,i cant make eye contacts to people sometimes and stuff,most of the time i spend in my room,alone or going for a walks in forest,it gets really annoying because i'm tired of being like that,every summer i spend alone in my room,I never get out i could say.It feels so awkward when my mother or dad asks me why i dont go out,why i dont have friends,which i actually do have,but .. idk,i just dont feel like calling to any of them,asking to go somewhere with me,because i dont open to everyone and if i dont open to them,they're just not the people i'd like to hang out with and call them "friends",they're just persons i know,nothing more,so this actually concludes with-i dont have any friends? lol.
and yeah,trouble with approaching girls,yep,i have never been with girl or kissed any of them,i have low self-esteem as most of people here,right?

and that's what keeps me away from girls,because i always have this thought in my head "she can get a better guy than me" and i dont even try for it.
well,i dont know if i want to add something,guess not,sorry for the mistakes i made and yeah,peace.