A Place to Introduce Yourself


Well-known member
Hi Rxqueen :D
Ive also been really shy most of my life. And I cant look at much ppl in the eyes nor do I have any friends (no boyfriend neither)....But to make this worse I blush excessively ::(: so im ALWAYS worring about turning red when anyone (even family member) talks to me...
What I wanted to tell you is that you are not alone! I can really relate and also hope that this site helps me! Good luck :)


Thanks, it's nice to know someone cares. Hopefully you'll get better and be able to make friends while ur in college. I just got out of college and it wasn't so great for me...in fact it was somewhat worse than high school b/c I was away from home and had absolutely no one to talk to. I'm lucky in that my fam is very supportive. I hope u do well in the future!!!:D


Active member
Hello everyone,

I'm 23 years old from NY. For most of my teenage/adult life, I've been the type of person who would rarely, if ever, initate any conversations. As a result, I've never felt comfortable opening up to people. I've noticed that my struggles in this area are because I lack the confidence to approach them. I was fascinated enough by SA to do a paper about it in my last year of college. I found that my lifestyle paralleled the lifestyle of a SA sufferer.

SA's made the simplest of tasks, such as using a telephone (be it to call a friend, an authority figure, or to call for takeout) so stressful that even if I do make the call, I fear that my anxiety will make it too difficult for me to get my point across. Because of SA, I have a hard time reaching out to people because of fear that they'd percieve me negatively. It's this same anxiety/fear of social interaction that's even prevented me from posting on SA support forums...until now. I feel like I've reached a point where I need to start caring about my well-being. Hopefully this board can be a good first step towards confronting my SA.
I'm 23 years old. I was diagnosed with severe depression last year. I also have social anxiety, and most of my life I have been very shy. I struggle with communication and feel very nervous around other people.

Well, even writing this post is quite difficult, because I know that people are going to read it. But i'll post it anyway. :)


Hiya. I'm a girl and I'm 20. I haven't been diagnosed, but it's gotten bad enough for me to require help. Since I can't have health insurance because I don't go to school or have a job, I can't get professional help (catch-22 much?). I guess that's why I'm here? It would also be nice to make friends.. I don't know I'M AWKWARD HI EVERYONE


New member
Hi, everyone!

My name's Patrick and I come from great state of Pennsylvania.

I've had social anxiety since I was a child, and when I was very young it was compounded with other phobias, such as the phobia of natural disasters and flooding, or of germs and falling ill.

I've been diagnosed as having bi-polar, then as just being depressed and having anxiety attacks, and then as perhaps being a sociopath, and then here recently I'm back to the major depressive with anxiety state. So I really don't know what exactly my diagnosis is, all I know is that my mind is messed up.

I'm 20 right now, and for a period of time I was coping with life rather well on a small dosage of prozac. Then I started to get major fits of depression and went back to a doctor for help, and right now I'm on Wellbutrin (bupropion) and Klonopin (clonazepam). I've been on it for almost a month now, and I actually feel worse and worse each day as I have mood swings and uncontrollable reactions, so I don't really know what to do.

Anyhow, I joined the forum because I never knew that so many people had social anxiety or phobia. Thanks to everyone on the forum and another hello to everyone.


Hi, I'm Nicole from Australia. I'm 19 and i've been shy all my life.

In high school I had friends and they include me in almost everything except i dont try to get myself out, but since graduating i only stay in contact with them like 6-8 times a year, i guess its better than none.

Right Now, No Job or Studying. I went to TAFE College for about a week early this year then decided it wasnt for me.

Alright thats it from me.:):)



Active member
Hi, I am from Serbia, living in Central Europe, next to Hungarian border. I am 41, feel lonely lately... I think my psychologist didn't knew how to help me after so many years of therapy. So I quit...
Hey so yeah, I'm HoldenCaulfield,

as you can probably guess my favourite book is The Catcher in the Rye.

I go to a boarding school and have depression and anxiety- therefore, Holden is my idol.

I'm pretty big on writing.

You can call me Holden for short.


Well-known member
I guess I should have come here first, heh.

I'm Jake. I'm here to see if I can get some much needed help for SAD, AVPD, and long term depression.

I currently live in Texas, but not for long. I moved here about a year ago from California for a job opportunity and things aren't working out so well. I was laid off a few months back and the replacement job is pretty bad. I really just need to get back in college, if for no other reason than to bump up my self-esteem.

Hello to everyone
Hey everyone just introducing myself! I'm so happy i found this forum i'm conforted in knowing that i'm not alone in what i'm feeling. So please if you see me or need someone to talk to just give me a message!


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

My name is Megan, I'm 20, from Canada, working on a degree in chemistry and statistics, and I just joined a couple of days ago.

A few months ago I was diagnosed with SAD when a bad spell of anxiety forced me to seek medical attention. Now that I know what I have, I can say that I have been social phobic my whole life. I have always had trouble with social contact and have tried to avoid it at all costs. I can't even imagine how many opportunities I missed because I wouldn't let myself do so much.

My recent bad spell sort of started around eating in public. When I get anxious, my throat closes up and it started causing me to feel like I was gagging while trying to swallow food. Being someone who has an intense fear of throwing up, this would only make the anxiety worse to the point where I couldn't keep eating. After a couple of embarrassing outings, I got to the point of actually being afraid of eating... I was anxious when I started to feel hungry and when I ate anything and was full, I got really anxious that I was going to throw up. This became a big problem because I wasn't eating nearly enough and I was getting really depressed. After a barium swallow confirmed that there was nothing physically wrong with me, my doctor put me on some medication for anxiety to help the eating.

After a few hitches with that, I have finally come to make some progress. I find it really helpful to be able to identify how I am feeling as anxious and not sick. I have been trying as much as I can to try to improve my social anxieties with mixed success. I found this site because I was looking for people to talk to who might understand what I am going through. Someone who I could swap stories with and trade tips. I always find that I am better at helping other people with their problems than myself. I think that by interpreting other people's struggles and describing my own will help me figure out more about what makes me so anxious.

I also see this as a first step toward going to a counsellor. I do not feel comfortable enough yet to go to a counsellor with my problems, so I figured I would get a little more practice talking about with people who I don't know.

Anyway, I think this is a great site and may be very thereputic for me. Thanks for all of you who are sharing your stories and I wish you all the best of luck in the future.



Well-known member
hey just joined last night,first post now.ive been very shy for ages now but im 16 and i think ive left it too lat to change.im pretty isiolated but my familys ok.ive one close friend but im totally isolated at school(no ones bad to me,just i never can talk to them)i think i have selective mutism but i havnt been to a doctor or told my parnt or anything so im just coping on my own(dont want to let my parents know im on this site though)


New member
Hi everybody

I am silens, for those of you who are wondering, the name is latin for silent.
I am a 25 y/o male living in southern california

After years of fighting depression on my own I decided to get help after it started affecting me at work.
After meeting with a psych a few times I was reffered to another doc who runs group therapy sessions for social phobes.

It was hard being told that my anti social attitude was something. 'beyond' my control but I am glad to know that I have a vast support group to help me fix my problem.

Gotta go


Hey everyone! I just registered yesterday, and I’m glad to have finally found a forum about social anxiety that is ACTIVE!

I’m 24, I live in Southern California, and I’ve been dealing with social anxiety for the past 10 years. Though recently I’ve gotten a lot better at managing my issues, it’s nice to be able talk to others who can relate to what I’m going through!



New member
Hi Everyone,

I have been visiting this website occasionally..just been waiting for my account to be activated.

I hate that there are people going through this but it’s progress that we can all come on here and talk.

I don’t know any other places I can do this.

I feel at the moment very disheartened..and that makes my social phobia worse. (here is when i go on a "rant" lol so dont read if youre easily bored!)

For me, I have always been shy and there has to be an element of trust between me and the person I am communicating with or I feel embarrassed. Eye contact; you can forget about that, it ‘s probably a decade since I have been able to maintain it without messing it up (you know I either do too much or nothing). And sometimes I sweat and that shows on my face, as it is I have one of those shiny faces. But this happened because of being badly bullied at school and I’m still at the age of 27 bullied. Now it’s people being rude to me (more than people are rude on a general basis..and no Im not just being paranoid) and I get horrible looks.

I call myself trapped because I am. On the inside I want to shout and yell and say to the world im here like it or not and I even had hopes of being an actress (I know) but on the outside I do not know how I come across to be "so" repellant to people.

I have tried to tell my family but they tell me its in my head. Now sure I do appreciate a tiny part maybe in my head but when I have a clear head, you know after walking around my sister and being lively..I still get a nasty look. I’ve had remarks like she annoys the **** out of me..and this is just by the way I walk and look. I think it must be more in the way I walk..because looks wise people say they don’t see how I could be a “target.” But you never know do you? I used to be called a “Paki” and Muslim by even members of my own race so I don’t know what to think anymore! No one knows my true race..and Im not one of those exotic stunners that people are looking at out of interest.

I think I have trapped myself. Because I need a push to get out..I need intervention…I need help..but that really scares me. I would love to have the support of likeminded people because people who are not, do not understand.

I am hoping to invest in something that allows me to have on record people’s looks towards me as I walk down the street. Trust me I dress to blend in. I’m not a sexy girl..and if I ever did try I know I would be laughed at as its happened in the past.

I thought losing weight would get some respect, sad isn’t it, but it’s weird because my mum said to this other lady yes my daughters lost weight and the lady recognised me from my teens and she smiled/smirked/I don’t know! And her husband looked me over in a grimace. Im not trying to be anything. I dress for myself but that doesn’t mean people should trample over me and treat me like im not worthy. I smile, I straighten my shoulders, I talk, talking (as you can see) comes naturally to me and trust me I appreciate the good things in life, being alive is good when people are dying but come on! Its like give me a break!

I also have this side to me thats daring, you know i write erotica and i love that so i naturally feel i want to..okay this sounds idiotic..but flirt with men. i mean not be a tart or anything! but just smile and chat..but they hate me. I mean men either ignore me or laugh at me. And no im not being paranoid. Its a little sad because i sort of imagined myself as a happy go lucky girl when i was younger. i used to be. But then they laughed because i was a chubby kid, now whats "wrong" with me?

Ah..could go on..but this is it for now. Sorry to have posted a loooooong message

Thanks to anyone who has read this and

Ill be back here mostly every day

I hope to make some friends here and be there for you as much as I can
Wud up everyone! :)

Wow.. I feel very fortunate to find a place where i can really feel comfortable expressing myself and not have to worry about being judged by anyone in any kind of way..I feel like we're a big family looking and waiting for answers together and at the same time learn a thing or two from eachother. Everyone is welcome to talk to me I'm very friendly and I only judge you for who you are and not what goes on in your life because either I mostly likely go though or do the exact same thing. I feel like life is about learning and growing..joy and pain..hope and fear..and we all at one point in time should understand this. Right now, I don't think I have an extreme case of sp but I definitely know I'm dealing with this problem because I've read alot of your expierences and watched a couple videos on youtube about people dealing with sp and I can relate to them.
As far as I can remember my social problems started probably when I was in the 3rd grade, I didn't have many friends, I used to get teased alot throughout elementary, middle, and high school. In middle school although I got teased alot I was actually somewhat popular being that I was on the basketball team. Alot of the teasing went down because of that and I started making friends and actaully socalizing. In high school my popularity was at a whole new level..I conversated with any and everyone..looks didn't matter to me..I never physically or mentally hurt anyone.. noone saw me as an arrogant jock..they saw me as a really nice and cool guy...I gave alot more than I received..I hardly asked for anything in return expect friendship. My last year in high school was a popular one for me.. I made the ballot for homecoming king..got enough votes to make it to the court but I came out 4th in voting. Also nominated for Mr. -HS but didn't receive the crown. After high school I think my troubles started. My friends who I thought were friends were using me for everything I had..car, money, etc. They all started dropping like flies..all the girls I had.. GONE.. all the homeboys I chilled with on a regular basis..bailed and I even find making friends difficult now because noone seems interested in me anymore. I have no friends right now..all my real friends moved away or left me here to suffer on my own. I guess you can say this is a real case of "from boom to bust" I got going on with me now (lol). I was popular in a friendly cool kinda way..got along with everybody but now I sit here in the dark afraid of my own shadow. "Hard to believe huh?" I now sit here and wonder why I'm so afraid of talking to people like I used to but I never find any answers.. but hopefully the answers are here or maybe I can learn a thing or too from you all.
I hope everyone is doing okay today..just send me a message..I'm very friendly so don't worry about me judging you or anything like that..and try to have a great day girls and guys I know days are tough for you but try to stay positive. Heck, I'll even try to help you the best way I can if you need anything. Bless..X)


New member
Hiya :)

I thoroughly suck at writing these things but here goes:

My name is Ben, I’m turning 23 next month and live in Copenhagen. Been lurking around here forever, and finally got around to posting something. I guess I’m just sick of feeling lonely all the time, and posting here seemed like a natural first step out of the pit. :)
It is just incredibly arduous to write this, as my social skills are beyond pathetic. I never feel comfortable around other people. I am terrified of striking up a conversation because I always end up stammering and talking nonsense. I feel quite worthless and apathetic, really… Although I have plenty of interests and hobbies, life just seems hollow and pointless without anyone to share it with. But you’ve all heard that one before. :rolleyes: See you around. ;)


Active member
Hi all, I stumbled across this site after searching for ways to ask a girl out that works at my local shop (yes i realise how mental that sounds). I was amazed to read some of the things that people feel and thier experiences, and how i could relate to them. So i thought i'd join, thats about it really.


Well-known member
Hiya to everyone.
So this is going to be my first post,i've been exploring this site for a week or two already,but registered just only yesterday because i couldnt really find the courage to register and even start posting something,so i thought i'll give it a try.
My name is Raymond (Raimonds) in my country,i'm 18 and english is not my native language,so sry for those mistakes i'm probably going to make. :)
Getting to the point,I have been quiet and shy for all my life i guess,maybe i was a little more outgoing when i was younger,but growing up i realised it's something more than just a shyness.I never really liked to be around people because i feel so uncomfortable when i'm around them,i cant make eye contacts to people sometimes and stuff,most of the time i spend in my room,alone or going for a walks in forest,it gets really annoying because i'm tired of being like that,every summer i spend alone in my room,I never get out i could say.It feels so awkward when my mother or dad asks me why i dont go out,why i dont have friends,which i actually do have,but .. idk,i just dont feel like calling to any of them,asking to go somewhere with me,because i dont open to everyone and if i dont open to them,they're just not the people i'd like to hang out with and call them "friends",they're just persons i know,nothing more,so this actually concludes with-i dont have any friends? lol.
and yeah,trouble with approaching girls,yep,i have never been with girl or kissed any of them,i have low self-esteem as most of people here,right? :) and that's what keeps me away from girls,because i always have this thought in my head "she can get a better guy than me" and i dont even try for it.
well,i dont know if i want to add something,guess not,sorry for the mistakes i made and yeah,peace.