A Place to Introduce Yourself


New member
NEw guy, new emotions

Hey everyone,
I have always been kind of a jumpy person, but for the last few months I cant talk to people without difficulty breathing, my heart races when the phone rings, and I feel uncomfortable all the time. These feelings are like i said new to me within a few months. I dont know how to handle it very well, and I find myself locked in my room thinking about it. I am looking for security and help, like everyone here i guess.
Hi everyone, Im Pete from Inverness Scotland.

I found out that I have Social phobia/Anxiety last Thursday, its quite re-assuring to know that there are many people out there like me.

One of my main passions in life is music, playing music in my band and also discovering new music.

Music is life..

Nice to meet y'all.


New member
Hi, Im Tina
Im 20
I love music and talking lol
tbh Im really scared to talk on here tho, dont really know why but I am.



The reason I want to delete my account is because I don't think the internet is a secure place to talk about this kind of stuff.
Anyone can access it / use it for research purposes.
People who don't suffer from this can look at it and mock us.
Maybe that's just my paranoia setting in...


My name is Fred, I'm 35-years old. I live in California.

My father was an alcoholic (and I suspect an undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic) who was verbally and physically abusive to his wife and children. Years of psychological abuse at his hands, coupled with the typical sort of bullying and abuse an overweight child receives at school (I was very obese as a child and teen) created very powerful social phobias within me. I shun crowds, and I tend to avoid situations that would put me into close physical proximity to other people for extended periods of time. With time and maturity I have been able to get a handle on this for the most part. But there are days I still struggle to overcome this aversion to placing myself in social situations.

More recently I have experienced the loss of my mother, step-father, and older brother. My step-father died of renal failure in 2002. My mother of colon cancer in 2005. And my brother of gastric cancer last October. Those three were the three single most important adults in my life. I looked to them for guidance and often feel completely lost without them. None of them were older than 60-years of age. My brother had just celebrated his 40th birthday prior to being diagnosed with late term cancer in 2007.

With the losses I have become the guardian of an older special needs sister (she is mentally and physically handicapped) and my two nephews (one of which is also mildly retarded).

Though we have a large amount of family living in the city with us, they shun us like a leper colony. I've a hunch that we are an embarrassment, not being "perfect" as they all think themselves to be. Since my brother's passing (3 months) our phone hasn't rang. We've received no e-mail, no post letters. We've no close friends. All we have is one another.

We get by on around sixteen hundred dollars per month. I have to be very creative with our budget to make ends meet. But, despite our lack of monetary wealth, we love one another and enjoy simple and relatively happy lives. The kids (as I call my sis and my nephews) are remarkably resilient. And we, being Christians are sustained by faith.

I guess I decided to register here just to have someone to talk to. As I've said, I have no more adults to discuss things with in my life. My brother is dead, and I don't really have close personal friends. I have an aunt who lives just down the street from my apartment. But as far as she's concerned, I and the kids do not exist. There are days I become quite depressed and need to vent. Hopefully I'll find a few sympathetic ears, and perhaps I can be a shoulder for some of you to lean on as well.


Well-known member
Hey fred welcome, saw your post and had to say something. First off im sorry to hear all this and also wow that your keeping on going thats extremely strong of you, you have so much on your shoulders and yet you still carry on. It is great that love and faith can be so powerful. Im suprised to hear that you are shunned from society and even from other family, if anything you should be respected. Anyways i hope things will get better for you and you find help on this forum.


Wow. Suffice it to say I don't feel so alone here. Perhaps I should apologize for leaping right in and posting on the main forums before coming here.

I'll try and keep it short and sweet, 'cause believe me I've spent years rehearsing my big Sob Story just waiting for the right time to deploy it. (And using the word "deploy" is staggeringly appropriate given the magnitude of unbridled anger that might come with it) Perhaps it's a blessing that I haven't had that chance yet, I don't know.

Basically it's like this. I can't look people in the eyes. When I do, it's like I'm touching a hot iron. My instinct kicks in and tells me to look away. So because of that, I've given up on even trying to start a conversation with someone, 'cause I know I'm just going to tick them off in the first 20 seconds. I have no problem adding to a conversation that's already taking place with some jive remark, but that's about it.

I do believe it's psychological, too, because I have this problem with the concept of expectations. As in, I don't believe it's right to hoist expectations on the shoulders of others, and when you look someone in the eye that's basically what you're doing. You're demanding their attention, and I don't see how anyone could possibly be so egotistical as to think they deserve it. 'Cause I sure don't think I do. I don't think that I am more important than anything that person could possibly be doing or thinking, it doesn't matter who they are. If I look someone in the eyes, it's like that's exactly what I'm saying to that person: I'm important to you. I'm more important than what you were doing, I'm more important than what you were thinking about. You're going to stop whatever you were doing, and you're going to talk to me. I don't care if you have loved ones in the hospital, I don't care what battles you're fighting. You're going to ignore all that, and focus on me, 'cause I matter more than all of that. Right now, I'm all that matters in this world to you. And I won't be that. In 31 years I've yet to find a way to refute that.

So when I watch "American Idol" and see these peoples' jaws drop at the sight of a 19-year old guy who has never even so much as kissed a girl, I shudder at the thought of how sad I must look, being 31 and having had no such thing happen myself. But hey, we exist. I'm just glad to know I'm not alone.


Well-known member
Hi people

Finally got round to actually writing this, i've been putting it off for so long. Just wanted to introduce myself, i am 20 and bascially feel like i have not lived at all and am running out of time. I am pretty sure i have some kind of social phobia type of thing as i have no friends and find it so difficult to interact with people. In social situations i feel so inhibted, like i am a statue. My self confidence is non existent.

Anyway i could go on and on about it but after finding this site i have found it really interesting to read and find myself identifying heaps with what people have written. Yet the thing that makes me feel worse about this whole thing is the fact that compared to most people i have been so lucky with what i have been given in life. Really i could have not asked for more yet i can't make anything of it.

Hope this is not too long. I look forward to posting further (if i don't wimp out and run away, something i seem to be very good at). There seems to be some really cool, interesting people on here, it is so good to hear that there are other people out there who share similar feelings (not really good for them i know but if you get what i mean).

Bye for now :D


New member
Hi All, I'm new here and not sure where to introduce myself so I'll just start here. Hope I'm not crewing it up already :?

I joined because I have severe CS (compensatory sweating) from the ETS surgery I had done 1 year ago for sweaty hands. I deeply regret the decision and am always looking for other HH or ETS sufferers because only we know how truly humiliating and debilitating it is. I am hoping to find some understanding friends who are coping with this too and I hope to provide encouragement to others as I do not suffer as much from it metally as unfortunately many others do. I hope to start a support group here in Denver where we can meet in person.

Looking frwrd to meeting new people here!



Well-known member
hello everybody
Iam 26 years old and i have SA for 15 years, ever since my 5 grade.
Everything started, whend i became the target of bullying after my 4 year, it lasted for about 6 years, and had permanent efect on my life.
Every day has been a struggle to fight SA.
Dispite all i have had small victories, by forcing myself every day to do things that my SA stops me from doing, the last was to join a gymn.
The firts days where agonizing, but now it has became normal. Thats the way a struggle with my SA.
Also finding this forum was extremely important, before i use to think i was alone, that i was a freak or something, to know there are tons of persons like me, that know exactly how i feel and struggle whith the same problems, is very invigorating.
Finally, let me just say i love cats, books and traveling around the world.
Hi everyone. I'm a 21 year old high school senior from NYC. I think I have agoraphobia. I say "I think" because I haven't officially been diagnosed as of yet. It's been about 2 days since I left the house. And that was because I had promised my mother that I would go with her to the hospital to visit my grandmother. Before that I spent about 2 or 3 weeks inside. And before that it must have been about a month.

I stopped regularly going out around mid-November after a pretty unsettling experience involving my ex-best friend. I thought I was over it but I was merely avoiding my feelings by sleeping all day and night. One day from school extended to a week, a month, and so on. My school has called me to encourage me to come back so we can work something out. I was supposed to go Monday and it's now Thursday.

The only time I do go out is when I am with someone close to me like my mother or if I need to get food or do laundry. I rarely go out in the daytime. It's hard for me to even look outside of my front door. If there is anybody outside I will automatically hide behind the door.

I could go on about this but this is only an introduction and I don't want to bore anybody with my life's sob story.

I have been diagnosed with depression, mild bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorder. I've been to a therapist before but I stopped going because of finances and difficulties from my family.

In my spare time, I spent just about all of my time on the computer. I like to visit forums, play MMORPGs, watch anime and Asian dramas, and chat with friends online. When I did go out I liked to go to arcades, travel, and visit bookstores.

Also, it must be said that I love cats. :)

I'd like to mention that I found this site through Encyclopedia Dramatica, a parody shock version of Wikipedia. If you don't know what it is, you're probably better off leaving it that way. :p


New member
Hi everyone,

After lurking around for days, I finally decided to register. I'm a 16-year-old girl, living in the Netherlands. From the outside, my life looks almost perfect. I have great parents, my sister and I actually get along and I love my brother. People tell me I'm not bad-looking. You could even say I'm a straight-A student (I'm not sure though, the system works different in the Netherlands).

But that's just the outside.

Nobody knows the real-me. I haven't told a soul how terrified I am of anything involving communication with other people. I'm afraid to go to the store. If my mom asks me to get something for her she forgot to buy (something ordinary like bread), I always make up an excuse not to go. And I know it's completely irrational to think like that, but I just can't help myself.
I never go out. Everyone my age goes clubbing. I don't, just because I'm too afraid to go. I know I would be awfully insecure about everything: my clothing, my body, talking to other people, even my way of moving . I've told everyone that I hate dancing. But I like to dance, and I know I can.
Right now my whole class is in Italy, participating in a exchange program. They're visiting interesting places and probably will have a lot of fun. I decided to stay at home. Just thinking about it is enough to make me terribly nervous and nauseous.
Tomorrow I have to give a presentation, together with two other people. And as if that's not bad enough, I have to do in in a foreign language: English. I already know I'm not going to sleep very well tonight. If I sleep three or four hours, I'll be lucky. Tomorrow morning I will probably be nauseous and have a headache. My hands will be shaking, and I already know I'm gonna screw up. Big time.

I spend most of my free time on my computer. I feel safe in my own room, knowing that I'm in control there. I love listening to music, playing/cuddling with my pets, reading books and watching my favorite TV shows (Bones, CSI:NY, L&O: SVU/CI, Cold Case, Conviction and Standoff). And yes, I know it's not healthy, watching so many TV shows. But I feel relaxed and safe watching them.

I've never been diagnosed with SA, so I'm not sure I 'have' it. But it's comforting to know that I'm not alone. Many people feel the same way as I do, and it's good to know that.


Hi, I'm new

(disclaimer: I already posted this in one thread but I realized I should've posted it here instead.....so sorry for the double posting)

Hi Everyone, I'm new here and I'm happy to see that there are others out there that share my same problems.

I thought I'd share a little about myself and my social anxiety, I'm going to make this into a list so that I focus more on what I'm sharing than my grammar.

-I'm currently 23 years old and going on my 5th year in college (I've realized that I'm probably going on an extra year of college partly due to my SA)
-I've had the same few friends since high school, it takes me a really long time to warm up to people but once I do I'm outgoing and talkative and I don't hesitate to say anything on my mind, pretty much the opposite of the way I am in public.
-Sometimes when in public, or a college class where I'm forced to work with a group.....there are times where I won't say a single word. I just sit there and wait for it to be over. I feel absolutely horrible about myself afterwards. When it comes to class participation, forget it. I don't say anything at all.
-I'm an education major and student teaching is coming up and I'm completely terrified of it, I've considered dropping out or switching to a major which would be the least likely to put me in social situation. I want to teach 1st graders, I don't have a problem interacting with kids but I know I'll have a problem with other adults.
-I have a job at a clothing store and the only reason I like working there is because not many people come into the store and only one person has to be working at the store at a time so I don't have to interact with other employees. The thought of switching jobs (which I might have to do soon) or working with other people at a job scares the crap out of me. Thankfully, my boss is pretty understanding about my shyness and I've grown to feel pretty comfortable working for him.
-I feel comfortable around my immediate family but I feel SA around my grandparents and other relatives that I'm not used to seeing every day.
-I feel strong SA when it comes to going to the doctor, dentist, hair places, stores, gyms etc etc
-I avoid going to places where I know there will be a lot of people, I skipped my friends birthday party tonight because I knew she would be inviting people I didn't know
-I don't do pretty much anything I'd ideally like to do because of my SA, I'd like to join clubs on campus, I'd like to do sports again, I'd like to be able to go anywhere and not feel this overwhelming SA feeling. The only times I feel free of it is when I'm drunk Embarassed
-I've had two boyfriends, both of which I've met on the internet. I've been in a great relationship with my current boyfriend and I've made excuses upon excuses about not meeting his parents though we've been together for almost 8 months and he'd really like me to meet them, I'm petrified of meeting new people.
-I haven't made a single friend here at college, my shy friend from high school and I purposely went to the same college so we could room together. She had to move back home so I got a single room.
-I have a problem making eye contact with new people, I always feel like they're thinking horrible things about me.

anyways, the list goes on and on. I'm sure these are just common things that people with SA feel but I thought I'd share anyways.

I'm really fed up with living my life this way. I feel like I haven't been living my life to the fullest because I'm so afraid of being around and interacting with new people. I'm always worried what people are thinking about me, I always think that they're thinking I'm weird, stupid, ugly, etc.
I always fantasize about all the things that I wish I could do if I didn't have SA. I had a chance to go on a school trip to Australia and I passed it up because I'm too scared to meet the new people that would be on the trip with me.

I don't know how to get past this, I thought I would eventually grow out of it. I just want to live a normal life and be myself. I want to make the most of my life.

I know that I need help but I don't really have the means to get help so this forum is my first start. Sorry if that was tedious to read.

*Anyways, I'd love to exchange frequent emails with anyone who has similar SA issues as me. I like this site so far but I'd really like to have a one on one type of thing with people who share similar problems. If you're interested please send me a private message on here and I'll give my email address out. Thank you.*


New member

I'm 19 years old and have lived with terrible anxiety problems my whole life, mainly panic attacks and that such thing. I have bad PMDD and "unofficially diagnosed" OCD. I say unofficially, because I've never been outright medicated for it, but I have been pretty much told that yeah, I have it, but I manage to keep it "bottled up," so to speak. If I would have been under competent help when I was younger I likely would have been.

It has gotten better as I've gotten older. I have outgrown old fears but am still dealing with new ones. Oh well, it's nice to see that there's a forum such as this.

I am studying to become a veterinarian and move on with my life, and live happily despite my drawbacks.


New member

I just want to introduce myself a little bit :)
I'm a 23 year old girl. I have social phobia and I have also had depression and panic disorder. I'm glad that I found this forum online, because I've always felt I was alone with this problem! There are more people in my family that have social phobia.. but it's not something we talk about. It's so annoying to be afraid of other people, and not being able to live life to the fullest.


New member

I'm 26 and I developed Anxiety attacks about 3-1/2 years ago, not sure why, I know they run in my family though. I've been really good though a had a few big whoppers when I started getting them where I though a mack truck had just run me over, I couldn't breathe, catch my breath, and my skin was going to ooze off my body. Went for a few years without any big one's just little ones that I was able to breathe and talk my way out.
Recently within the last two weeks I've had about 4. for no particular reason, honestly, I have no phobias but I'm afraid that if this continues I will start having some. And the attacks are alot different then they used to be, they just come on out of left field and I start sweating, my face gets hot, I can't breathe, my skin begins to crawl, and I just get that doom like I'm going to die or else I'm going crazy.
I have meds to take but if I could just find something else and not have to take the meds I think it would be better for me......



My name is Ricardo, Im 18 and i have had social phobia for......well i don't really know when it started, I just know that wen i was a kid it wasn't like this . But I just thougt it was my personality or something I don't know, it wasn't until a month ago that I realized that i was a phobic and not just shy.


Hi Newbie here

Im David and I live in Derbyshire. I identified that I had SA approx 5 years ago, when I joined a local SA group which really helped me alot initially. For various reasons the group dipersed and the organisation lapsed which was a real shame.

Since that time I have been active on a couple of SA forums which have since gone quiet because they were only small local sites which depended on regular postings. I often feel isolated and miss the interaction you get on the forum, plus a chance to make online friends