Hi there, My name is Chris, and after some going over I decided to join this nice forum which I've known about for a couple of years.
So to just introduce myself into the forum I'll tell a little about myself.
My name is Chris, I am 19 yrs old I come from a town in England called Luton.
I have had social phobia and ocd since my first memories in nursery and kiddie parties lol.
Life has been a struggle up to now and with the town life all around you it is hard not to feel down and out at times as I feel very detached at times.
I have a few good friends who I see 'here and there', I am a virgin and have never had a girlfriend/relationship.
I had a hard time at school as I was bullied quite badly because I was an easy target I guess so I just didn't go often.
I feel for everyone with SP and the horrible stuff you have to go through everyday, but people do understand and do listen and I hope to be one off them

I have been through several college years all of foundation level which have benefited me slightly.
So with my limited qualifications I am currently working part time at a garden center where there are generally nice people which is good

I do stay indoors a lot because social contact feels very unnatural to me.
It's like staying in the 'safe zone' although deep down I want this to change so badly

I like many other social anxiety sufferers have been on and off medication for years which I now believe has done possibly more harm than good, and I hope I can help some people who want to discuss anti-depressant medication for relief.
Apart from all the negative, I am a nice understanding guy and I hope I can make some friends here and talk about anything!
So I hope to see you guys around!