A Place to Introduce Yourself


Hi, I'm Rose and I've just been told by a CBT therapist that is looks like I have Social Phobia. i have to say I'd never heard of it until then (a week ago) but it seems like someone has watched my life and uncannily has me pinned! It's such a relief to have a name for what I've been going through and to know I'm not just a freak. More importantly that there's help available. I won't see the CBT guy for another 5 months (yay waiting lists eh?)so here I am trying to help myself. I'm from Belfast, Ireland and have 2 children ages 10 and 2. Pleased to meet ya! (from the comfort ans safety of my own living room...go safety zones lol)


New member
I'm new here and a 21 year old female from Montreal. I was diagnosed with social anxiety 5 years ago, but I'm pretty sure I've had it since I was a kid. I don't have any friends.. I'm crossing my fingers I might make a friend here.:)


Well-known member
Hi there, My name is Chris, and after some going over I decided to join this nice forum which I've known about for a couple of years.
So to just introduce myself into the forum I'll tell a little about myself.

My name is Chris, I am 19 yrs old I come from a town in England called Luton.
I have had social phobia and ocd since my first memories in nursery and kiddie parties lol.
Life has been a struggle up to now and with the town life all around you it is hard not to feel down and out at times as I feel very detached at times.
I have a few good friends who I see 'here and there', I am a virgin and have never had a girlfriend/relationship.

I had a hard time at school as I was bullied quite badly because I was an easy target I guess so I just didn't go often.
I feel for everyone with SP and the horrible stuff you have to go through everyday, but people do understand and do listen and I hope to be one off them :).
I have been through several college years all of foundation level which have benefited me slightly.
So with my limited qualifications I am currently working part time at a garden center where there are generally nice people which is good :D.

I do stay indoors a lot because social contact feels very unnatural to me.
It's like staying in the 'safe zone' although deep down I want this to change so badly :(.

I like many other social anxiety sufferers have been on and off medication for years which I now believe has done possibly more harm than good, and I hope I can help some people who want to discuss anti-depressant medication for relief.

Apart from all the negative, I am a nice understanding guy and I hope I can make some friends here and talk about anything!

So I hope to see you guys around! :D


New member

I'm new here..28 years old and I am from Poland. I hope I'll find here some people to talk, I see that here are so many people and that gives me hope for new friends :) sorry for my english..


Well-known member
hi all!!
i just realized that i haven't introduced myself.so heres little info about me.
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Well-known member
yuiko said:
hi all!!
i just realized that i haven't introduced myself...so heres little info about me.
Im 19 years old and im from latvia.
I suffer from SP since i was kid...but back then i thought i was just very shy little pony.. :oops:
well i hope this site will help me....somehow.

ps.sorry for my engrish. :)

Hello Yuiko - great to have you on board. You're english is great.


Well-known member
I've read this forum for a while.. I thought that I should make up enough courage to actually start posting a little..
I'm 19 years old. I don't really have any hobbies or anything so.. Um
Not so much to say about me other than that I have struggled with social anxiety since i was very young. :|


Well-known member
Butterflies said:
yuiko said:
hi all!!
i just realized that i haven't introduced myself...so heres little info about me.
Im 19 years old and im from latvia.
I suffer from SP since i was kid...but back then i thought i was just very shy little pony.. :oops:
well i hope this site will help me....somehow.

ps.sorry for my engrish. :)

Hello Yuiko - great to have you on board. You're english is great.

HEllo Butterflies :) !!

....and hello there Ajuna24!!


Well-known member
Hey, i'm new here too. My name's Emily, i'm 15, and i've had social anxiety pretty much ever since i started secondary school - so that would be about 4 years. It gets in the way with my school work a lot, sometimes i don't have the courage to go into school, or sometimes i'll just hide in the toilets until school lets out and i can scurry back home.
I don't have it as bad as i used to (thanks to a very, very good therapist), and i've got a few really supportive friends who know - they don't really understand, but they appreciate how things are difficult for me sometimes. I guess i'm pretty lucky!!
My anxiety is worst when i have to speak in front of people - i just sort of freeze up and blush and get tongue-tied. Unfortunately a lot of my school work includes standing up in front of my class and presenting research etc. - that sort of thing. It's worse than hell. Also, i can't go to theatres - i just freak out when i go to a theatre. Don't ask me why theatres are particularly bad - i have no idea. Shame, because i love musicals :(
I'd love to be able to share experiences and advice here. Any tips to help deal with anxiety are really appreciated - but i think that sort of goes for everyone here, doesn't it? :wink:


Hi everyone. I'm new here too and have had social phobia and depression for about 7 years now (since I was 13, making me 20 now :wink: ) and just gathered up the courage to see a professional last month. The past 7 years are something nobody should ever have to experience, and from what I can tell have been much like what a lot of people on this site have been through. It's nice to know that this problem isn't so much caused by me and my own personality (I've been very shy my entire life). However, everyone I've recently told has been very supportive especially my parents who I wish I hadn't of kept at such a distance for such a long time. I can just tell that in time I will get better and I look very forward to starting my life a-new.

Once I am cured, I plan to return to University to study something that will get me into developing computer games or something of the sort (a good game that would take my mind off things was a God-send during the hard times). As well as video games, I also enjoy listening to music and recently horse-riding.
So yeah that's me, I look forward to posting in this forum with people who are in the process of overcoming the same problem as me.


Hi, I am 23... and yesterday I came to know what this thing I have been going through the last 10 years is called. This feeling of being dead inside. No hopes, no feelings, nothing. Its so difficult to explain to anybody what goes on in the mind. I realised that I was writing the same thing in my diary/blog over and over again - being jealous with people (bright lights), while I sat in the corner sulking. It's such a horrible feeling. I open my mouth but the words won't come out (thats eminem I guess). And is it like a common thing here that, I did well academically so it kind of made me look like normal to everyone, but I was no geek or anything. I was just in my room, listening to music, playing computer games, but I was never really studying hard. Then why did they have to brand me that.

And now finally I know. I havent made any friends for the last 7 years. And usually whatever so called friends I make dont last for more than 4 months. And then people run away from me. I guess I am extremely depressing.


Hey everyone, my name is Angie, I just joined here and I'm 20. I didn't even know this website existed til now. Anyways, im sure alot of you guys can relate to me. I've had SP since I can remember. I used to think I was just too shy too. But then I saw a psychiatric nurse and he told me I have social phobia. But he didnt really help me with it and he was kinda weird, so i stopped seeing him. I have been looking for a therapist or someone to help me, but there is no one in this area who specializes in SP, i even asked my doctor. Anyways, I don't think it is that severe, or at least you wouldnt know it if you met me. but it keeps me from living the life I want to. I tried to go to a university 2 hours away and live in the dorms last january and had to come home because of it. So i have been stuck in this small town for 11 years. sorry this is so long! but it is good to be able to talk to people about this since no one i know has it and people dont believe me when i say i have it!


New member
Just wanted to introduce myself before I go browsing around the boards. I'm a little shy, but it would be nice to talk to you guys. :) I'm 20 years old, and I really don't have a life outside of the internet. So, yeah.. hi.


New member
I'm new here too. I'm 33, a vegetarian and live in texas for almost 8 years now. I suffer from ocd, social anxiety & agorophobia. I haven't worked in about 9 years now and it's been a struggle with money. I feel like a burden on my husband that's for sure. Looks like this is a nice place I can relate with. My hobbies are sewing, making handmade soap & other crafts. I love pets esp rescuing rats & rabbits. I have 16 pet rats & 2 rabbits that I adore and keep me going.


New member
I just joined. I live in England and have Social Anxiety Disorder, Aspergers Syndrome and probably OCD, although the OCD is undiagnosed.


New member
Hello everybody

:D Hi there, I'm from Wellington .NZ.. and have just found this site, its great to know I'm not alone and am currently working through my issues with cognitive behavioural therapy.. hope to chat with lots of you great people and we can work through it together.

Love and hugss


Hi Everyone, I'm Sagal. I turned 29 a week ago and have suffered from depression for pretty much half of my life. I used to be fun and sparkly and optimistic (ha!) before I adopted this new reality. Or it adopted me.

I don't expect to get the sparkle back but i would like some hope. That's my New Year's resolution. To inject just a little bit of light and hope into my life and see where I can go from there.

I'm very grateful to have found this site - it seems a good place to start: somewhere where people get it.

Happy New Year, everyone!


sagal said:
Hi Everyone, I'm Sagal. I turned 29 a week ago and have suffered from depression for pretty much half of my life. I used to be fun and sparkly and optimistic (ha!) before I adopted this new reality. Or it adopted me.

I don't expect to get the sparkle back but i would like some hope. That's my New Year's resolution. To inject just a little bit of light and hope into my life and see where I can go from there.

I'm very grateful to have found this site - it seems a good place to start: somewhere where people get it.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Happy new year mate!