A Place to Introduce Yourself


New member
:( New to all this computer chat business, but I am hopeful that it will help bring me out of my shell. I just wanted to introduce myself. I am afraid of my neighbors. I am afraid of driving down my own driveway for fear that they may see. I wait till they are at work to do any outings. Luckily or sometimes unluckily I am a homemaker (not in the literal sense). My son is seven, so I actually should be out doing something for myself. I am also bipolar supposedly, so I have a lot going for me. I just wanted to be around people in the same boat. Maybe someone may have advice. Thank you for sharing your stories.


Well-known member
Hi Catherine and Shells, I can relate to spending too much time online, however 2 months back I had some internet problems, fault in the line apparently. But although at first it was difficult in a sense to internet "fast", but now im less dependent on technology to pass the time, it sorta forced me to go out a bit more than the usual, just little things but I think it did help.

As for driving im fine if im on regular routes which I know well, ok I dont like it when I see someone familiar and im always nervous of being pulled over but im glad I stuck to learning and amazed I passed. This might sound bizzare but just having the sunscreen visor down makes me a little less self conscience, since I know that I'll be that tiny bit more difficult to spot in the shade and so recognise. As for parking nope im not perfect, Ive had it work out well a few times but it seems if someone is there with me or out watching me then i'll mess it up. Perhpas in time these things wont bother me so much, at least I hope so.


New member
Hi there, I'm 21 and I'm from Costa Rica (I guess not many Costa Ricans here, huh?). I guess my reasons for being here are pretty much the same as other people. I'm lonely most of the time and disconnected from the rest of the world. I could go on and on, but I don't think it's really necessary to talk about everything at once. So... see ya later.


New member
Hey, everyone. I'm a 19 year old girl from New York state. I have never been diagnosed with SA, but after researching it on the net, I strongly think that I have it. I think that it has gotten worse after my first year of college. During college, I hardly ever went out anywhere, I was like a hermit in my dorm room. When I did, I only went to the mall by myself. I always feel really anxious when I go shopping with someone. I was so lonely, and I had a breakdown near the end of the second semester. I'm not really looking forward for my second year because I'm afraid that its going to be the same as my first year.

It's nice knowing that there are other people like me, and that I'm not the only one with this problem. I knew that I was different from everyone else, but I never knew the name of this problem until recently.


New member
just discovered this site

i first started having panic attacks in high school over little things and the thought of actually asking out the girl i really liked scared me more than most...i knew something was wrong and this was more than just being shy

when i entered college, it was an on and off struggle that took 12 years to finish with panic attacks being the major culprit

i went to a psychiatrist a few years into college and i learned that my panic attacks and avoiding going out into unfamiliar situations where i was not in control was agoraphobia...i was given imipramine and it worked

when i tired of the aggressive, but effective style of that psychiatrist, i went to another and he deemed me bipolar instead of agoraphobic and put me on lithium and my life spiraled out of control

in later years i went back on agoraphobia medication (now flouxitene and clonazepam hcl) and things got back to normal

i am now 44 and only starting to feel comfortable with sharing about truly being agoraphobic and living with that reality

so that's me in a nutshell and i am glad to join all you guys online


I've always thought I was "socially retarded."

I'm learning a little though, about all this talking about your feelings business. I can't do it physically, so writing will have to do for now.

I'm 20 and I have no interest in dating or parties or any of the things girls my age do. Most of the time I'm terrified to make a decision, so I carry a coin or dice. That takes the stress off a little. If I don't then I'll just walk away. Or choose whatever I'm told to choose. Desperate for aproval. patethic, huh?

I just ran into this site and this post and decided to join. why not? at least its nice to know you're not the only one.


Shinigami said:
Hi Catherine and Shells, I can relate to spending too much time online, however 2 months back I had some internet problems, fault in the line apparently. But although at first it was difficult in a sense to internet "fast", but now im less dependent on technology to pass the time, it sorta forced me to go out a bit more than the usual, just little things but I think it did help.

As for driving im fine if im on regular routes which I know well, ok I dont like it when I see someone familiar and im always nervous of being pulled over but im glad I stuck to learning and amazed I passed. This might sound bizzare but just having the sunscreen visor down makes me a little less self conscience, since I know that I'll be that tiny bit more difficult to spot in the shade and so recognise. As for parking nope im not perfect, Ive had it work out well a few times but it seems if someone is there with me or out watching me then i'll mess it up. Perhpas in time these things wont bother me so much, at least I hope so.
Yeah, when I'm without the internet for a while (sometimes I force myself to give it up for a week or a month or sometimes I'm unable to get on the internet because I'm camping) I'm fine, but I wouldn't say it forces me to get out more. I also have a family of nine (6 siblings and two parents) and I live in the country so a lot of the time I don't need to see other people outside of the family to occupy myself, or I'm not able to get into town to just chill. I'm changing though, when I'm at work I extend my conversations and take some opportunities to begin conversations (I work in a smaller grocery store as a cashier). It makes me happy. Plus I'm going away to college next year so I'll have a fresh start. Thanks for the welcome and all. Nice to meet you too! Interesting to hear your story!


Re: just discovered this site

mr335 said:
i first started having panic attacks in high school over little things and the thought of actually asking out the girl i really liked scared me more than most...i knew something was wrong and this was more than just being shy

when i entered college, it was an on and off struggle that took 12 years to finish with panic attacks being the major culprit

i went to a psychiatrist a few years into college and i learned that my panic attacks and avoiding going out into unfamiliar situations where i was not in control was agoraphobia...i was given imipramine and it worked

when i tired of the aggressive, but effective style of that psychiatrist, i went to another and he deemed me bipolar instead of agoraphobic and put me on lithium and my life spiraled out of control

in later years i went back on agoraphobia medication (now flouxitene and clonazepam hcl) and things got back to normal

i am now 44 and only starting to feel comfortable with sharing about truly being agoraphobic and living with that reality

so that's me in a nutshell and i am glad to join all you guys online

I was like you too, only I'm a bit younger. When I was little I was shy, but I don't remember getting how I get now back then. It was only recently I read about social anxiety and phobia and such, and think I might have a mild/moderate level of it. I have never been to doctor about it, but if when I'm in college (this Fall) it keeps up and halts me from changing I will for sure see a doctor. I just don't want to bug a busy doctor or have to get around to explaining to anyone why I want to see the doctor. If that makes sense.


Hi everyone..!!

Hi people.. Its so relieving to see all of you guys having some place to release the huge burden..
I am from India and i have a severe problem with my social as well as my personal life since almost 10years. Its been a long painful journey from my childhood. I am damn sure i am having Avoidant Personality Disorder which i figured out recently.
I have been searching for long to pin point the root cause of my problem and finally i stumbled upon this forum.. Hope i can make a few friends here to share problems and solutions. AvPD is our common enemy which has to defeated with our joint efforts..


Hi everyone,
I'm so glad to have found this web site. I've suffered with social anxiety for as long as I can remember. High school was a nightmare for me and now the SA is really negatively impacting my career as well :(

I've suffered with depression and anxiety for years. I've tried medication (unhelpful) and talk therapy (not so much better). The social workers, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists I saw ranged from grossly incompetent to deranged (one was arrested for plotting to kill his patients!!!! That pretty much turned me off of therapy).

I'm 30 years old now and just started over with a new career. I try to keep a positive outlook on life (I've been doing a cognitive behavioral therapy plan for my anxiety these past few years, which has helped immensely) and keep myself physically and mentally active (I'm training for a marathon and I'm a voracious reader).

Despite all that I do feel sad about having no friends, and about never being able to move past the "hello, how are you" stage with people. I feel so abnormal, especially since I overheard my supervisor at work talking to her boss about me (about how I'm disconnected and unfriendly). That was devastating to me and a huge blow to my self-esteem, which is already low.

I stumbled across this site last week and started crying while reading. I recognize myself in so many of these posts and my heart aches for everyone. I'm glad that we've found a place to be together.
Just wanted to throw a little introduction of my own onto the heap. I was researching various sites about phobias, disorders, and anxiety and found this page. It's both relieving and disconcerting to see that there are so many others out there like me. It's nice to know I'm not alone in the way I perceive the world, but disheartening to know that so many others suffer like I do. In any event, I guess I should tell you all a small bit about myself; I'm 29, undiagnosed by a professional (I keep making up excuses to keep myself delusional to just how bad my condition is), but largely a shut in who's probably suffering from avoidant personality disorder, as I take great lengths to avoid any social interaction, and even have to force myself into interactions like this.


Well-known member
Hello, I'm a 24 year old guy and have had social phobia all my life. At the moment I don't have any friends and have never had more than a few friends. I live with my mom and try to get my bachelor's degree. For most of my life, I've always felt like an outsider, like everyone else's mind was functioning properly except for mine. As a result of my anxiety, I'm lonely most of the time and end up getting depressed. I'd just like to have some friends, a girlfriend and be able to enjoy life.


hi! im new, im lexie and im 18. i was just reading up on anxiety and SP and came across this site, i don't really have a great understanding of it as i've only been professionally diagnosed with SP for around a month, im bipolar and sort of mistook the anxiety symptoms as just my meds acting up.lol. so yeah hi!
Hi there. I am 25 m from california. I heard this is a good forum to talk to friendly people who really care about others. I hope so, because I also am eager to chat with friendly people who struggle the way I do.

Hope to talk to you soon.


New member
Nice to be here

Hello everybody,
I'm 50, live in France and have been even more suffering from social phobia as age comes in. Due to social phobia I've been unable to sustain a job for more than 18 months for 8 years now. I'm unable to have "normal" relations with a boss and colleagues: I'm either too shy and is quickly despised for it, until I turn into an agressive person making the everyday working life a nightmare for everyone and me, pointing roughly on what is wrong in the boss's relations to his employees ! it always ends up with a firing, of course !!
I've just found another job to start within a few months after being one year jobless, and I feel desperate about what is due to happen again after a "peaceful" period of ca. 6 months !
I have the same problems with my neighbours: they regard me as a shy and limited person but then, look horrified when I burst out after a period of frustrated silence.
I've lost two friends because of that behaviour but I just cant find a way to level up my behaviour. I do wish I were able to calm down my temper and soothe this endless storm inside my soul.


New member
I'm 16 and have social anxiety, bdd & agoraphobia. It all started at school. I already was shy and bullying made it even worse. I don't have any friends & rarely go out. whoohoo.


Im 27, living in NYC. Been agoraphobic for almost ten years now. Living with my mother, taking care of her, being as useful in the house as i can its my life oh and my internet too. Anti social. Spritual but not religious. Love nature, the Moon, animals, exotic cultures and passionate cultural music like Enigma, Enya, Lisa Gerrad, Lorenna Mckennitt. Read self help books about food remedies, herbal remedies. Love sushi and pomogranate juice! :). I also have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and am very shy but caring for others.


Active member
Hi everyone!

I am returning to the website after a period of about a year. I had received CBT and used lots of self help tapes and books, and attended a support group for social phobia. I seemed to be making real progress, but over the past few months I have felt myself going on a 'slippery slope' downhill. Felt it was about time I faced up to my problems and hopefully get some great advice from you all, and give tips of my own where needed.



Hi everybody! (dr. nick riviera haha :D)

I found this site a couple days ago and I've been reading it a bit, and I just want to say that I'm amazed how everybody here is understanding and non-judgmental in any way (I read somewhere that if the world was run by people who have some sort of mental disorder like SP, it would be much much better place). I too suffer from SP and I think that it has actually ruined my life... I'm still very young (17), but I have already lost all will to live.. the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I hate people and it amuses me to watch how they destroy themselves... I spend my days closed in my room, with my internet and tv... I joined this site just so I can have someone to talk to..... anyways, that's all.......
btw: english is not my native language, so excuse me if I make mistakes....



Well-known member
hello, im a 24 year old lady from australia. Im intense, passionate, sensitive, insane. its kind of fun.

although i suffer from revolting attacks of nervousness. :/