Hello everybody! I just joined this site and its pretty nice here. Its a comforting feeling to know that you are not alone and that there are others out there struggling with the same problem.
I am 17, going to be 18 in July. Ever since mabye freshman year of high school, I have become a totally different person. In middle school, I used to have several friends and really enjoyed school. But, these past couple of years have been so lonely. I haven't maintained any of my friendships because I'm too afraid to pick up the phone and call. Now, I have only one real friend and he doesn't really know me even though we've been friends since first grade. Well anyway, I guess I'm kind of dragging on...
To the point then! Unlike other people my age, I dont go to parties or hang out with friends on weekends. I was never involved in any clubs or ever went on a date because of self imposed isolation. I hid myself from the world because being alone and sad was so much better in my mind than being rejected or embarrassed.
So after some researching, trying to figure out "just what the heck is the matter with me and why I was so afraid", I came upon avoidant personality disorder which further led me to social anxiety disorder. Now, I'm obviously no psyhcologist but I know something is definitely wrong with me. I was looking for answers and I still am.
Thats why I'm here. Life can be such a pain in the butt when you can't feel comfortable around other people. Other people feel the way I feel but I have a tendency to forget that. Now that I joined this website though, I don't have to feel alone anymore. I don't have to fight this battle by myself anymore. Nice to meet you all!