A Place to Introduce Yourself


hi guys

I'm New. I think I might have Social Phobia. Noticed the problem about a year ago when I finally graduated from college and I had no friends or contacts. I'm 25 and I have no real relationships. Anyway I'm pretty sure I have it and I hope to get to know all of you. :)


Active member

I'm a 16 year old guy and i live in bolton, ontario. i've had pretty bad SA for as long as i can remember. It's been getting pretty bad lately; last time i went out with "friends" was like 4 years ago ...oh well. I just hope i can get to know some people here, that way i might not feel so lonely inside...

...dammit, now i'm paranoid someone will recognize me.


Hello Everyone,

I just joined today. I am a 17-year-old girl, and I've had SA ever since I can remember, but I was formally diagnosed with it a few months ago. I do home schooling, so I am alone by myself most of the time. I have no friends left because no one really understood what I was going through, so I was happy that I found this place. I live in the USA...in the Midwest. I'm trying really hard to overcome SA, but it hasn't been working the way I planned.

Well...I hope to get to know you all here.


Well-known member
Could I, as a member of SPW welcome you all. It's a crazy thing this SA. Apparently it affects about 7% of the population. I thought I was all alone about who I was and the way I was thinking. It turns out that we"re not alone. We all kinda think the same way.... Furthermore I would like to say that it's a lot more than simple shyness. I think all you guys and girls are just brave to make that first step.... It's not that easy. Ok. Hope to talk to you soon...



hi my name is Tanya, im a 24 year old woman living in Cape Town South Africa. im glad i found this forum, i hope to make new friends here. have a nice day :)


Hi, i feel very identified with this forum, i of course have social anxiety, since my earliest memory i stayed quiet and didn't talk to anybody, whenever we had any guests in my house i ran to hide anywhere, i spoke quietly too...i was bullied everywhere, i got some OCD, hyperhidrosis and depression too
i have been always geeky and nerdy too, now i'm 21 and have poor social skills, i have trouble making friends and i have trouble especially with girls :oops:


Active member
I'm Tom. I've played guitar for about 11 years and music is my life. I mostly listen to grunge and doom metal. I'm 25 and I'm going to ITT Tech trying to get a degree but I'm not doing very well. I just lost my job so I guess I'm unemployed right now.


Active member
Hi. I'm a 28 y/o male. I've had SA as long as I can remember. Even posting anonymously on the internet makes me uncomfortable, but I'm going to try it here anyway, to expose myself to my phobias. That is all. Cheers!


Well-known member
That's brilliant Coper. Hey man we all suffer from this demon. Let's just here your story. Spit it out....
My story in a nutshell..... Totally normal until I was about 14 . Started being far too introspective. Due to the fact that I was very sensitive to criticism. Went into a major shell. I couldn't even ask a question in a classroom situation. Just hated school (mostly because I couldn't function socially). I was totally scared of teachers and most people. Just wanted to leave that fucken school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in this total fucken shell..... Which is hard to describe.... It's a pyschological shell your in. Anyway that is part of my story.


Active member
Johno said:
That's brilliant Coper. Hey man we all suffer from this demon. Let's just here your story. Spit it out....
My story in a nutshell..... Totally normal until I was about 14 . Started being far too introspective. Due to the fact that I was very sensitive to criticism. Went into a major shell. I couldn't even ask a question in a classroom situation. Just hated school (mostly because I couldn't function socially). I was totally scared of teachers and most people. Just wanted to leave that fucken school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in this total fucken shell..... Which is hard to describe.... It's a pyschological shell your in. Anyway that is part of my story.

Thanks, Johno. I'm surprised by how many people on this site only became phobic in their teens. I can remember instances of painful shyness going all the way back to preschool, so I always assumed that that was the norm. Anyway, my story is a very long story. I've been in therapy for 11 years, though it was mainly for depression at first. I feel like I've been mostly over the depression for about 5 years, but my social anxiety is a much more stubborn problem.

In therapy I've learned to do things like drive, go to restaurants and live on my own, by taking them one tiny baby step at a time. I've only really been trying to learn to meet new people and make friends for about 3 years, now, and it seems like the hardest thing of all, by far. I'm not surprised about that. It's been my bête noir for my whole life. The main success I can point to, at this point, is that when I put myself in a social setting and talk to people, I've learned to think of the discomfort that I feel as a positive thing, like the pain of exercise or putting iodine on a cut.


Well-known member
Yes, I also remember instances in preschool. However SP mostly affected my life in early adolescence. That's when it reared its ugly head mostly. That's when it started to control my life. About 14 if I can recall.


New member
Hello everyone, I am 29 yr old from Ireland I have had sa since about 15 but I think I have avpd aswell, good site btw! :p
Hello everybody! I just joined this site and its pretty nice here. Its a comforting feeling to know that you are not alone and that there are others out there struggling with the same problem.
I am 17, going to be 18 in July. Ever since mabye freshman year of high school, I have become a totally different person. In middle school, I used to have several friends and really enjoyed school. But, these past couple of years have been so lonely. I haven't maintained any of my friendships because I'm too afraid to pick up the phone and call. Now, I have only one real friend and he doesn't really know me even though we've been friends since first grade. Well anyway, I guess I'm kind of dragging on...
To the point then! Unlike other people my age, I dont go to parties or hang out with friends on weekends. I was never involved in any clubs or ever went on a date because of self imposed isolation. I hid myself from the world because being alone and sad was so much better in my mind than being rejected or embarrassed.
So after some researching, trying to figure out "just what the heck is the matter with me and why I was so afraid", I came upon avoidant personality disorder which further led me to social anxiety disorder. Now, I'm obviously no psyhcologist but I know something is definitely wrong with me. I was looking for answers and I still am.
Thats why I'm here. Life can be such a pain in the butt when you can't feel comfortable around other people. Other people feel the way I feel but I have a tendency to forget that. Now that I joined this website though, I don't have to feel alone anymore. I don't have to fight this battle by myself anymore. Nice to meet you all! :D


hey everyone! i'm 19, make, from canada ontario. I have an avoidant personality disorder and i've always wanted to meet people who i could relate to in this way. I already went on about myself in the other forum but i'm very glad to be here and look forward to talking to people here
Uix said:
hey everyone! i'm 19, make, from canada ontario. I have an avoidant personality disorder and i've always wanted to meet people who i could relate to in this way. I already went on about myself in the other forum but i'm very glad to be here and look forward to talking to people here

Hi there and welcome! Its good to have you here with us. :D


Well-known member
Hey eveyone, I thought why not sign up since recently Ive been visiting this forum quite a bit. Maybe I'll even pick up tips of how of be less akward in what should be fairly normal social situations.

Im just finishing college at the moment and hoping I could get more confident before uni starts.

Well my past reports from school to gut wrenchinly painful parent evenings have all told me similar things:

-Needs to participate more in class



Hey I'm Catherine. I'm from Canada. I've never been diagnosed with SA or anything like that but I think I have it. I know for sure I'm shy and don't speak as much as other people. I also know I have alot of the symtoms of an SA person. I hope to get help with dealing with who I am as it effects my life, who I meet, school, getting jobs and how I feel about myself. I found this site through Google. I tend to talk alot online on forums and all. Life would be so easy if we could all like through typing. Yet, you'd miss so much. I like to bike, have fun with friends, read, write and study philosophy (just finished my grade 12 philosophy class). I'm going to college next year. I'm 18 years old. I'm one of 7 kids. I am the eldest of them all. Nice to meet you all! Oh and I'm also a member of SU, just joined a couple of days ago. Just in case any of you are from there.


Shinigami said:
Hey eveyone, I thought why not sign up since recently Ive been visiting this forum quite a bit. Maybe I'll even pick up tips of how of be less akward in what should be fairly normal social situations.

Im just finishing college at the moment and hoping I could get more confident before uni starts.

Well my past reports from school to gut wrenchinly painful parent evenings have all told me similar things:

-Needs to participate more in class

Hey, nice to meet you. I also usually got the needs to participate more in class thing on my report cards. Also, I'm going to college in the fall and want to change myself...so I guess we are sort of similar. Aren't we all similar though I guess lol.