A Place to Introduce Yourself


New member
Hi all,

Its great to find a website like this where everyone is pretty much in the same boat!

Socially, I tend to be OK when I prepare/rehearse what I'm going to say! If I ever do go out for a rare night out (usually with work if ever!) I write a list of topics of conversation to memorise which helps enormously. Otherwise, I'm stuck.

I have the ability to psyche myself up and act chatty/confident etc for short periods when I'm forced to e.g. mostly work situations. But then I need to retreat to recharge my batteries. The downside to this is although someone's first impression of me might be quite positive, on the next meeting, I often act much more withdrawn/less confident and hence the initial good impression quickly evaporates. Then they might think I'm being ignorant, rude, in a bad mood etc. Very frustrating!

I've lived in Staffordshire for 5 years now but I'm still struggling to make friends and socialise. Even though people at work consider me to be a good guy/polite/competent etc, as I'm not one of those people who stands in the corridor chatting for half an hour (rather smile and say hello or make a quick remark as I walk past). I guess that isnt the best way to turn an acquintance into a friend, but I just find that non stop socialising takes so much energy.

All the best to everyone



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feeling sad

Hello everyone. My name is Saeed, I am 29 years old and I come from near Oman. I am suffring from social phobia since 14. up to now :(


New member
Well hey, I'm Locki.
I have such an extreme social phobia, I've almost committed suicide multiple times and spend most of my days crying in my room.
I can't look at people, i hate being around people, so this place is nice and im grateful for it.


Hi everyone, i came to this site through another shyness forum and i'm glad this one exists. i have suffered from social anxiety and depression pretty much my whole life and now i've found some help from anti-depressant medication. I hope to have fun and make friends online even if I cannot in person, hah.


Howdoo peeps!

My regular SA forum seems to have gone dead so i thought i'd check out another SA site. I remembered coming here in the past but never joining, now i have so a big hello to everybody here.



Well-known member
Hey everyone in SPW land! My name is Dylan. I am 19 years old and after almost two years i've decided to finally introduce myself.

I've normally just observed what was being discussed and I would like to thank you guys for some good information. Oh and of course a couple of laughs.

Oh, from now on you guys are gonna hear abit more from me! (hopefully :roll: )


New member
Hi, just found this site so thought I would give an into to myself.

I'm 23 and have had anxiety problems since i was about 8, probably younger. My teacher called my mum into school because I was going to the toilet about 8 times a day when I was at school (only 6 hours).

Things have been really up and down since then, I missed out on my dream job. My uni made me leave my midwifery training because I kept panicing, so everything since then has felt second best.

I'm now at uni doing a different course which is going well, but i seem to be having real issues in the rest of my life.

My main problem is feeling like I need the loo when I know I can't go or it would be difficult to go. It has made even the most simple pleasures in life a misery, I'm completely stressed out by even going to the cinema and at the moment theatre is out of the question! It's starting to affect work now, I work in a supermarket and get paniced everytime i'm working on a checkout cos I can't leave to go to the loo.

I have been reading through the comments and identify with so many things. Hopefully this site will help to take the isolation out of being me. I'm tired of people telling me to just chill out, like I hadn't thought of that!!


hi, I'm 22, i think i have social anxiety - pretty sure that's what it is. People scare me. now I live alone too and I am so freaking bored all the time. So I want to be with people but I kind of can't - it doesn't work out too well. So anyway.. hi! was that supposed to be cheerful?


New member
hi all. my name is mike and i'm 27. well i'm here. i seem to have generalized anxiety disorder, a good bit of SA, and more than likely a touch of OCD as well. it was brought to my attention back in september when i started having breathing problems after i went to the er and then a doctor. i originally thought that i had copd or emphysema since at the time i smoked 2 packs of cigs a day and lots of green.

i have a therapist who is giving me CBT (only seen him once so far), but am currently on no medications. i intend to find a psychiatrist on wednesday so that i can be put on effexor or something that will help curb the negative thoughts running through my head. this is downright fatiguing fighting this.

sorry my post is so long. i'm just waiting for my royalty check from that one, heh. i must say however, that i never thought a website could be so relaxing. maybe i should find some type of group counseling in my area, if such a thing exists.



hello everyone, my name is diana. i am 19, and i live in san francisco and go to school in chicago. for fun i like to read, watch movies, and play videogames. my favorite genre is science fiction. i also like languages. currently i am taking chinese and doing esperanto and french on the side. i also speak some spanish.

i came across the forum because i have been doing research to decide if i need to talk to a therapist. i have always been quiet and kind of a loner but i assumed it was something i would grow out of. since i started college last year, i have only one real friend here. he said that i have a "ridiculous social phobia" that was keeping me from meeting people. i was very surprised to learn that it is actually a real medical condition!


Well-known member
Hello, everybody!!, i am back after a few months.
Hi, Synapse!!, i think i come from the same forum as you, form www.fobiasocial.net.
I think your level of English is great!!!.
Take care!!.
So long!!.


New member
Hello! I finally managed to take the step to introduce myself here. I'm a 23 year old male with social phobia.

I've been on the forums reading for a while but never dared to sign up or post anything:( But today I decided to just do it! I'm just so sick of how this disorder is affecting my life. I want to do what I want, without the anxiety preventing me from doing it.

Anyway, I'm glad there is a site like this, and hi to you all:)


New member
oops, i think i already did this in a new topic BUT Imma do it here since I already feel like a nimbus, can't really make it worse, right? LOL. I'm Rachel, 20 almost 21, in Seattle, and living with SP for about 8 years now *8 years being when I knew what it was, God knows how long I've actually had it*

Everyday I procrastinate on not leaving my apartment that I share with a friend. I can't go job hunting because of severe panic attacks before I'm even out the door, and when I don't have them, I walk around with my hood over my head in public, afraid to bump into people I know or even see them. I'm petrified of even my friends, I don't fully trust them even when I know I can.

Anyway, it's hard living with it, always has been. I can't even go check out colleges or do some research on moving out of the city alone like I want to sometime soon.

I smoke a pack a day, I constantly bite my nails, stutter when I'm talking to people in person, and even stop eating when it's at its worse. Doesn't help I have Schizophrenia, OCD and Bipolar but I honestly think the SP is worse than them all.


New member
Hi! I´m a 27 year old woman with social phobia.

I´ve been looking for a forum about this problem but here in Japan I have not found anything.

Sorry for my horrible english. :?

Anyway, i'm glad i found this site! I have been reading through the comments and identify with so many things. Hopefully this site will help to take the isolation out of being me.
Hi I didn't see this thread and went ahead and made a new one.

Well anyways I'm 24 years old (male) and I'm suffering from SP and depression/panic attacks. The answer in my thread was a little more indepth if anyone want's to know more.

I'm a bit confused as to the purpose of this sticky. I mean this part of the forum is solely for introducing yourself right? Why the need for a sticky here?
Wouldn't it be better if it was in the main forum?

Bah it's not my business, it just made me wonder.

Great forum BTW. :)


I introduced myself already but wanted to here as well. I just got through reading much of this thread and, wow, I could've written half of those posts. I noticed a lot of people on here are well spoken but I can bet nobody knows it because we keep to ourselves. :p
I've been through so many of the same things as all of you and if I were to write about it it would be a novel.
I just found this place today and I hope that this is the first step for me to try and get out of some of this social hell I go through every day. (Does that make sense?)

I know I'm never going to 'conform' to the outgoing, charismatic, stereotype but I do hope to at least obtain some normalcy and (probably for the first time in my life) speak to other people who go through the same thing as I do.

Nice to meet everyone!