3 Things you like about yourself/Dont like about yourself


I thought this might be fun and a chance to express how people feel about themselves, not sure how this will go, but I figured it would be worth a shot :)

3 things I like about myself

My sense of humour - Even if Im the only one that really understands it
Open to giving people I dont know a chance
My musical ability

3 things I dont like
The way I make people feel when they see me
Feeling tired and an inability to concentrate or focus
My appearance and the way I carry myself


Active member
Okay 3 things I like:

I can be very committed and stubborn when I want to. Which I guess can be both good and bad :p.

Have to agree with you and the sense of humour thing.

I tell the truth. Which again, can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation :p.

3 bad things:

Appearance. Both physical and how I come off to others as with my lack of conversational skills.

My jealousy. I'm getting better at it, but it's still there.

The fact that I always think I gotta prove myself. I hate when others are like it, so it doesn't seem right that I be that way. Also, point 3.5 would be I'm a very contradictory person, through my beliefs vs. actions.

Nice thread :).



Well-known member
1. I am open to various views of the words people.
2. I read a lot.
3. I have good taste of music.
1. I sometimes do foolish things which makes others confused of me.
2. I get angry for no reason
3. I am lazy


Well-known member
Ooh good thread!

How im abit different. (although it does go against me sometimes)
I care for animals and am against cruelty.
Im a good listener.

How nervous i can look and how others see it. :(
My appearence.
I can never keep a friend these days!


Well-known member
- i like the fact that im a quick learner
- i like my musical abilities
- i like my sense of adventure

- big time procrastinator which I will start working on tomorrow
- my awkwardness
- my stomach, grrrrrrrrrr, why do you always hurt!!??


Well-known member
big time procrastinator which I will start working on tomorrow
haa x]

1. I can be really stubborn, extreme and dedicated when passionate about something
2. Level-headed
3. I am pretty... with a little less weight that is.
2. All or nothing attitude
3. I really don't have much of a sense of humour. At least lately


New member
Like -

- The fact that I'm a good listener.
- My good grades and getting top of the class in certain exam results.
- My appearance most of the time.

Dislike -

- My lack of conversation/social skills
- My shyness
- My nose


Well-known member
I'm a good writer
I can be a good listener
I don't insult people

Don't Like:
I have a bad temper
I'm too afraid of too many things
I can be very selfish


Well-known member

1. Very patient
2. Caring and enjoy helping others
3. I'm a strong person (not physically)


1. my appearance
2. The fact that I believe that I waste people's time when I am with them
3. My inability to say no or tell my view


Well-known member
My devilishly good looks :)
My sense of humor
My intelligence

My social phobia
My drinking problem
My unemployment status


Well-known member

-I try to be thoughtful
-I get good grades
-I have amazing tastes in music :D

-I'm clumsy and forgetful
-My appearance
-I have no social skills whatsoever
I speak fluent sarcasm
My special sense of humour
Imma good listener

My terrible mood swings
My appearance, guh
I'm very fragile


Well-known member
Hmmm okay

3 things I like:
My personality. I am kind, caring, understanding, etc.
My hair....sometimes, lol.
My sense of humor.

3 things I don't like:
I can be very impatient, I am working on it and think I have gotten a lot better.
How I avoid going to things because of my stuttering.
My weight.



buying stuff


my nerves
me being unable to speak aloud spontainously
my big head and no money
Okay here goes..

Things I like
1) Not afraid to admit things about myself, I know my shortcomings
2) How I just plow ahead, even when it hurts
3) Willingness to grow

things I don't like

1) My passiveness
2) My S.A.
3) Constant guilt


Well-known member
Things I like about myself

- I like my awesome/weird sense of humor.. at least I think it's awesome.
- I like how low maintenance I am or w/e. Basic and simple things are enough for me. I don't need anything big or fancy.
- uhhh.. I like my hair.. most of the time lol

Things I don't like about myself

- I don't like my acne and acne scars =(
- I don't like how angry I get over stupid things
- And of course I hate my anxiety.


Well-known member
-I find it easy to relate to a lot of things, people and situations. From this, I'm very open minded.
-If I put my mind to something, I mostly succeed. I work hard and have a good work ethic when it comes to a passion.
-I don't have a problem speaking to people, or voicing my opinion. I'm not particularly intimidated, I stand up for myself - saying that, I'm very laid back and easy going.

-I'd like (very much) if I didn't have to deal with anxiety on this level. Panic disorder still tries to overpower many life aspects.
-Although I've gained a lot of knowledge in certain things, I don't always want to branch out into anything that I'm not too interested in. I guess this could be considered an 'all or nothing' kind of attitude.
-Physically - I'd like to have darker hair and tan well.
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3 Things I like:

- My creative personality
- My appearance
- My good memory (especially with lyrics)

3 things I don't like:

- I procrastinate too much
- My past and how I wasted too many years isolated and lonely
- My fear of rejection
- My confidence
- Creativity
- My little geek side XD

- Being quiet
- My face when i have acne (now ::p: )
- My Facial sweating when outside


Well-known member
-I can listen to a wide variety of music from death metal to hiphop to electronic etc.
-I don't judge people quickly
-I play video games

-My awkwardness, making people uneasy
-Lack of conversation skills
-Being a slow learner