3 Things you like about yourself/Dont like about yourself


New member
I thought this might be fun and a chance to express how people feel about themselves, not sure how this will go, but I figured it would be worth a shot :)

3 things I like about myself

My sense of humour - Even if Im the only one that really understands it
Open to giving people I dont know a chance
My musical ability

3 things I dont like
The way I make people feel when they see me
Feeling tired and an inability to concentrate or focus
My appearance and the way I carry myself

I would say the exact same things as you mentioned except besides being able to tell if something is off tune or not, I don't have much musical ability. I love to learn languages though.


Well-known member
Now this looks like fun.


1.My caring nature
2.My flexibility which allows me to kick really high and do cool tricks like aerials.
3.My ability to chain smoke cigarettes when doing just about anything.


1.My inability to make decisions.
2.The fact that small things piss me off worse than major things.
3.The blank stare that I get when talking to people because my mind has decided to go on a journey of it's own.
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This is a toughy. ^,^

Three things I like would be:

-Sense of humor, for sure. Wouldn't know what I'd do without it.
-Being able to appreciate the little pleasures in life. :3
-Being bisexual. I love the fact I have the option to love any human without being restricted by gender. : D

Things I don't like would be:

-The fact that I can be quite selfish to prevent social embarrasment. :c
-That I know I have the potential to be anyone I want to be, and that the only obstacle is this social phobia. :'L
-My inability to communicate in such a way people can understand me. It makes me feel like an alien in my own race.


3 things I like about myself
*I'm very loyal (If you befriend me, I'll literally sacrafice myself to save you)
*I'm quite talented. (I can do a lot of things with ease)
*I'm able to feel deeply for others thus preventing me to do anything that can cause pain

3 things I dislike
* My appearance
*My fear of social gatherings
* My annoying sensitivity. (I can cry over everything)


Well-known member
My intelligence.
I'm a very loyal person.
I stand by my convictions and values, and I can't stand to see injustice.

My weight.
My lack of any self-esteem or motivation.
My fears, phobias, mental diseases and pretty much anything else that isn't listed in the "positives" section.


Well-known member
3 things I like about me

My honesty
I'm loyal
I'm respectful

3 things I dislike

My appearance
I'm stupid
And of course my SA!


Well-known member
-I make friends easily (before SA)
-Average appearance (that way I know they like me for me not my body)
-I think of others before myself

-I rarely keep friends for more than a few days or develop it further
-My intelligence (don't try to understand this one)
-My dependance on others


Well-known member

a. being athletic, physically gifted. Especially the way i play soccer (when i play good)
b. being smart, cultivated, but also self conscious
c. being eclectic, and so full of resources


a. my inability to talk as I could
b. my inability to behave as I would
c. my constant thinking about how could I have talked or how should I have behaved, and more generally this racking my brain about how I have to be, instead of being capable of just being (as most people do).


Active member
:)Like bout myself~
- sorta artistic
- loves cleanliness and tidiness
- being single

Don't like bout myself~
- slow in catching up in music
- sense of humour being "switched off" when knowing I'm the center of attention at that time
- my quietness

1. My sense of humor if i'm comfortable to show it
2. My creativity/originality
3. My ability to write

Don't Like

1. My Aura with people
2. The fact I can't stand up for myself
3. The fact I obsess over little stupid things a lot


Well-known member
I have above normal intelligence
I'm athletic
I'm skilled when it comes to 3D modelling

Don't like:
I'm impatient
My social intuition is poor
I'm easilly annoyed


Well-known member
3 things i like:
1. my heart
2. the depth of my mind
3. my hair

3 things i don't like:
1. wayyyyy tooo sensitive
2. my inability to let things go(past hurts)
3. my phobias/insecurities


Well-known member
I like:
-My short height
-My artistic ability
-My caring nature

I don't like:
-My SA & other phobias
-How boring I am
-How much I procrastinate