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  1. theoutsider

    Post a Picture of Something That Always Brings A Smile to Your Face

    Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties). These little guys are great. I had one that looks just like this one, he was the best. Always smiling and ready to play. Everytime I see one it makes me smile a little if only inside. Toddlers playing. This is the age when they first start trying to put...
  2. theoutsider

    They Dislike Us Even More For Minding Our Own Business?

    I don't get these types of people and am wondering if any of you have had to deal with this personally. Okay, I think we all know that people tend to make unfair judgments against people with SA and ultimately decide they don't like us. I've come to accept that many will take this stance, it's...
  3. theoutsider

    Zirtual - May Be A Good Employment Alternative

    I know a lot of us look for alternatives to having to work with a lot of people. This company was recommended to me from a trusted source as an employer of Virtual Assistants. Those are people who work mainly from home and assist businesses with administrative type duties. I checked out their...
  4. theoutsider

    Does Your Mind Involuntarily Seize On The Negative?

    I've noticed that every day I seem to find myself focusing on the one negative thing that happened to me. If several negative things happened that day, I will focus on the biggest one. Most times, it's something that shouldn't even be a big deal. I know this yet I find myself thinking about...
  5. theoutsider

    People Stealing Your Ideas Because You're Quiet

    Does anybody have or have had in the past a problem with people stealing your thoughts/jokes/ideas? You may have come up with it but you told one person or maybe you didn't say it loud enough. Then that one person goes on to repeat what you said and claim all the credit for it. I had a friend...
  6. theoutsider

    Has SA Made You Jittery/Jumpy?

    I've noticed lately that when my SA is really at a high, I become very jumpy. If someone approaches me, especially rapidly, and I am not prepared (kind of by surprise) it takes all I can muster to keep from jumping out of my skin. Sometimes I really do jump noticeably. Anyone else experience this?
  7. theoutsider

    Is This Commercial Making Fun of People with SA? I heard on the radio that a group of people who have trouble urinating in public bathrooms are complaining. What do you think?
  8. theoutsider

    When A Well Loved Celebrity Committs Suicide

    Does it affect you in any way when I popular celebrity who suffers from depression seems to give up and end their life? Today, Robin Williams was found dead from an apparent suicide after years of battling dependency on drugs and alcohol (I think) as well as depression. I have seen the...
  9. theoutsider

    So Awkward, It's Funny. Share Your Stories.

    I don't know how well this topic will go on here as I realize there are many who aren't able to laugh at their illness (for good reasons). I am of the mind that sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. I'm always either witnessing or usually being a part of awkward situations. Today I...
  10. theoutsider

    Question For Those Functioning With SA

    This is more a question for those (like myself) whose SA isn't so severe that we can't leave the house and actually either go to work or go to school every day. Is there a time of day when you struggle more with SA than at others? I know this may be a stupid question but I find that in the...
  11. theoutsider

    What's Worse. People Hating You Or Feeling Sorry For You?

    Do you think if you ever got the courage to tell people about your SA and they believed you, they would start to pity you? I don't know about anybody else but I would hate to be pitied by everyone. But on the other hand due to misunderstanding, people often wind up hating those with SA because...
  12. theoutsider

    Does Your SA Make You Paranoid?

    I find that lately, I have become somewhat paranoid at work. Whenever my manager has a meeting in his office where he needs to close the door, I feel like he is talking to someone who is complaining about my work quality. Even when I know deep down that it's probably something else, I can't...
  13. theoutsider

    Do You Feel Uncomfortable/Embarrassed For Others?

    I find that my anxiety kicks in just as much when others are being mistreated or embarrassed as it does at the thought of going through it, myself. For example yesterday, I was eating in the lunchroom at work. There's this one guy who likes to talk a lot and everyone makes fun of him. He was...
  14. theoutsider

    How Do You Spend Your Days Off?

    Or if you're not working, how do you spend each day? Are you on the computer most of the time? Do you go out and shop? Or do you do something else. I try to keep a balance but I admit I spend too much of my down time alternately watching TV, reading or on the computer. I have to break out...
  15. theoutsider

    How Long Has It Been Since Somebody Called You?

    It just occurred to me today that it has been ages since a family member or a friend has called me just to talk. My wife get's calls from her friends and relatives but rarely do I. My phone calls mostly have to do with business and that's it. Admittedly a few quick texts and Facebook help...
  16. theoutsider

    If You Dropped Dead Today or Died In Your Sleep

    How long do you think it would take before someone realized you had died? I guess for those who live with parents, it would be pretty soon but for those who live independently, it would be more of a challenge.
  17. theoutsider

    Motorcyclists and SA

    I've noticed something about motorcycle riders. Most of them believe in some type of brotherhood of motorcyclists (or something close to that). Whenever I see one of them stopped at a light and another one shows up, they talk to each other. They are usually complete strangers but it seems...
  18. theoutsider

    Does Your Emotions Always Show In Your Face?

    How good at you at hiding your emotions? I must admit I am terrible at it. Whatever I'm feeling shows in my facial expression. So, I can never pretend to be happy when I am really pissed about something. Or if somebody is creeping me out it shows as well no matter how much I try to appear...
  19. theoutsider

    Can't Seem To Stop Saying Stupid Things!!

    My SA causes me to be an introvert but I also feel uncomfortable when I am around a few people and there's awkward silence. I always feel like I should say something. Most of the time I don't but when I do force myself to say something, it usually winds up being stupid just because I was...
  20. theoutsider

    Has Technology Created A More Socially Inept Society?

    I know those of us with SA will have had it regardless of whatever technology we have access to. However, I have come to realize with the explosion of the personal computer's popularity, society as a whole seems to have become less and less sociable on a face-to-face level. It used to be if...