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  1. theoutsider

    Coming To Grips With Your Weaknesses

    I guess this is sort of a random thought. I was feeling kind of down today on the way home as I was thinking of situations that have happened in the past that I haven't handled well. I don't know why I always do this, it only brings up bad feelings as if the situation just happened rather than...
  2. theoutsider

    Feeling Like New Guy Friends Are Too Much Work

    I've had this problem for a while now but I fear it's only getting worse. For some reason, people seem to always want to make friends with me. I guess I seem easily approachable. The thing is, I have never really been "One of the guys". What I mean by that is I have always been more of a...
  3. theoutsider

    Having A Problem Finding Job References

    My Social Anxiety is beginning to catch up with me in a way I didn't really see coming. Before, I used to be more outgoing and had no problem coming up with people to use as references on applications for new jobs. Now, since I have become a lot more withdrawn, I haven't made many close...
  4. theoutsider

    Do Some Television Shows Peak Your Anxiety?

    I've noticed there are a few TV shows that I like in theory (meaning I think it's a good idea) but I find myself getting anxious while watching. Eventually, I'll just turn away. Two that come to mind are "What Would You Do" with John Quinones (sp). On this show, unsuspecting people are put...
  5. theoutsider

    Do You Ever Feel Invisible? - Life's Little Annoyances

    Not really a rant or a vent. These are just things that happen to me all the time. I'm just wondering if some of you experience the same. Do you sometimes feel as if you are invisible or that you might as well be? Add your examples if you do. Standing in line at the store. I was the only...
  6. theoutsider

    What's Your Best Time Of The Day?

    Mine is the in the morning (yes, I'm one of those hated morning people who are happy when others are still trying to wake This is when nothing has gone wrong yet and I'm full of hope. This usually lasts until I've had my first encounter that triggers my SA then it's usually downhill...
  7. theoutsider

    When People Who Don't Have OCD Say They Have OCD

    Have you ever heard somebody playfully say something like, "I am so OCD!" Or "My OCD kicks in when..." and they don't have OCD? They are just saying it because for some reason people saying they have OCD (much like saying they have ADHD) has become kind of trendy. How do you feel about that...
  8. theoutsider

    How Do You Feel About Hugging?

    I like giving hugs and am usually open to them. The problem is I don't feel comfortable initiating them. This is because I've heard a lot of people say they aren't huggers and don't want anybody invading their personal space. I don't want to offend anyone that way. I have a terrible memory...
  9. theoutsider

    Has SA Made You A Tougher Person?

    I know we all talk about the woes of having our variations of social anxiety but I am wondering if anybody thinks that living with SA has made them a tougher/better person. It may sound a little oxymoron-ish but I actually think for me it has. Why? Well for starters it has forced me to have...
  10. theoutsider

    Do You Ever Feel Like People Are Laughing At You?

    Whenever I'm in a group and somebody laughs about a joke or something that I didn't hear, I always have the feeling that they are laughing at or about me. I don't know. I guess this is something that started when I was younger. Having OCD/SA, I have never really fit in but when I was...