Depressed, isolated, bored, frustrated


Well-known member
I'm sick of being isolated, ignored, bored, lonely, ugly, boring, and generally being a loser. I feel that life is passing me by and nothing is getting better, i have no friends, no girlfriend and quite possibly no job theis coming Friday.

I've got no one to vent to so i'm doing it on here. I apologize::(:

Man - you've got to start by being your own best friend!
Think of yourself by the end of the summer - fit, tanned, having a beer and enjoying life. What do you need to do between now and then to be that guy?


Well-known member
aw why no job this Friday?
I'm bored, ugly, dumb and unemployed. I don't think I'll be able to eat up any more job seeker's allowance from tomorrow. I'm overwhelmed with all this homework they've given me. not sure how to do it anymore. I think I will let them cut me off and still pretend in front of my parents that I'm getting it. Hopefully they won't find out. My mum is throwing a fit over everything these days.


Well-known member
well its good to get it off your chest mate , hope things get better soon gazza


im the same, i am 19, i am scared of what people think of me, i never go out, i have no friends, i eat shit food every night coz it comforts me, i neva had a girlfriend! i am so lonly man, wish i could just wake up and have the chance to live properley, like get up, go to work, talk laugh, come up have a nice tea, maybe a few cans of lager, then go to bed with my gf, and on the weekend spend my earning's on having fun. but i cannot do it, i dont have any confidence, i am fat uglly depressed and i cnt see if i will ever be 'normal'. what we gunna do? at least u have a job......i dont even socialize!! ahhhh help !


Please lighten up, you have cheered me up no end by listenin to you drama queens

I know its hard, life is hard, you have to look at what you wanna be in the future and go n grab it, I was exactly like you lot, 19, no job, no mates, no girl, wastin my life

Now i still get depressed but u have to drag urself up and celebrate your differences and similiarities, puttin a brave face on it all wen you know you really shouldnt be.

O, n helpin others helps you too, but dont make the same mistake i have and go over-board coz it hurts wen it aint reciprocated.

Either way, treat others as you would be want to be treated. Karma and the Bible!