Real life you vs. internet you.


Well-known member
So what's the major difference? I think it is easier for me to communicate on a medium such as the internet, primarily due the fact that I am unseen and mostly anonymous. My normal insecurity about my 'presence' is not there anymore. Sometimes I'm still conscious of what I write and say, who might be reading my posts, and how they would interpret them.

So comparing yourself in real life and on the internet, what differences and similarities can you find?


Well-known member
Internet is easy as hell.. But imagine if we all meet would be interesting..


Well-known member
My ex-date said I act totally different IRL :/ I couldn't even make myself say "You look nice" and generally I couldn't flirt with her.


Well-known member
Other than being hella less talkative, (spread my total posts out over the course of a lifetime for a more accurate rate of speech) ...there really is no difference at all haha. I might be a little less coherent or "together" in real life... if that's even possible.


Well-known member
I self disclose way too much on the internet. I think it's because I'm typing and not actually speaking and there isn't a person right there looking at me. Plus, I have time to think and I can go back and change things if I need to.

Also, I joined a dating site recently and I've messaged a few people there and people keep telling me that I seem really outgoing and then I have to keep correcting them. Because I'm not outgoing and I barely talk in real life.


Well-known member
Indeed my internet self speaks much more, and overall I feel he is more balanced than my real self.

In a fight I think internet me would win.
unintended I can relate to this one. Sometimes for me it takes hours to write a couple of lines and people think I'm normal, but in real life I don't have time to think what to say, so I answer silence...


Well-known member
Internet me is basically the me I would be in real life, if I weren't so scared all the time. I'm much more "real" online than off. I can actually be me on here.


Well-known member
I think that in real life I come across as being a bit thick and simple. I just can't find the words to express myself how I would like. Every second word is usually errr, and I usually answer questions errr yes or errr no.

On the internet I think I come across as stuffy as I find it hard to write in a non academic way. I find it hard to express emotion and feelings in text.


Well-known member
Experts say that personality suffers changes when speaking in another language (I feel that too). But that's another story.

As we have more time to think, it's much easier to communicate online.
IRL, for example, I'm very embarassed by apologising or saying "thank you". Don't have that kinda problem online.


Well-known member
I basically say and act the same way. I just say a lot more on here than I would in real life. I am a lot more bold online.


Well-known member
I am basically the same way, just less communicative most of the time. Obviously.
My internet self is really outgoing and open. Would gladly start conversation with someone else. She's also prettier, thinner and more interesting with a LOT more to say!

My real life self, at 5"0 and 181lbs, is a lot quieter. Keeps to herself and would NEVER start a conversation wiith anyone. She'd try, but fail. She gets along with most people though and will talk once someone else starts the conversation. Easily embarrassed though, a bit moody at times, TERRIFIED of people insulting her and refuses to let anyone see her eat!

Besides if you ever watched Punch-Drunk Love... thats the male version of me..


Super Moderator
Online i have less difficulties, I can actually have a conversation... In real life I can't talk, my mind goes blank, i can't say what i'm thinking.


Well-known member
I'm the same for the most part. My main issue is comfort. If I'm comfortable then I act more like myself. If I'm uncomfortable I am quiet and standoffish. The impersonal nature of the internet has a built in layer of comfort in a way, so I'm more myself from the start.


Active member
As mentioned before it is possible to communicate easier. I tend to be much more confident as well. Nevertheless it is still an obstacle for me to establish contact to other people or to even gain friends.