Nah, seems too hard to learn XD
I guess every language would be useful, but I don't know why my hands don't obey me, so I don't think I could, that's why I failed at trying to play guitar hahah
You could use that phrase to... scream it out loud randomly in the street and see how people react XD
Do you think I'd be fluent speaking English? I'm not even fluent in Catalan or Spanish, I can't say a single sentence without erring XD
Thank you kindly for your cordial flattery, Madam McGee. Now - I dare say 'tis a grand time for tea and crumpets! I would be much obliged for some company! Cheerio, cheerio! ::
I dunno, im, just feeling especially guilty tonight lol. I shoot off my mouth too much here. Anyways yeah its hard. Like when counting things they have a different way depending on the shape. Like counting flat objects would be said differently than round ones.
Oh Im sorry...
Do you know Japanese? I can only make a few simple sentences. But my spelling sucks. Im taking it in school atm but I dont think I'll continue since I need to get my science requirements knocked out. Plus the teacher makes us do skits and oral presentations which kills my nerves >.<
Agggh I hate kanji! I can read hiragana pretty good and most katakana but I gave up at kanji lol