but ya anyways, I rarely get to sit down more than 10 mins and talk on here. So really, Im not around much anymore because of my new job. At least I can stay in shape with this kind of job. haha
I was very impressed with your fantasy skills, you're obviously gifted in playing it. Baseball? I have no idea how it's played, but if you need me to tag along i'll give it a try hope you are well...
Famous? I wouldn't quite say that. I bet you could beat me now, or come very very close! . Have you played any more recently? I keep getting peoples addicted to scrabble.
Dude, you're back! Thanks. I've been back for a couple weeks actually but I don't really feel like posting anything anymore for some reason so I just lurk and go on the chatbox sometimes. It's good to see you back too, thought that Fiona thread (you sure they said that album was going to be released this same century anyway? ) was going to have a premature end.
I'm really glad to hear that things are going better for you Time away from here must have served you well I'm guessing. I'm doing alright, thanks for asking